On the Seven Towers

Chapter 1122: Differences of opinion

In the wild mountains and jungles, Asiros personally led the team to find a suitable location for building the city.

Finally, he found a suitable plain along a river that ran through the continent. He used a teleportation array to connect this place to the port city, and then mobilized manpower to start building the heart of the continent.

The scene advanced rapidly. When Xiao Chen saw a huge white tower being built on the west side of the river, he understood that this newly built city was the Saintess City where he was now.

One day, Asiros stood on the top of the White Tower, overlooking the city with a group of saints, and said: "In the past, there were only tribes and no countries on this continent, but now that we are here, we must use a civilized way." Manage this continent."

"Then build a nation," said a saint.

"How about calling it the Western Continent Republic?" Asiros said, "This country does not need an emperor or a king. Let us saints and great magicians, plus some people in charge of specific government affairs, rule it. There are no seven towers or a council of mages here, so what if we call it a saint?"

"But not everyone is a saint." Another saint said.

"Then let's call it the Sage Council. Are you satisfied now?" Asiros said.

As a result, the name and ruling group of this country on the Western Continent were decided. When this picture dissipated and a new picture appeared, what was depicted above was already a huge city. Although it was not as big as the Saint City in reality, it was at least more than half of its area.

This time Aceros appears in a magic school.

His hair was whiter than before, and he was watching the magic apprentices running around the campus.

Carlody said at his side: "Your previous guess is correct. The indigenous children raised by us are no worse than children with pure Eastern Continent blood. Although they are naturally weaker in spiritual power, they are not as good as those with pure Eastern Continent blood. Innate magic resistance is enough to make up for this. It is conceivable that when two mages of the same strength fight, the mage with innate magic resistance will have a much greater chance of winning. Our children who are mixed with them also show that Some resistance, almost somewhere in between.”

Aceros corrected: "Very good. From now on, there will be no distinction between people from the Eastern Continent and those from the Western Continent. They will all be people from the Western Continent Republic."

When the two of them passed by several children, they saw them using magic.

Aceros's eyes narrowed and he said: "Why do most children use ordinary spellcasting methods? Hasn't original spellcasting been widely popularized a long time ago?"

The principal called by Carl Roddy. The principal heard Arciros's question and said with a wry smile: "Although you want to promote original spellcasting, most people, including us teachers, started to become magicians by learning ordinary spellcasting. Teach these children When teaching, we also start with the basics of spellcasting, and then teach the original spellcasting techniques.

In fact, primordial spellcasting is more difficult to learn than normal spellcasting. Especially when the magic apprentice wants to concentrate on becoming a low-level mage. It is often very difficult for people who learn to cast spells to achieve breakthroughs. Because the original spellcasting requires too high mental power. Both the precision of spell casting and the speed of spell casting are much worse than ordinary spell casting.

Of course we will teach students original spellcasting, but many people will major in ordinary spellcasting in order to advance. "

Aceros: "I understand that, but I just saw that most people prefer to use normal spellcasting."

"After all, as long as you draw a few magic runes in the same way, you can control magic." The principal said helplessly: "The casting speed of the original cast is slow and the power is much inferior. You can imagine for yourself, someone will Did you choose it specifically when using Magic Competition?

Of course we will also tell them that once the God of Nature wakes up after a thousand years, we need to use original spellcasting to fight him. But after all, that will happen thousands of years later. Not to mention the students here, even we will not be able to survive until that time. It is really difficult for them to give up a convenient and powerful method of casting spells for thousands of years. "

Asiros left the school with a worried look on his face. Xiao Chen saw the scene afterwards, but he discussed this with others at the Sage Meeting, and Asiros advocated a complete ban on the use of ordinary spellcasting on the mainland.

What Asiros didn't expect was that many people in the Sage Association, which had always been very supportive of him, held different opinions on this issue. Even a full four of the six saints from the Sage Association expressed varying degrees of opposition. Only his closest lieutenant, Carl Roddy, fully supported him on the matter.

Many such meetings were held, each ending in a quarrel that became more and more violent.

Another meeting was held, and Xiao Chen found that Asiros' condition was much worse. It seemed that he had not slept well for many days and nights.

"I have calculated this problem." A saint named Lusato said in a strong tone. Since a long time ago, the saints have been unable to speak calmly. "How long will this ridiculous meeting continue? If we completely abandon ordinary spellcasting, the rate of magic apprentices growing into low-level mages will definitely increase." If it drops by two-thirds, all kinds of production will be affected by more than half. But we already have insufficient strength, and we are short of people and mages everywhere. Should we restrict them from using their feet to work? "

“But if this goes on, how many people will be willing to study the method of origin casting?” Asilos said seriously, “Have you not noticed that even the time you have invested in this research has become less? I am the only one working on the latest progress, where are you all busy?”

Lusato said: “No one is idle! We are on a blank continent, building a country with a group of savages, and there are many things to do. Last month, I have been working hard to split a canyon south of the capital, so that the warm and humid air from the south can blow over the plains where the capital is located, allowing the food here to grow better. I used the holy spell of the Forging Tower, moving mountains and filling the sea. This spell has not yet developed an efficient enough origin casting method. Should I do nothing and wait for sudden luck? Then maybe you will starve to death in the laboratory!

No, everything here is waiting for us to transform it. We don't have time to waste on what spells to use, but which spells are useful, just use it! As for the research of origin casting, we still have thousands of years to use it slowly. After all, most people still look at the immediate benefits. "

"The potential of origin casting is greater than that of ordinary casting. I believe that one day, it will surpass ordinary casting in some places."

"Ashiros, you are obsessed! You can't prove this, no one knows what will happen thousands of years later. At least now, it is impossible to use origin casting to beat ordinary casting. Absolutely impossible!"

Ashiros suddenly stood up and said: "Lusato, words are not enough, I want to have a competition with you, let everyone see the power of origin casting. "

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