On the Seven Towers

Chapter 1090: In Prison

Xiao Chen looked at the cell next to him and found a woman lying on the ground. The woman seemed to be afraid of the light and closed her eyes. Xiao Chen asked, "Is this Stork?"

The crow Malos poked his head out from behind him and said, "Yes, it's her. The poor woman must have been tortured by them."

"Crow? Are you Crow?" Although Stork still had his eyes closed, he sat up suddenly and stretched his head towards the direction of the voice.

"Yes, it's me. I followed Master Xiao Chen from the East Continent to rescue you. He is a great magician, even more powerful than the Great Wizard."

Stork was startled and shrank back slightly. She was obviously scared by the name. She didn't have the posture she had when she laughed at the other two before. She said carefully, "I have been locked up in this dungeon for too long and can't stand strong light."

The light ball in front of Xiao Chen slowly dimmed, and the room was suddenly filled with soft and even light. He said, "I heard that you caused the deaths of those people because of an experimental accident?"

"Yes, sir, the materials we can buy are not pure enough, so this problem occurred. I am actually very guilty."

"Come with me, I am very interested in your spellcasting skills. Tell me what you know, I will provide you with shelter, compensate for the casualties you caused to others, and give you enough rewards."

The Stork finally opened her eyes a little and saw Xiao Chen and his group. She said, "Just the fact that you can save me from here is enough to make up for all my knowledge."

When they were talking, Bruders had already walked out of the cell. He saw the tied up executor Sadar and the two fallen executor guards and asked, "Mr. Xiao Chen, did you break into this place?"

"This executor is not very cooperative. He firmly believes that we are the devils from the East Continent, and I don't want to cause any killing here, so I can only take him with me to make the executors here dare not act easily, and then use magic to knock them down.

You are right, from the door to here, all the executor guards have been subdued by us."

In the dim light, Xiao Chen saw that Brudes' face was a little bitter. He said, "Although I am very grateful that you rescued me, I didn't expect to use this method. I thought everything could be more gentle. Now it's a bit troublesome."

Xiao Chen looked at him, waiting for his next words.

Brudes said: "This Sadar came from the headquarters of the Tribunal. If he is caught by you, he will lose contact with their headquarters. In less than a day, they will find that this Demon Prison has been turned upside down by you.

This is not an ordinary incident. It is a rare shame for the Tribunal in all these years. They will definitely mobilize the executors from the surrounding cities to arrest you."

Xiao Chen said: "We are forced to fight back in self-defense. Since this is an inevitable result, there is no way."

But the Tribunal will not consider these situations at all. They will definitely investigate to the end. This is no longer a question of who you are. If someone can escape from the Demon Prison, it means that the Tribunal is not invincible, and their position on this continent will be seriously shaken. So catching you is what they have to do. "

"That's right." Sadar, who had been silent, finally spoke, "Before coming to you, I had already sent out the information that two large ships appeared in the East Continent, and I also requested support. At this time, countless executors must have rushed here from the surrounding cities. My fighting power can only be regarded as above average in the Judgment Bureau, and there are many masters who surpass me. Even when necessary, the four Holy Judges will take action. In front of a Holy Judge, ten of me have no power to resist. Unless you retreat to the ship and escape back to the East Continent now, you will not have a chance to survive under the full-scale attack of the Judgment Bureau. "

Xiao Chen knew that there were already devices similar to telegraphs on this continent, and spy agencies like the Judgment Bureau naturally had their own communication channels. What Sardar said must be true. The Holy Judge he mentioned was probably as powerful as a saint, or simply a saint who was proficient in both martial arts and mental power. If there were really several such people who took action, they would indeed be in danger.

However, such difficulties could not make Xiao Chen give up.

He said: "In my opinion, this is just the idea of ​​the Judgment Bureau itself, right? They cannot represent the will of the saint. ”

Broods nodded and said, “Yes, if the Saint gave the order to arrest you, it would not only be the matter of the Tribunal, but all the armies, civilian armed forces and even ordinary civilians would join in the arrest. Our ships and your ships in the port have already started artillery battles. Since everything is calm except for the Tribunal, it means that the Saint does not know about this yet. ”

Broods glanced at Sadar and said in a low voice, “I have heard some rumors before. In recent years, because the Saint is still young and has not awakened all her memories, the four Saint Judges said that too many things should not disturb the Saint’s awakening, and rarely report things to the Saint’s seat.

Most of the affairs on the continent are resolved by them and the sages themselves. So…”

“So the Saint has actually been sidelined for many years?” Xiao Chen asked.

"That's not the case. It can only be said that the Saint has not yet taken full power. After all, the Saint's authority has always been supreme. As long as the Saint says that she will exercise all her power, no Saint Judge will refute this. This has been the rule of this continent for thousands of years. Moreover, they are all guardians chosen by the Saint in the previous life. No one would be stupid enough to betray such an immortal and powerful person as the Saint."

"Is that so? In other words, if we can sneak into the Saint City, find the Saint, and convince her to accept our opinions, she will be able to stop the actions of the Judiciary, right?" Xiao Chen asked.

"But the premise is that you can get there, then get close to her, and finally convince her..." Brudes said.

"You are wishful thinking. You will never guess the observers among the executors' sensitivity to the fluctuations of the devil's power. The most powerful among them can feel the activities of the witchcraft power from dozens or even hundreds of kilometers away.

Saint Judge Yolanda is the most powerful observer on the continent. Her spiritual perception range reaches hundreds of kilometers, and I know that she has come."

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