On the Seven Towers

Chapter 1237 True God Identity

In an apartment hotel in Barcelona, ​​Xiao Chen and Luo Ling were sitting cross-legged on the bed facing each other. In that world, they were engaged in the most dangerous battle, so in this world both of them tried to maintain the calmest state.

At this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly opened, and his whole body glowed with white light. He was lifted up by a mysterious force, with his face facing up, his limbs drooping, and his body bent backwards and floating in the air. He lost control of his whole body and was completely unable to resist such changes.

"Xiao Chen!" Luo Ling jumped out of bed in shock. She released her mental power and wanted to pull Xiao Chen down.

At this time, a frightening white light burst out from Xiao Chen's eyes, cleanly cutting off all the threads of Luo Ling's mental power. The white light was not pure light, it condensed into a human shape in the air, as if He also smiled at Luo Ling. It spun around in the room, as if it found something in the distance that strongly attracted him, so it rushed out the window, turned into a ray of light again, and rushed towards the street in the distance.

Xiao Chen is like a transfer station for this white light. The white light connects to another world from his body and shoots out continuously.


In the temple, the God of Nature placed a hand on Xiao Chen's head, and white light poured into Xiao Chen's head from his hand. The God of Nature closed his eyes and said: "What an interesting world. I found a lot of things buried deep in my memory. I am so familiar with this city, these people, and the language they speak. I am now I kind of understand why I have mastered such a language and promoted it to the world. It turns out that it is my hometown dialect.”

"Let go of Xiao Chen!" Luo Ling roared. Veins popped up on her fair face. Her expression was like a crazed female animal. The anger in her eyes seemed to tear the god of nature into pieces. But the fact is that she is now locked by divine power and has no way to cast magic or use any other means to affect the God of Nature.

"Is his name Xiao Chen? Haha, don't worry. Now he is a bridge to my hometown, and I won't break him. You should worry more about other people around you. Except for you and Xiao Chen No one else is of much value to me except a man who spans the world."

"Do you remember what happened in that world?" Luo Ling asked.

"Yes, I have even seen them. Carmela, yes, she is my mother, Felicia, the one I love..., huh? And Agordo..., no, that It's not him, that's another me..."

"The other you? Aren't you Agordo?" Luo Ling was surprised, "Can't you tell the difference between yourself and Bermudo?"

"Who said I was Agordo? I have always been Bermudo. Although my memory was destroyed by that energy storm, in our realm, the slightest clue can weave the entire picture." The God of Nature unfolded He looked at Luo Ling with interest and said, "It turns out that you and Xiao Chen are both in my hometown, not far from Carmela and the others. You have been guessing my identity for a long time, and then looking for me in another world. Related clues, do you want to deal with me?

It's just that what you did actually helped me. You have had too much contact with me in that world, and your souls are inevitably tainted with him.

Just now when you were fighting in the second world, I noticed that you were carrying a familiar aura to me. That aura seemed to come from myself, so I noticed him and you, and discovered that your consciousness had crossed over. world. And thanks to your connections across the world, I was able to find myself in another world. "

"How is this possible? In my native world, it was you, Bermudo, who came to study in China? And in the world I didn't travel through, was it Agordo who came to study in China?" Luo Ling found that she had never thought about the two. The two worlds are not crossed by the same person.

"Do you call this time travel? It seems that you, me, and him all stayed in that world for some reason. Studying in China... I remembered that the night our brothers got the exchange opportunity, we decided Let one person go to China to study, and the other person takes care of his sick mother at home. The decision to go or stay is a coin. It seems that in the two worlds, the coin falls in different ways, "said the God of Nature." But thanks to that, I now exist in two worlds. This is a surprise. Although there is no magic in that world, as a god, I can guide divine power to that world as long as there is enough divine power in that world. , where I am still a god.”

"Is it actually the result of a single thought?" Luo Ling saw at this time that although Xiao Chen's body was soaked with divine power, he still seemed to be conscious. The gun of reincarnation in his hand was slowly emitting light, and the consciousness of the God of Nature was obviously concentrated in the new world. No one in the world noticed the changes in the hands of this controlled person.

But the Gun of Reincarnation was prepared for Agordo. If the God of Nature was Bermudo, its effectiveness would probably be greatly reduced.

Luo Ling tried to find the cause of this error and thought of any remedies, but it was difficult to find a clue.

But suddenly, a thought flashed through Luo Ling's mind. A detail that she had not paid much attention to before suddenly became clear. In the two worlds, the biggest difference between her and Xiao Chen's experiences was that she was in the second world. The time of arrival at the school was different from that in the first world, so the small accident that happened with Xiao Chen outside the school was not included in the scope of the time travel.

The reason why she arrived at the school at a different time in the second world was that she was taking care of a drunken best friend, Li Peiyu, the night before. She originally thought it was an unrelated accident, but then she remembered that Li Peiyu, who was also a teacher at the school, attended a party held by international students the night before. She was drunk at the party because of the toasts from the students. After returning home that day, Li Peiyu felt unwell and called Luo Ling. Luo Ling lived not far away, so she went to take care of her.

Now Luo Ling remembered that among the students mentioned by Li Peiyu, there seemed to be a student named Agordo. Li Peiyu shouted several times in her drunken nonsense: Agordo, you dance so well! Thinking of what Bermudo once said, Agordo is a passionate guy, maybe it is really the same person...

Could it be that the coin dropped in Spain has always affected whether she and Xiao Chen traveled through time?

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