On the Seven Towers

Chapter 1198: Road to Retreat

However, the reality was worse than the young man imagined.

After four more mutant gray antelopes crossed the wall, the last one to come up was a sturdy mutant tiger. This tiger seemed to have control over the gray antelopes. When it glanced at everyone from the wall, the four gray antelopes stayed beside the tiger with their heads down and eyes lowered.

"These mutant monsters seem to have evolved a subordinate relationship with each other in a short period of time?" Cao Lu was surprised. As a soldier, she knew how big the gap was between an organized army and idle bandits. If these already terrifying creatures slowly formed a group, it would naturally be more difficult to deal with them.

Morey said: "The original natural enemies are now together, fighting in the way of the strong dominating the weak. The green light is really a magical power."

"The key now is to stop these brutal guys." Cao Lu aimed the gun in her hand at the mutant tiger's eyebrows.

"Shoot!" She gave the order and pulled the trigger. The mutant tiger seemed to have predicted her action. It dodged sideways at the moment the bullet was fired. The bullet rubbed its forehead and left a deep blood mark. The mutant tiger roared and led the mutant sheep to rush to the position. Just as they jumped off the wall, more monsters of large and small animals mutated from behind jumped over the wall and rushed over.

However, the strongest ones were the animals in the lead. They jumped quickly and approached everyone at lightning speed. Cao Lu fired all the bullets in one breath, but only left a few blood marks on the mutant tiger, and was unable to kill it at all. Li Huanxiang saw the tiger rushing towards the old and weak in the village, and opened his hand to release an electric net. The electric current paralyzed the mutant tiger's body and made it crash into an ox cart used as a cover. Hines turned over and jumped over, drew his sword and stabbed the mutant tiger's neck. But at this time, a mutant gray antelope rushed over and stabbed its horn into Hines' back.

"Hines!" Cao Lu, who had just changed his bullets, shot through the mutant gray antelope's eyes, but Hines could not be saved. The goat's horn pierced his back, he let go of the sword in his hand, and leaned over the mutant tiger's body.

The remaining three mutant gray antelopes also rushed into the crowd. One was concentrated by Li Huanxiang's lightning, and the other was killed by Cao Lu, but the last one rushed into the crowd and killed two villagers before being pounced on by the militia.

The crowd had no time to mourn, because more animals rushed over, although they did not look as threatening as the previous large animals. But there were so many of them, Cao Lu and the militia desperately shot, and Li Huanxiang kept releasing magic, but such firepower could only kill some of them. The rest rushed to the front, and the militia could only fight with weapons.

Xi Luo held the gun but could not shoot because the monsters were too close to the people. He was now more courageous because of the potion, and he installed the bayonet and poked a dog-shaped monster fighting with the militia.

"The teleportation array is connected." Morey shouted, "You can start the teleportation in half a minute! Xiluo, go and call the people on the city wall down."

"Okay." Xiluo pulled the bayonet back from the monster's neck and turned to run towards the city wall, but after a few steps, he was surprised to find that the city wall was tilting inward. Several particularly tall tree people appeared outside the wall, and they were pushing the wall together.

"There are too many tree people, we can't stop them." Someone on the wall shouted. The soldiers and militiamen on the wall had begun to lose their balance and were unstable. They turned and ran under the wall, but they didn't expect that the wall would fall apart at that moment. Although the three guards were full of fighting spirit, one was hit by the tree man's huge fist, was knocked out, and fell to the ground unconscious. The other two were crushed under the collapsed wooden pillars of the city wall in order to rescue the militiamen around them. After pushing down the city wall, the tree man stepped directly on these scattered wooden pillars and walked into the village, trampling them all to death under his feet.

"Bakaresa! Endro!" Cao Lu cried out, she was about to rush to Elisa who was knocked away. But someone reached out and grabbed her. She turned around and saw that it was Morey: "The magic circle has been activated, you have to organize a retreat."

"I'm going to save people."

Morey said seriously: "The villagers are already in chaos, I'm afraid they will destroy the magic circle in a panic, and someone will have to stop those monsters. Now, we can only save those who are sure to be saved first."

Cao Lu looked at Elisa who fell at the feet of the tree man, and saw the panicked villagers and a new wave of mutant monsters climbing over the wall. She gritted her teeth and rushed to the village chief: "Village chief, let everyone pass through the teleportation array quickly! Women and children in front, men in the back."

The villagers were under the command of the village chief. Enter the formation, but the new wave of beasts rushed over again. Cao Lu said to Li Huanxiang: "You are not a guard soldier, I have no right to ask you for anything..., but now someone must help me stop these monsters."

Li Huanxiang wanted to smile, but his face was as ugly as a cramp. He said: "Don't say it. I won't leave before the children and the old man."

He flew towards the monsters rushing over. He deliberately did not use the flying technique, but rushed into the monsters with a shield, hoping that they could be delayed by him. Cao Lu saw that the village chief had controlled the situation, so he raised his gun and rushed towards the tree man who broke through the city wall. The appearance of these two people rushing out reminded Morey of an idiom he had learned, a mantis trying to stop a chariot.

The first villager finally stepped into the teleportation formation and disappeared. Morey manipulated the formation and said to Xi Luo: "I must manipulate the formation, you follow the villagers first."

Silla stood beside him with a rifle and said: "No one in our team has left yet, how can you ask me to leave first? I don't have any skills, but any monster wants to affect your operation of the magic circle, and you have to step on it I'll go over."

Morey wasn't sure whether this was what he was really thinking or whether it was because of the pills he had taken.

He tried hard to maintain the magic circle and send each person away, but he watched helplessly as Li Huanxiang turned into a ray of light and exploded among the monsters when he was about to be overwhelmed by the monsters. Then he saw Cao Lu knocking down two tree men, but was surrounded by more tree men. Soon after, the tree men turned around and continued to move towards him, but Cao Lu was no longer there.

When the last villager stepped onto the teleportation array, it was the old village chief. He knelt down in the teleportation array and kowtowed heavily to the remaining people in the village. As soon as he was passed away, a monster turned into an ape rushed towards Morey, but a figure rushed up and blocked the monster's sharp claws.


Silla used the remaining strength to pull the trigger on the monster's chin, beating the monster's brains to pieces, but the monster's claws had already been inserted into his chest: "Let's go quickly. Don't let me die in vain, medicine." The effect seems to have passed, I, I started to be scared..."

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