On the Seven Towers

Chapter 116 On the journey

On a grassy area on the roadside, there were more than a dozen large trucks filled with goods parked. This was the school's caravan heading to Suero again. Also traveling with it were Selinda, who had recovered from her illness, and Count Carlos, who was traveling with them. Negotiating foreign affairs team member. People gathered together in twos and threes to have lunch, while Chen Hansheng and Shi Hao took the time to inspect the ropes tying the goods together.

"Shitou, you heard me right. A real man still has to walk around in this world. How can a good man like you do what you can do if you stay in school." Chen Hansheng tucked up a piece of rainproof cloth and kept talking.

Shi Hao didn't answer, but tightened a rope, tied a knot with force, and fixed the loose goods on the cart.

"Are you thinking about Du Mei again?" Chen Hansheng didn't know how, but he had a certain attitude of not opening which pot and lifting which pot. "Du Mei has passed, just like my family, it has passed. Things in the past are just There's nothing to think about. Sometimes I think it's possible for those who died to return to their original world. Haven't you ever thought about it? Are we all in a dream that we can't wake up from? Just wake up first.”

"Old Chen. You really don't know how to comfort people. You are talking nonsense." Shi Hao patted the tightly tied goods to make sure they were not loose. "Stop talking nonsense, I understand. The more I see the world, The more fucked up.”

"What does this mean? Aren't you living a good life now?"

"I don't think there's anything good about it. If nothing else, I can't eat what I want to eat, I can't use what I want to use, and I can't see what I want to see."

"Hey. That's because you lack comparison. You will know the quality after comparing. Let me tell you a secret." Chen Hansheng lowered his voice, "I went in there back then..."

"Go in? Enter the bureau?"

Chen Hansheng nodded mysteriously.

"You've been working for a long time and you're a reform-through-labor prisoner?" Shi Hao perked up now.

"What happened to the prisoner in the reform-through-labor camp? I was unjustly accused. Do you understand that I took the blame for someone else?" Chen Hansheng looked at the unbelieving look on the other person's face and scolded, "If you don't believe me, you will be thrown off, but ah, I want to understand a truth inside. No matter how shady it is, No matter how miserable the place is, there are still people who can live a decent life.”

"Back then, after two weeks of messing around, I ended up like this." Chen Hansheng gave a thumbs up.

"What's this?"

"I have the final say in our prison cell!"

"So you were once a prison bully?" Shi Hao pretended to be surprised and pointed at Chen Hansheng.

"Fuck you, can you speak? I am actively helping the inmates solve their problems and help them complete their rehabilitation as soon as possible!" Chen Hansheng knocked the other person's hand off and said, "In short, you are free now, and you still have such a Collective. It’s much better than those days. As long as there is a goal, life will have progress.”

"I have a goal! Since that night, I have had a goal." Shi Hao suddenly said seriously to Chen Hansheng, "It is to become stronger, stronger than a scum like Caddis. I have no intention of lying there. Du Mei has sworn that she must, must become stronger.”

Shi Hao noticed that Chen Hansheng was not moved by his oath, but instead frowned slightly. He wondered: "What's wrong with this? Can't I make becoming stronger my goal?"

"There's nothing wrong. I'm just afraid that you're too tight... You see, my goal is much simpler." Chen Hansheng pursed his lips, and Shi Hao looked over there. Kalanda and Selinda were in the air. Practice swordsmanship on the ground. The two of them have strong bodies, exquisite moves, and a sense of strength and beauty all over their bodies. ————————————————————

"You don't look like a mercenary." Selinda struck twice with her sword, but Kalanda avoided it easily. The latter thrust forward, and the huge two-handed sword forced Selinda back two steps.

"I have been a mercenary for a long time. Sometimes what you do now will make you feel like you have done it a lifetime." After Calanda gained power, he did not continue to attack, but took a step back and made a comeback gesture.

"Your two-handed sword moves are very good. This is not something you can see everywhere. None of the knights under my father have this kind of inheritance. You have an amazing teacher." Selinda made a start. gesture, but did not continue to do it. It seemed that guessing Karanda's identity was more interesting than practicing swordsmanship.

"No matter how brilliant the skills are, they are all created by people. What you see may be just a little bit of my experience." Kalanda replied.

Selinda did not continue to argue about this topic, but praised, "I like what you said, there is a kind of confidence in it, which makes us both look alike. I have believed since I was a child that as long as someone has done something, Then I will definitely be able to do it. Maybe I have to fail once, maybe I have to fail a hundred times, but what’s the point of days without even a failure? Some cowards will just wait and wait, not knowing that opportunities are coming one after another. Sneaked away."

"You seem to be referring to something?" Kalanda asked.

"Haven't you seen those guys who don't live up to expectations? They are obviously capable of accomplishing something, but they are not as courageous as us women?" Selinda sheathed her sword and seemed to have no interest in fighting anymore.

Kalanda also put away the giant sword with both hands and inserted it into the scabbard on his back. "Have you seen the wolf in the Black Mountain forest?"

