On the Seven Towers

Chapter 1204 War Horn

Battleships are the largest war beasts ever created by mankind, no matter in which world they are. Although in another world it has been replaced by aircraft carriers, in this world it is just beginning to show its muscles.

With a deafening bang, the six gun barrels of the Broken Mountain fired shells one after another, drawing several bright arcs in the air, and then landed on the hilltop in the city.

Huge clouds of smoke and dust rose from the top of the mountain accompanied by the light of the fire, and the entire highland was exploded, shattered, and thrown into the air amidst the successive roars. As for the tree man and fish monster standing on it, they had already been turned into blackened pieces in the blast of air and burning flames. These monsters possessed by divine power and capable of destroying a city disappeared completely without realizing where the danger came from.

Esselit lowered his telescope, and the positioning magic worked very well. Except for one that missed slightly, all six shells hit the high ground. This was unimaginable in past bombardments. The mage beside him also opened his mouth slightly. Their previous tests were all conducted on the sea. As a mage from the Eastern Continent, he had never seen any weapon made by anyone that could achieve such an effect. Even the fire magic of the great magician was far less powerful than this. Field bombardment. And this was just a round of shelling from a battleship... If other battleships and cruisers opened fire at the same time, he could not imagine what the consequences would be. Is that the power of a saint?

Esselit was not surprised by this sight. What he was thinking was: If we follow the consul's proposal and use magic to modify the cannons and cannonballs, how powerful would they be? Will it be possible to kill even gods directly?

On the Seven Towers of Light, the delegation of the southern city-state's exile parliament headed by Glasco fell into a long silence. Earlier, some of them were making fun of those inflexible and extremely heavy iron ships, but now the battleship cannons are showing They lost their power and even their ability to speak out disappeared.

Huang Zheng saw Glasco's lips moving, as if he was saying: "Why can humans master such power without using magic?"

Ma Anmin said: "It seems that as long as the equivalent is enough, any problem can be solved."

Huang Zheng said: "In that case, let's give these monsters a happy life. But after this, the city must be rebuilt."

Ma Anmin said: "Where is the city? What is there now is just a ruin."

Huang Zheng issued an attack order to all the warships in the fleet through the sound transmission array. Except for the factory area protected by Mao Kai, Shuangfan City and the surrounding large suburbs were included in the attack range.

Each warship adjusted its position. Twenty minutes later, the sound of thundering cannons filled the coast. This corner of the continent was covered in fire, dotted with countless monsters big and small that were thrown away. Affected by the power of the divine city, these monsters have lost their survival instincts and will not run away in the face of such a terrifying attack. They will only dodge in vain and roar needlessly.

When the gunpowder smoke cleared from the ground, the area near Shuangfan City had become a real dead place. As long as an organism is made of cells, it cannot survive such a blow.

One representative quietly asked Glasco: "The Chinese are so powerful, what possibility do we have to resist? If they want to occupy these places, what else can we do?"

Glasco said with a helpless smile: "Of course there is no way. When you see that they have such a steel fleet, you should know that they are not easy to deal with. But, what else can we do? Is the Sea Tribe easy to deal with? ? We have been dealing with them for so many years and have experienced countless wars and vendettas. Will they let us live in peace and occupy two islands? This time, if it is not for the sake of China Tower, we may not even have a place to stay. Can't find it? At this point, we have nothing to hold on to. I hope the people of China Tower will show mercy to us, which is probably the only thing I can do. "

"But even if they are kind enough, they can't return all the places to us. The southern city-state will be invaded by them."

"Anyway, I just want a place to live. After all, the southern city-states are one city-state after another, and each of you only manages one or two cities. You only have your own territory, so why do you care about so many? The ruling families of many cities have not escaped at all, so China Tower can just take their place.”

Huang Zheng actually heard their conversation clearly, but he did not express his position. To occupy land or not to occupy land is a matter for the committee to decide. In his own opinion, except for some strategic locations, China Tower has no desire to expand its territory in the short term.

He stepped forward and said to the representatives: "After clearing this area, we will land. I plan to use Shuangsail City as an advance base. From here, we will attack the surrounding city-states. You have also seen that we With the support of artillery warships, we will consider the battle method from the coast to the inland. As long as those monsters are close to the area within 20 kilometers of the coastline, they will be accurately attacked by our warships. If they do not come close, then we can consolidate. We captured the place and then sent troops inland to recapture the city."

One representative asked: "If you capture our city, will you return it to our hands to manage?"

Huang Zheng said: "During the war, in order to ensure the stability of the front and the allocation of materials, we will establish a military government in the captured city if necessary. But you can see that there are not many traces of the city in places like Shuangfan City. What's the point of you rushing to take back such a ruin? So for the newly captured city, maybe we will only set up a camp, or temporarily give up here. What do you think?"

Huang Zheng's tone was not fierce, and his attitude was very calm. But the representative who asked the question in front of him felt like falling into an ice cave. The pressure made him lower his head and regretted asking the previous question.

"You make sense. My companions are just anxious to ask these questions because they are reluctant to leave their hometown." Glasco said to smooth things over, "Of course we will obey your command and arrangements."

Huang Zheng said: "Okay. The landing will start soon, and your people should not fall behind. Organize their team and follow us ashore. I think there is still a place for them."

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