On the Seven Towers

Chapter 1108 Ice Coffin Plan

Yolanda felt like she was being seen through by the man in front of her.

Luo Ling said at this time: "Actually, you don't need to be so guarded against us. We are consistent with your position in some aspects. Maybe when we meet the Saint, we will have a chance to persuade her to change her attitude towards magic. Or, if you If your solution is approved by us, will we help you?”

"Will you help us fight against the Saint?" Yolanda asked.

"It depends on us understanding what kind of person the Saint is and what your plan is. We will make appropriate judgments ourselves." Luo Ling's calm tone gave Yolanda some comfort.

Her eyes wandered on the ground for a while, and finally she said: "The Saint... changes a lot. It's hard to say what kind of person she is."

"As you know, the saint has been reincarnated many times, and each reincarnation slowly awakens. In other words, the character she was cultivated in childhood will affect her appearance after awakening. The saint pays great attention to history, and each generation of saints Their daily lives and major decisions will be recorded by special scribes. In order to... deal with the situation of the saints, we have studied many of these historical files. You will find that each generation of saints is a different person. "

Xiao Chen said: "You mean, the character of the saint's main soul will be affected by those little girls?"

Yolanda nodded: "Not only personality, emotions, habits, but even some small habits will be passed down. For example, there was a saint who loved dogs very much when she was a child. She had four or five dogs with her when she grew up. When she awakened , she still liked dogs very much, and she kept more than ten dogs throughout her life. However, after two lives, the saint was bitten by a dog when she was a child, so she was always afraid of dogs. Not only did she not allow dogs to enter her palace, she also kept them in her palace. After awakening, she didn't like dogs either, and even ordered her attendants to move all the paintings and sculptures about dogs left in the palace from the previous two lives. Some saints like to read and rarely go out, and some saints like to read. But she likes hunting and outings, and often visits nearby cities. They look different, like different things, and have different habits, so it’s hard to say what kind of person she is.”

Xiao Chen said: "It seems that this is not a simple soul transfer."

Glade on the side said: "Of course, no one's soul can be transferred so many times. For the strong, although it is difficult to snatch other people's bodies and resurrect them, it is feasible. But even a saint who is proficient in soul magic Otherwise, it is impossible to snatch the body multiple times. No matter what kind of magic is used to snatch the body, it will damage the soul, especially if there is a strong fight with the other person after entering the body, it will consume the soul itself.

It sounds like the reincarnation of this saint is not simply taking the baby's body, but more like... the transfer of memory. "

"Are you saying that what's being passed on is just the memory of what to do?"

"Maybe more. I don't think that just the inheritance of memory will make generations of saints do the same thing for thousands of years. There must be some original will that has been passed down. This thing should constitute The core of the saints' will makes them unable to give up on this goal. Maybe the Tower of Spirits has similar means, and maybe Jose and Adriana know something." Glade said.

Xiao Chen took out the crystal from the Tower of Spirits, and Jose's villain appeared from above. After listening to Xiao Chen and the others' description, he thought for a while and said, "I have heard of similar methods of borrowing people to revive their souls. . Although I disdain to do such things, there are people in the Tower of Spirits who have studied this. The soul of this saint must not be a normal soul. It must have undergone some kind of processing. For example, it is fresh. Fruits are very easy to spoil, and are prone to problems due to collisions during transportation, but pickled preserved fruits are very different and can be stored for a long time. Although I don’t know the specific magic, this method is very similar to that of the Tower of Spirits. Research results. This saint is very likely to be directly connected to the Seven Towers. You must go and see her."

Xiao Chen asked: "What kind of person is this saint now? What does she usually do now?"

"She...should be like a arrogant princess. She has a bad temper and is not very considerate. She should spend most of her time playing in the palace with some playmates."

Luo Ling said: "From what you described, it seems like she did not receive a good education. Is this part of your plan?"

Yolanda was slightly embarrassed: "We discovered a pattern from historical books. The more comfortable the saint's life was when she was a child, the less sensible she was, the less she learned, the duller her life, and the later she would wake up."

"So you just spoiled her?"

"Just let her wake up slowly."

"So how awakened is she now? Does she know her identity?"

Yolanda shook her head and said: "She has just entered the stage of frequent dreams. Generally, after symptoms like this start, it will take about a year to awaken. We are going to delay this process as much as possible."

Xiao Chen said: "It seems that your plan is not to let her wake up, right? Tell me what your original plan was."

Yolanda lowered her head and said, "That was a plan proposed by another Saint Judge Alvaro, called the Ice Coffin Plan. The Saint cannot be killed. It is not that there have been cases of Saints dying accidentally in history, but soon there will be babies around who will become her reincarnation. So the plan is to seal her body and soul with magic props. As long as the body slowly decays in the seal, her soul will not be able to escape. As long as her soul does not find the successor of the next life in time, the Saint will be finished. Because in the Western Continent, although we have learned magic, we have no experience in making magic props. The inspiration for making such a sealing container came from Matthew's notes. However, it took Alvaro nearly ten years to collect those materials, and it took about half a year to complete the Ice Coffin."

"How do you know that the Saint will die like this?"

"That was what she told the Inquisition in the past. It is absolutely not allowed to let the Saint's body fall into the hands of the enemy and be sealed by magic. In that case, she will die because her body slowly decays." Yolanda said.

"The Saint really trusts you." Xiao Chen said.

Yolanda lowered her head and said, "This is to make this continent moistened by the power of magic. We don't care about the traps of the gods, at least magic can make our lives better. Even if we want to develop electricity and mechanical civilization, it will be easier. I guess your country is like this, right?"

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