"A wolf? I have a shawl made of wolf fur."

"The trick wolf is very small, much smaller than the average wolf. It usually looks like a harmless squirrel, and you may even think it is cute. However, once it starts hunting and shows its fangs, it is much smaller than the big wolf. It is also fierce. It is very fast and can bite the prey's throat in an instant, and then use its poisonous teeth to make the prey faint. I have even heard that a wolf has killed a leopard."

"You mean, some people..."

"I am a mercenary. I have met many people and slowly learned not to jump to conclusions. There are always some secrets that I don't know. There are always some people that I cannot see through."

Selinda nodded and smiled slyly: "I understand. Thank you for reminding me. In fact, it makes me think that you are not a mercenary, just because of your attitude. Other mercenaries would not treat me like this. Talking."

"Look." Facing Kalanda's puzzled look, Selinda waved to a mercenary casually, and the mercenary ran over cautiously and said with a flattering smile: "Miss Selinda, you What are your orders?"

"Go and get me some buckets of water." The mercenary nodded quickly and agreed to do it.

"Although I am a mercenary, I have fighting spirit after all. You can't expect a warrior with fighting spirit to give you bath water." Kalanda said with a frown.

"This is a habit, a brand. Even if the mercenary becomes as powerful as you, he will still be cautious in front of us noble knights. Maybe some people will become domineering and arrogant, but that is just inferiority. It’s just another manifestation. I’ve seen a lot of people like this. Humility is engraved in their hearts and it’s hard to get rid of it.”

Selinda walked to Karanda and hammered her breastplate with her hand, "Ever since you competed with me and said those words to me, I found that you are very powerful and you have never felt inferior to me. Wait, just like Li Jia and everyone else in that magic school, you should have many stories."


Xiao Chen and Li Jia gathered in a corner of the campsite, surrounding a black cat basking in the sun on a stone.

"Look, that's it." Xiao Chen opened his hand and slowly shook it at the black cat. The black cat with its tail curled up suddenly stood up and looked at Xiao Chen with wide eyes.

"Is it possible? This cat is a treasure that Catalina picked up. Don't damage its head." Li Jia looked at Xiao Chen unconvincingly.

"It's okay! You still can't believe me?" Xiao Chen's hands rose and fell in a rhythm, and the cat began to slowly shake its head according to his rhythm.

"How many accidents have you had while playing magic? Wasn't the whole dormitory building haunted last week your work? Wasn't the flying spoon in the cafeteria your fault? And that time a few days ago, Team Leader Chang was asked to I was in a daze for a minute, then foamed at the mouth and fainted." Li Jia counted on his fingers.

"Hey, I have never admitted it, but Chang Lin himself admitted that he has epilepsy. How can you blame me?" Xiao Chen said with a slight smile.

"Team Leader Renchang has a good reputation. Why don't you want to see him so much?"

"First, I didn't mean it. It was an accident. I had a headache for most of the day! Second, I'm most annoyed by people who do one thing before others and another after others. When I was a reporter, this kind of people If you see them enough, you can smell them from miles away."

"It seems like you always behaved when you were a reporter. Aren't all of you reporters like flies? They will crawl wherever they smell." Li Jia pouted and stared at Xiao Chen's hand, which seemed to have a kind of gravitational pull. The cat's head moved up, down, left and right.

"You nerd has become an angry youth again! Integrity is neither for others to see nor for others, as long as you keep it for yourself. Hey, I'm too lazy to explain to you... Hey, it's almost done. "

I saw Xiao Chen's hands clenched into fists, and the black cat, which was usually kept away from strangers, suddenly trembled, and then looked at Xiao Chen with dull eyes. A few seconds later, it screamed "meow~" and quickly jumped into Xiao Chen's arms, rubbing its head against his chest.

"This, is this done?" Li Jia asked. He stretched out his hand, trying to touch the sobbing black cat that was held by Xiao Chen, but the black cat let out a sharp roar, and then bit his finger. Come.

Li Jia was so frightened that he retracted his hands and stepped back, "Why did this cat's fur suddenly explode? Isn't it supposed to be fascinated by your charm? Why is it so fierce?"

Xiao Chen scratched his head in embarrassment.

Li Jia saw the cat meowing again and again, and clapped her hands and said, "Oh, I know! I destroyed your world. It's jealous."

"Stop talking nonsense, do you want to learn?" Xiao Chen put the cat on the ground and swatted it away a few times, but the cat didn't go away and instead rubbed against his trouser legs.

"Of course, of course! Teach me this magic quickly. I've already figured out how to use it!" Li Jiale said.

"Then let's go. Ouch!" Xiao Chen suddenly scratched his back, "I was bitten by something. Ouch, another bite."

Li Jia watched Xiao Chen slapping himself hurriedly.

"This is..., could it be that the lice on the cat also fell in love with you?" Li Jia patted his head and seemed to understand the joint. At this time, Xiao Chen and the cat had already rushed towards the creek in the forest and ran away without a trace. .

Thanks to book friend Ye Mei Fuhua for the reward.

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