On the Seven Towers

Chapter 111: Cutting off

Cadiz took Awan, Orville and others to flee southwest. They avoided Adan's team, left the forest, and walked onto the road. Not long after running, they found dozens of people riding horses in front of them.

Orville had sharp eyes. As soon as those people appeared in his field of vision, he told everyone to hide. Caddis and his group sat in the grass half a man tall by the roadside, watching the team in the distance approaching slowly.

"Boss, fight or not, our horses will be gone after we go through the forest." Orville asked, "It's daytime now. If the traitor Adan catches up, we won't be able to get any benefits. We can kill these people." Horse."

"We only have twenty-two people, which is much smaller than them." Arima Thief muttered.

"With the boss here, you are afraid of nothing." Awanweng said angrily, "If I complete the transformation of the rock giant, I can stop them by myself."

"By the time you finish transforming, the enemy will have disappeared." The man said. Although Awan's blood transformation is powerful, the transformation is slow and the movement is loud, which is a big weakness.

"Shut up, everyone. Let the boss make the decision." Orville shouted.

Cadiz looked back at these men, his narrow eyes swept over each person, and everyone was silent. The guy who just sang the opposite even started to tremble. He snorted and said: "We just lost a game, but Is it because we can't fight? Is it because we are cowardly? It's because that bastard Adan betrayed us at the most critical moment, and no one is here. There's nothing to fear about stabbing someone in the back! We'll kill these bastards so that we can have good wine and good food!" Cadiz's face was filled with emotion. He had a fierce aura, and his words were even more murderous.

However, all the horse thieves became energetic when they saw Caddis' appearance. Awan Le said: "Yes, fuck them, I know the boss will not let go of the fat in his mouth."


Li Jia secretly looked at Sir Arias out of the corner of her eye. Her riding posture was upright and heroic, just like the legendary Valkyrie. She was admired but dared not get close to her. Li Jia didn't want to offend the lady, and he didn't think it was love at first sight. It was more like a student's dependence on the teacher.

"You are distracted again. I hope you will seize every moment to meditate," Sir Arias said.

"I, yes, I am restless." Li Jia admitted.

"Worrying at any time is useless and will only make you weaker."

Seeing that Sir Arias got down to business, Li Jia couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. He said smoothly: "You are right, but many of them are my relatives and friends. I really can't help but think about them. What will happen to me if I fall?”

"If something like that really happens, you can cry, you can aspire to revenge, or you can choose to forget, but don't think about it beforehand."

Both Li Jia and Shi Hao remained silent. After hearing this, Du Mei complained: "Sir Arias, we have never experienced a battlefield. This requirement is too harsh."

"War doesn't wait until you're ready," Sir Arias said.

"Li, this is war. Maybe the place you were in before has been peaceful for too long. In a place where we are fighting all the time, people don't think too much. If they don't want to, they don't think about it. If they need to forget, they forget. I believe it. "I, this is for my own good," Sir Thor Botero interjected. This guy who didn't deal with Sir Arias very much became much friendlier after learning that Li Jia could use magic. If anything happens, he'll be with Li. If Li Jia had not declined, his attendants would have treated Li Jia as a distinguished guest.

"Hmph, you have no hair, how can you talk about forgetting?" Baron Fernando hated the word "forget" the most. "Some things will never be forgotten. From a certain moment on, they will be engraved on you." It’s rotten in your bones and in your heart, and you can’t get rid of it for the rest of your life.”

The baron now wore a set of heavy plate armor and carried a two-handed sword on his back. He no longer looked like a farmer at all, and the knights under him were also armed to the teeth.

Just as Sir Thor was about to retort, he was shocked to see Fernando suddenly pick up the long sword behind his back and swipe at him. Baron Fernando was famous for relying on the strong wind fighting spirit inherited from his family, and the speed of drawing his sword was naturally extremely fast. Sir Thor, who had just gained fighting spirit, was swept away by him before he could even draw his sword.

Sir Thor was so frightened that he heard a sound of people neighing and horses in mid-air, and he couldn't help but wonder in fear, could it be that Fernando suddenly betrayed him?

He fell heavily into the grass on the side of the road and was beaten to pieces. He struggled to get up and hurriedly touched his ribs where he had been hit by the sword. He found that there were no wounds, but that he was a little bruised. pain.

However, when he looked up at the cavalry, the sight before him almost made him vomit. As if being struck by a scythe in the void, the upper bodies of most of the cavalry were missing. Similarly, their mounts also had their heads missing. Their upper bodies either flew into the air or fell to the ground. These running people and The horse was neatly cut into two pieces by a force, then fell in all directions, and was hit horribly by the people and horses behind it. Human and horse blood flew everywhere like a fountain.

The attendants around him were cut in half, if Baron Fernando hadn't saved him... Sir Thor screamed like a woman thinking of this.

Shi Hao also shouted. Just after Fernando made his move, he saw Sir Arias suddenly raise her hand in front of her. A ring on her hand burst into a halo, protecting her and Li Jia, but he and Du Mei were a little further away and were not covered by the halo. Perhaps it was the woman's intuition that reminded Du Mei, or perhaps it was because of the strange red light in front of her. At that moment, Du Mei pushed Shi Hao hard and pushed his upper body into the halo.

