On the Seven Towers

Chapter 1087: Sea of ​​Projection

The executor leader felt a sea-like feeling in the room, a feeling he was familiar with as he grew up by the sea, but the pressure from the sea water was vague. If you didn't move, you wouldn't feel its pressure, but if you wanted to move your body, you would feel that your whole body was wrapped up, almost unable to move, and there was also a feeling of suffocation.

The leader recalled that he had experienced this feeling when he was a child. The severe pain in his legs and feet due to cramps, the feeling of being blocked by the sea water in his mouth and nose, and the gradual loss of control of his body... all these feelings came back at this moment.

He immediately began to release his magic-breaking secret technique. All the executors of the Judgment Agency are not simple warriors. Some of them have the power to break magic while using fighting spirit. They are called magic breakers within the Judgment Agency. They will use mental power to form silk threads, and then destroy the structure of magic, turning magic into unstable basic elements, so that the magic will naturally be broken.

However, when his mental power penetrated into the ocean, although he felt the magic of the water system, he found that the structure and magic between them were completely different. It was a very solid and special form of composition. If the spells he had dealt with before were castles made of sand, then the magic controlled by the man in front of him was like solid stone. These magics were tightly bound together by his mental power and turned into a whole.

Although the leader's mental power could dismantle them, it was very difficult. Even if he destroyed some magic structures and let some seawater dissipate, other seawater would soon surge in. He was like a person scooping water out of the sea with a ladle. No matter how hard he tried, he could not complete this task.

He tried to feel the source of the sea and found that the power came from the man named Xiao Chen in front of him.

"This... What kind of power is this? It's not an ordinary witchcraft." The leader said in surprise.

"My lord! Is this the real devil's evil magic?" said one of his subordinates.

"No. This is just a projection of my spiritual power." Xiao Chen stood still four or five meters away, without even raising a finger, and used this vague power to paralyze the entire team of executors. "I suggest you surrender now to avoid suffering later."

"Sir! What should we do?"

The leader said: "Give up using the secret technique of breaking the magic, and fight them with fighting spirit!"

His subordinates began to burn fighting spirit and strengthen themselves, but the power that hindered them also increased accordingly. Even if they gained the ability to move, they still wanted to move in the thick mud, as if they were performing some weird dance. But the opponent's warriors would not give them a chance. They rushed over with swords raised, but their movements were not affected at all.

The executors raised their weapons with difficulty to fight them, but their speed of movement was not even half of the usual speed. The first few warriors were knocked to the ground by the enemy in a few moves.

As a master-level demon breaker, the leader's fighting spirit would naturally be much stronger than those of his subordinates. He quickly broke free from this restraint by stimulating fighting spirit. But the power of restriction and restraint always lingered around, forcing him to keep expending his energy to fight.

He was about to rescue his subordinates when a man with a sword rushed over from the opposite side. The man's fighting spirit was condensed and strong, and his realm was also quite strong.

The two of them were entangled in a fight, and the leader had no time to take care of his subordinates who were knocked down one by one.

The leader began to regret. He found that he was too careless before. He was actually plotted against by the other party while talking. He was about to be defeated by these outsiders in his own city.

The executors around were subdued, tied up, and thrown aside one by one. It was as if they were not fighting, but being captured as prey.

The leader stepped back between the swords and dodged to the window. He knew that he could not get any good here today, so he could only prepare to retreat first.

But at this time, a white spear blocked his way, and the young woman who had just opened the door from the outside had appeared behind him at some point.

The leader knew that it would be difficult for him to escape today.


At the same time, in the room of the Navy Commander Montanio, the imprisoned Captain Eselite, as the executor leader said, was sitting on the sofa opposite the commander, holding a glass of wine in his hand.

Sitting behind the desk, the Navy Commander Montanio was a bald old man of some age. He was a little bloated, but his eyes were very agile. At this time, he raised his glass to Eselite and said, "Dear Eselite, relax a little. You have to know my difficulties. Even if I am the Navy Commander of this area, I can't directly confront those people in the judicial agency. Those mad dogs will never let go once they bite something. So at this time, you can't show up. Just stay here and be "judged" by me. Haha."

"Lord Montanio. I know you are protecting me. However, I think those people could really mess things up. These people from the Eastern Continent who call themselves Chinese are not easy to deal with. Just their two ships that have crossed the raging sea and are invulnerable to swords and guns are a big problem. Do you think I am willing to lead them to the port? There is really no other way. If I don't let them in, what if they force their way in? What can we use to resist them? Even if we really fight these two ships, how much loss will we suffer? By then, you, the naval commander, and I, the captain, will have to deal with you. Are you still going to do it?"

Montanio's expression became serious. He put down his glass and asked, "Is it really that powerful?"

"Of course, otherwise why am I worried here?"

"I thought this was your strategy. You know, it is always good to exaggerate the enemy's strength."

"No, you don't understand. Maybe you can only feel the strength of these people most directly when you see those shells can release lightning and shields can withstand explosions at sea like me.

If Saviso brings his executors and annoys these people, I'm afraid it will get out of control in the end." Eserite said.

Montanio thought about it and laughed again: "It doesn't matter. Maybe this is a good thing. If these Chinese can't even deal with Saviso, a reckless guy, then there is not much value. We can just step back and I will send you to work somewhere else to avoid this guy. On the other hand, if he fails? Then you are a victim standing in the same trench with the Chinese. "

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