On the Seven Towers

Chapter 1157 A small fight

Kalanda had just pushed the door halfway when a violent impact of fighting spirit erupted from the door, hitting her directly and knocking her out.

At this moment, several other people saw a figure in the room, and they all cast the spells they had prepared into the room without hesitation. The fastest among them was Lorenzo. The magic he cast was Power Word: Chaos.

This power spell can cause violent disturbances in the magic power in a small area, making it difficult for people inside to cast magic or summon fighting energy, and greatly reduce the attack speed of the opponent's organization.

What Dining cast was a lightning magic called Electric Power Grid. The seemingly simple magic filled the room with sparkling electricity. Not only can it continuously kill enemies, it also has the effects of paralyzing, burning and destroying space teleportation.

What Maya released was a unique magic of hers, called Maya's Prop Destruction Technique, which was based on her alchemy and forging experience and was specifically used to destroy weapons and equipment. It can overload the functional array on the magic prop, allowing it to destroy its own structure.

In the magical light cast by several people, the demon Gama shot towards a black lightning, broke open the door and rushed in, rushing straight towards the attacking figure.

This attack combination is the result of Liu Yisheng's "strategy". They learned that Miliana's area of ​​fighting energy was spatial deflection, and her good attack method was to use deflection to cause the enemy to misjudge, and to sneak in and win. So every time they take action, they use magic to interfere with this tactic.

On the other side, Karanda fell to the ground, and her fighting spirit defense had been shaken away, but she found that the opponent's attack had been exhausted and did not hurt her. She realized that this was a weak attack. Calanda burst out with fighting spirit and flew into the room, only to see that the effects of the previous spells had dissipated. Gama was chasing a woman with her fists, it was Miliana. But there seemed to be some problems with her physical condition. She staggered a bit when dodging, and she didn't show the strength to match the saint at all. But in the room, her body was much more agile than Gama's, making it impossible for Gama to succeed for a while.

Karanda activated her own fighting spirit field. The quality of her fighting spirit field is very good and can slow down the enemy's actions. Although it does not have any special functions, it is a very excellent field.

A ripple erupted outward along her body, wrapping Miliana inside. Miliana's speed suddenly slowed down, but her fighting spirit seemed a little weak and she was unable to form a field to fight against Kalanda. Gama saw the opportunity, rushed forward, and crushed Miliana under him.

The heavy golem made it difficult for Miliana to move. She struggled on the ground, but could not push Gama away.

At this time, Lorenzo flashed in, pressed a seal on her body, and then asked Calanda to take out the rope and tied her tightly.

"This is a trap. That bottle is not the sap of the World Tree at all. What on earth is it?" Miliana knew what the other party had set up when she saw the two elves coming in. "Who are you? Bo Erlando is with you! Why are there elves involved? Are you the traitor to Alcala?"

Lorenzo found that the other party did not recognize his origin, and an idea suddenly came to his mind. He responded smoothly: "Humph, you are quite smart. You guys from the divine city actually want to take away the natural temple completely and control it in your own hands. You also slandered Mr. Alcala, who worked hard to take care of the natural temple, as a traitor. It's really Shameless.”

Miliana sneered: "The City of God is the representative of the God of Nature. Before God wakes up, we act on his behalf. If you fight with us, you are fighting against the God of Nature, and you are betraying God. After God wakes up, You will definitely be punished by God. I don’t know what kind of rhetoric you used to deceive God’s dependents and lead the elves into this wrong path. This is an even bigger crime for the God who loves the elves!”

She shouted at Dinin and Maya: "Don't be deceived by these people from the Temple of Nature. They cannot represent God's will. I am the representative of God. I hope you will reconsider your position and don't lose God's will." Favored.”

Lorenzo discussed something with Dinin in the Bridge of Souls.

Dinin answered: "Our Elf Kingdom and Master Alcala have extensive cooperation. You people from the divine city are too overbearing in your behavior. Do you know how much your previous actions have destroyed our interests?

The recent instability in the situation was also caused by you. The Elf Kingdom will naturally choose its own position as needed. "

"It's really stupid and short-sighted. People like Alcala actually have a very indifferent attitude towards God's resurrection. Some of them even want to prevent God's awakening. Stay with them, and the elves will be prepared to accept God's punishment. ." Miliana said forcefully.

"But I'm quite curious, why didn't you fall asleep? The drowsy seed powder in that bottle of liquid is something even a saint can't resist," Dining asked.

Miliana turned her head and did not answer his question.

Lorenzo said: "I know even if you don't tell me, the worst thing is that you have some secret skills that can resist some of the effects of sleep seeds, but in the end you still can't even release the Dou Qi field under the influence of the medicine."

"If you have the ability, give it a fair fight!"

"Aren't you the ones who used various sneak attack methods to attack the temple?" Lorenzo sneered, "Even if you didn't drink the potion, so what, there are two saints here!"

Miliana turned her head and said: "Where did you saints come from? How come I never knew that Alcala had such a back-up plan?"

"You have your secrets, and we naturally have ours," Lorenzo said.

"What do you want? What does Alcala want?" Miliana asked.

"After so many years of development, the Temple of Nature has long been connected with the secular kingdom. It is completely different from what it was thousands of years ago. After all, the practices of your Divine City are unpopular. It seems that you are extremely powerful and superior, but you have lost You can't accomplish anything without the support of the people.

Lord Alcala naturally wants to safeguard the interests of this continent.

Under the leadership of Lord Alcala, we will fight you to the end. There are countless of our people, but if one of your people dies, one less person will be lost. "

"You want to kill me?" Miliana's face was tense, and she couldn't tell whether it was nervousness or ferociousness.

"You can't die yet. I still need you to bring a message to Dominic. But..." The surging magical energy suddenly poured into her abdomen, and Miliana's air sea shattered.

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