On the Seven Towers

Chapter 1189 The Time of Riot

Laura stared at the big hole on the ceiling in a daze, and felt that she had no strength in her body. Fortunately, after the green ball of light flew out, the divine pressure in the hall basically disappeared. She took a few breaths to recover her strength, then stood up with the help of the pillar and walked to the bottom of the big hole.

The light from the hole turned green, and she realized that the ball of light was not far away. But outside is her capital, what does the God of Nature mean by cleaning up the world?

At this moment, a muffled sound came from the air, like a huge thunder hitting nearby, and then there were many strange sounds from outside, as if something was waking up, and something was commotion. Then the ground under her feet shook violently for some reason, and she also vaguely heard someone screaming outside.

Could it be that the disaster that the God of Nature wants to bring to the continent is an earthquake?

Laura saw that the hall was shaking too much, and there were gravel and dust falling from above. If she didn't go out, she might be buried under the collapsed building at any time. She hurriedly pressed the short-distance teleportation ring on her hand, locked a trace of consciousness in the sky two hundred meters above, and then teleported out of the hall with the flashing light.

Since she used this ring to save her life, it was naturally not that simple. After the teleportation, the ring automatically cast flying and shield spells on her.

Laura was not a mage, and the change of space made her a little uncomfortable. When she got used to the dizziness after the teleportation, an unimaginable scene appeared in her eyes.

The green ball of light floated in the air, emitting waves. These waves extended along the ground to the horizon.

All the trees swept by the waves had strange changes. Some trees directly lost all their leaves and died, but other trees began to grow wildly, becoming taller and thicker. It seemed that among every ten trees, the tallest and strongest one would absorb the energy of other trees and then begin to change. The trunks of these trees began to fork, the branches began to bend, and the roots and branches grew limbs, breaking free from the ground and becoming tree people.

The smallest tree man was as tall as a three-story building, with extremely strong limbs. After leaving the ground, it began to attack people or houses around it.

Laura knew about tree men, but she only saw them in books related to elves. In the past, elves liked to animate trees and turn them into powerful warriors and workers. However, elves only use this magic in a small range. And now, within and outside the city, Laura can see the rioting tree men everywhere.

The mansions in the noble district have the most trees in the city. A tree man rose from the ground in the courtyard of a noble family, and its height exceeded that of the mansion itself. Its branches twisted together to form two huge fists, and it swung a fist and hit the noble house. It seems that the body made of trees is not as hard as stone, but the body of the tree man catalyzed by the god of nature contains a trace of divine power, making its body like steel and extremely powerful. The tree man's fist hit the house, and a wall and a roof of the house collapsed. The house was full of panicked people running around. The tree man seemed to have a certain consciousness. He took steps and punched towards the crowded places one after another. Wherever his huge fist, which was half the size of a room, hit, there was a mess. If he hit someone, he would beat him into a meat paste on the spot.

It’s not that no one launched a counterattack. The guards of the noble families, or the noble members who knew martial arts and magic, all launched attacks on the tree man, but the damage caused by fighting spirit and magic on the tree man was limited, because their bodies did not have any vital parts, and often the knife stabbing and axe chopping could not hurt their roots. Only masters above the intermediate level can really hurt the tree man, cut off their hands and feet, or split their bodies. However, even so, they have to pay a lot of price. Laura saw with her own eyes that a warrior burst out of fighting spirit and chopped his sword into the tree man’s body, but because he failed to pull out his sword in time, he was slapped on his body by the tree man.

Laura looked at her palace again and found that there were also seven or eight tree men wreaking havoc in the palace located on the hilltop in the city. He saw a tree man punch through the roof of her bedroom, pick up one of her maids and throw her down the hillside. The poor maid fell on the top of a noble tower and broke into two pieces. However, there were many guards in the palace, and there were also magicians stationed there. Dozens of magicians flew out of the Royal Mage Tower and began to cast magic on the tree people.

The tree people were afraid of fire magic, and soon two tree people were set on fire by the magicians, but they fell on two rooms in the palace, and the flames spread and set fire to a part of the palace.

Although most of the tree people were rampant in the noble area, the things that appeared in the slums were more terrifying than the tree people. Under the influence of the green divine light, the cats, dogs, mice and other creatures that were as numerous as cattle hair in the civilian area also underwent terrible mutations. They began to expand in size and gained amazing strength. Cats and dogs became more than half a person tall, and mice were as big as four or five-year-old children. They grew sharp claws and attacked the surrounding humans everywhere. The civilian area was densely populated and lacked the masters of the noble area. The fight caused by the small animals soon turned into a disaster.

Queen Laura even saw many hairy monsters in the forest farther away, rushing towards the city wall. They might have been wild boars, hyenas or wolves, but now they all turned into terrifying killers.

Even from the big river that runs through the capital, there are many monsters evolved from fish, which begin to attack the ships in the river. They grow hands and feet, climb up the deck from the side of the ship, and begin to attack the sailors on the deck crazily. Some climb up the land from the riverbanks on both sides and attack anyone they see.

Queen Laura stood in the air, not knowing what she should do to hold on to her capital. She also had a feeling in her heart that what she saw in front of her was not the most terrible thing, because since she just escaped from the hall, the ground has been shaking, as if something is about to break out of the ground.

Suddenly she found that the boulders that made up the natural temple of the capital seemed to have risen a little, and the vines on them became thicker and denser, wrapping them tightly in green. Then, a boulder actually rose from the ground under the traction of the vines, and the temple building built next to the boulder collapsed by nearly half when it was slightly touched by it.

The boulders were affected by some great power, and they rose up one by one and piled together to form a human shape. A rock giant wrapped in vines stood in the center of the royal capital.

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