A moment later, a blood-red light about ten meters long swept across the front half of the horse team. The red light did not cut through the halo, but cut through the bodies of the people outside. Shi Hao watched the red light cut into Du Mei's abdomen like a guillotine. She kept pushing people and was cut off in the middle.

She fell down, but her eyes kept looking at him as much as possible. Even if her body fell forward and was hit by the horse behind her, her head kept trying to face him.

Shi Hao understood the fear and reluctance in her eyes, but he could not understand the more inexplicable emotions in them. He just screamed involuntarily.

Cadiz leaned on the ground with his knife and slowly walked out of the grass. The previous blow almost exhausted his fighting spirit and energy. Even he himself did not know that he could make such a domineering blow.

He understood that the pain of failure and the ambition to rise again made him break through.

This blow killed nearly half of the opponent's men and injured more. Only the leading female knight and the middle-aged knight in the front of the team survived unscathed. At this time, Cadiz suddenly felt that whether he could survive was not so important. He had not lived in vain if he could make such a blow. But, I really want her to see this scene... He laughed wildly in front of the scattered horse team.

Orville and Awan led their men to rush up and fight with the other side. The panicked warriors were suppressed by these habitual bandits for a while, and soon some of them fell under their swords. But slowly, Baron Fernando entangled Orville, and his knights stopped Awan, giving Serinda the opportunity to issue orders and stabilize the situation.

However, at this time, Cadiz looked at the female knight with some doubts. He heard the tone of her voice and saw her fighting movements. Everything had a sense of familiarity, corresponding to the "her" in his heart. And that person was the only pure land in his heart after he sank into a horse thief.

When he met her, she was only 13 years old, and her figure and demeanor were far from the person in front of him. But at that time, her immature beauty was already set off by wisdom and decisive temperament. Extraordinary charm. At that time, Kadis was just an ordinary guard of ordinary birth. With good talent and a bit of luck, he wanted to climb up in the Earl's Mansion. She, Serinda Arias, was the most dazzling pearl of the Earl's Mansion.

The two people who had little intersection originally got to know each other because of their encounter in the martial arts field at night. In those days, they competed in martial arts and exchanged views. This smart lady told Kadis a lot of things that he didn't understand before, and Kadis became a listener. Except for Arias, no one knew how hard this noble lady worked, how much effort and thought she spent on the rise and fall of the Earl's Mansion.

This kind of life lasted for a long time, until the Earl used the blood fighting method as a temptation to let him leave and go to establish a horse thief group as the Earl's hidden chess.

Whenever Kadis thought of this incident later, he was wondering if the Earl had discovered something and didn't want anything to happen to the young guard and the beautiful lady, so he gave him such a task?

This is her, this is what she looked like four years after they separated. She has grown up, her tall figure and steady manners make her more charming. Kadis walked slowly towards her like a moth attracted by candlelight.

Serinda Arias, Baron Fernando, Sir Thor, and a dozen warriors are the main fighting force to stop the attack of the horse thieves. Sir Arias can use various spells to assist everyone in the battle; Baron Fernando's knights are all skilled in martial arts and battlefield veterans. Sir Thor shouted loudly to his surviving servants. These guys can also fight with the elite horse thieves with the advantage of equipment. Gradually, some horse thieves were injured or even killed in battle. The situation began to tilt to the other side.

The horse thieves finally misjudged the situation. When Kadis failed to successfully carry out the beheading, the combat effectiveness of this team far exceeded their expectations.

The performance of the two modern people in this battle was mediocre.

Shi Hao's eyes were red and his teeth were gritted. He raised his gun and was ready to shoot at any time, but the enemies and his own people were mixed together, making it difficult for him to start.

Li Jia's wind blade magic was even more so. His control of magic precision could only be described as extremely clumsy. He picked up an ownerless long sword and carefully hid behind the crowd.

Just as everyone began to turn defense into offense, Kadis noticed them.

Shi Hao found Kadis approaching, he raised his gun and shot at him, but Kadis dodged like a civet cat, Shi Hao emptied the magazine and didn't hit him. The opponent easily bypassed the defense line of Serinda and others from the outside and rushed to them from behind.

"Protect Li Jia!" Sir Arias said anxiously.

However, Baron Fernando, who was close to them, was attacked by Orville and had no ability to break up and rescue.

Caddis made a volley attack, knocked the weapons in Li Jia and Shi Hao's hands off with both hands, kicked away a knight who rushed over, lifted Li Jia and the others by the collar, retreated quickly, and instantly captured them out of the knights' protection circle.

He stood behind a group of horse thieves, covered the back of Li Jia and the others' heads with both hands, and shouted to Sir Arias: "Stop! If you hit me again, I will kill them."

Sir Arias pulled his sword out of the chest of a horse thief and made a gesture to stop the attack.

Fifteen to eight, Sir Arias's side has already gained the advantage, but the other side has captured two hostages.

"Hehe." Caddis smiled miserably, "Miss Serinda...long time no see."

Thanks to the book friend 20170806163003704 for the reward

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