On the Seven Towers

Chapter 1214: Roundabout Operation

When a person is fully committed to work, time always flies by. When the whole world is devoted to the same work, the times will develop rapidly.

If you have a pair of eyes observing the two continents in this world from high altitude, you will find that they seem to have been pressed on the fast forward button at a certain moment, and everything is rushing forward at an unprecedented speed.

Cities destroyed by monsters have been reborn. Buildings have reappeared on the original ruins. Roads have been built between cities. Ships travel between ports. Steam trains have appeared on the eastern continent. On the western continent, steam trains have appeared. A magic spaceship appeared.

Just two years later, the world became unfamiliar to many people.

The same is true for the old royal capital located in the eastern part of the mainland. Many high-rise buildings were erected here and it became a brand new city. Wide roads and overpasses run through the entire city. Many magic crystal-powered vehicles were speeding along these roads carrying various materials, and their destination was a huge tower towering into the sky in the center of the city. The tower has layers of huge platforms surrounding a pillar in the middle. There are many workers who use flying magic to fly in the air, holding spray gun-like things to carve complex patterns on the discs and pillars. From a distance, it looks like many ants working together to build a nest.

This is the bridge to the kingdom of God that is about to be completed, and it is now undergoing the final process: using various rare magic materials to draw a magic circle, connecting the various components of this behemoth together, and allowing it to produce the results required in the design.

In a tall building next to this tower, Xiao Chen and He Xiaoxi were standing in front of the window, watching the workers complete the final process from a distance.

"Yesterday, I felt the rhythm of his divine power again." He Xiaoxi looked worried. "This is a sign that he is getting closer and closer to the third state. According to past experience, in another year or so, he will be Wake up."

He Xiaoxi has never left here in the past two years, and has been building this bridge to the Kingdom of God with everyone in the Tower of China. They encountered many difficulties at the beginning, but as each secret warehouse was opened, supplies became more and more abundant and the construction speed became faster and faster.

"In about twenty days, the bridge of the Kingdom of God will be completed." Xiao Chen said.

"I know." The worry in He Xiaoxi's eyes did not diminish, she said, "Of course this tower can be completed in time. But what about your other preparations?"

Xiao Chen raised his head and glanced at each other. Many phantoms began to appear around him and He Xiaoxi. Various tables and pictures appeared in the air. They were scenes he projected using his meditation space.

Xiao Chen pointed to an image of seven crystals gathered together and said: "As of last month, the seven tower crystals have completed the original spellcasting transformation and have completed running-in with the selected operators."

He then pointed at the many magic structures floating in the space and said: "We have basically transformed the magic that the saints use. Even if we cut off the connection between magic words and magic power, it will not affect our spellcasting. We won’t make the same mistakes that happened in the Seven Towers era.”

The next scene showed several people wearing strange armors fighting monsters. Although these people were wearing armors, they were casting spells. "In addition, thanks to the continuous war to exterminate monsters on the mainland, there are also natural temples. With various magic materials, we have also trained a group of new saints in the past two years, and the number of saints has increased to fifty-six.

The development of various magic equipment and props has also made great progress, especially the most high-end magic armor, which refers to the design of the God of War's weapons, which can greatly improve the survival and output capabilities of the saints. "

In front of a dynamic image of soldiers fighting with sci-fi-like weapons, Xiao Chen said: "In the end, the equipment and average strength of the conventional troops have also risen to a higher level, and their combat effectiveness has been greatly improved. Although it may not be possible in nature. They have no chance to participate in the battle in the Kingdom of God, but if the God of Nature uses methods such as divine punishment, they are a reliable force. "

What Xiao Chen finally showed in front of He Xiaoxi was a huge mushroom cloud. Even from such a virtual picture, they seemed to be able to feel the destructive energy erupting behind the mushroom cloud. Xiao Chen's tone became more serious: "Combining the nuclear fission knowledge we brought from another world, as well as the industrial base of the Western Continent, plus the help of magic and alchemy in the production process. We have mastered human beings , the most terrifying power was brought to this world. Although the test conducted a month ago was only a prototype test, it has surpassed the first atomic bomb dropped by humans in that world. I can imagine that it will be used later. It will develop by leaps and bounds.”

This mushroom cloud seemed to trigger some kind of perception in He Xiaoxi. She said: "I have felt its power in your description. It makes me feel scared. I feel that when something like this is big enough and numerous enough, Even the God of Nature will be afraid.”

Xiao Chen waved his hand and dismissed the surrounding scenes, "Now we still lack the means to launch it, and we have not yet managed to miniaturize it. I'm afraid we won't be able to use it in the process of breaking into the Kingdom of God, but if we fail, maybe It is the last resort in the hands of mankind. I don’t hope that when it is really used, when it needs to be used to fight against the God of nature, it means that mankind is already in a desperate struggle.”

He Xiaoxi looked at the changing pictures, stood thoughtfully for a while, and said: "You have really done a lot in the past two years, but you still haven't done much more than the Seven Towers era. Including this weapon, the Seven Towers had a super weapon plan that was no less than this one.

Maybe if you are given another ten years, there will be earth-shaking changes. Enough to make the gods afraid, but now there is not enough time. I think this alone is not enough."

Xiao Chen said: "You are right, our trump card is actually the seven crystals, but although the Dream Tower crystal has become the Spear of Reincarnation and has an effect on you in the experiment, the God of Nature is more powerful than you after all, and it is still unknown to what extent it can affect the God of Nature."

He Xiaoxi said: "Yes, this is one of the sources of my uneasiness. If you can't control the God of Nature, everything is meaningless."

Xiao Chen said: "I do have a plan for this."

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