On the Seven Towers

Chapter 128: Time of Turbulence

Sharil walked into the secret room passage where the elf slave girl was kept, and found that the place was not as gloomy as she imagined.

The passage is made of stone, and at intervals, there are elf-style sculptures placed. These elves are either playing music or singing, and their postures are elegant and extraordinary. There are soil on both sides of the walkway, with purple star grass and water lilies planted inside, and moonlight vines climbing all over the walls. These luminous plants from the Elf Forest decorate the entire passage with a strange light.

This road does not feel like it leads to a prison cell, but to a mysterious paradise.

"What's going on?" Sharil asked the one-eyed Val with a cold tone.

"I, I just heard a rumor." Val bowed his head, not daring to look directly at Sharil. Ever since he saw those terrifying vines with his own eyes, Sharil was more terrifying to him than the devil.

"Say it."

"Ellen Oakes, the son of Old Oakes, has always been obsessed with elves. Judging from the appearance here, maybe this is the place where he specially hides elves."

"What kind of person is this Alan Oakes?"

"The son of an old slave trader is naturally a slave trader." Val hesitated and added: "It is said that he asked us to attack the elf caravan at the border last time. But the boss takes over the business..."

"Is this person among the people you just killed?"

"No, no."


"Yes, Miss Shariel."

"This man is the culprit, we can't let him go. Let's go!" Sharil took a deep breath and said nothing more.

The passage is very long, and after turning a few corners, you can hear two people arguing. Sharil made a silence gesture, and the group of people stepped lightly and slowly approached the source of the sound.

"Elena, come with me! I don't want to force you, you know how much I love you." The voice was a man's. The voice was a little rough, but the tone was a little gentle.

"Ellen, you can't force me. I have regained my strength. No one can force a rain priest. And... don't say the word 'love' again. I don't want to hear this word." The woman's voice was hesitant. .

"I'm just fighting for what I want, and that's not wrong. Is it love for you elves to talk about the piano and sing hymns? That's just a child's game. Like me, doing whatever it takes for you, that's what love is. Love! You elves talk about nature. Have you ever seen a stag fight for a female deer? Ever since I saw your face at that trading point, I have been determined to have you! The elves snatched you back, this is the most natural love!”

"But this is all your idea. And I..."

"Elena, I can feel your transformation. I decorated this place in an elf style, I planted the plants you like, I personally prepared your daily food, and even bought back the fruit wine brewed by the elves at a high price, just for Seeing this change, you have begun to accept me slowly, don't deceive your heart! Think about it carefully, is there anyone in this world who treats you better than me? "

"You..." The woman was silent for a while and then said: "But this is impossible. You have the blood of elves on your hands."

"Humph, I paid to just let those mercenaries rob you. The other stupid things they did have nothing to do with me. I'm a slave trader, and that's how I do things. However, it's useless to say this now. You have to go with me. Some Trouble seems to have found me, let’s go to the trading city in the south to escape.”

"If you want me to leave with you, you must let all my sisters go! You can't let them fall into the hands of your father."

"They are different from you. They are products sold to my father by mercenaries. It is not easy for me to protect them for so many days... My father's people are everywhere, and it is difficult for me to send them all back. "

"I must take them out of here. Otherwise, I would rather die fighting." Elena said firmly.

"Okay. I'll... try my best." The man agreed with some difficulty.

"No need, they will leave on their own." Sharil's voice suddenly intervened in the conversation, and when she turned a corner, she also saw the two people talking.

The man was tall but a little thin. The face is handsome and angular. He wore a mustache, which gave him an air of sophistication. He was wearing a pair of chain armor, a cloak, and a long sword at his waist, looking like a mercenary who was going on a long journey.

And that woman... her appearance made Sharil, who was also an elf, momentarily distracted. If the god of nature were incarnated as a woman, maybe it would be perfect like this. Her hair is the same light green as Sharil, and her fair skin paired with a bright yellow robe makes her look radiant even in the dark tunnel. No wonder the slave trader fell madly in love with her.

Seeing Sharil and his party, Alan Oaks drew his sword and blocked Elena behind him.

"It is indeed an elf. It seems that my information is correct. You have really found the clue and followed me." He stared at Sharil who was wearing a black robe and said, "Are you here to look for Elena?"

"I am Sharil, the inspector of the Elf Kingdom, and I came here because of the attack on the Elf caravan more than a month ago. I heard that you instigated the mercenaries to attack the Elf caravan. In this case, there is only the embrace of the earth. to absolve you of your sins.”

"The embrace of the earth?" Allen asked puzzled.

"No. This... Lady Sariel. Please don't do this. Although Alan was wrong first, he still protected the five of us in the end... and didn't let us get hurt. The mercenaries were the ones who murdered him." Elena defended anxiously.

"But from his words, I can tell that he is the mastermind behind the scenes. If he hadn't hired the mercenaries, this wouldn't have happened. The Elven Kingdom cannot tolerate murder, looting and enslaving elves. All the mercenaries directly involved in this matter have been executed, and his father died because of his confrontation with us. Now, it's his turn." Sariel's voice was a little low.

"Wait!" Elena stopped in front of Alan.

"Have you been moved by this man?" Sariel sighed, "That's really a tragedy."

"What! You actually killed my father." Alan pushed Elena away, drew his sword and rushed towards Sariel, ready to subdue the woman first. He shouted, and the muscles all over his body suddenly swelled up, and fine scales appeared on the surface of his skin.

"Blood Warrior." Sharil was not panicked. She flicked a seed with her fingers. The seed flashed green light and suddenly grew several vines, which pounced on Allen like an octopus. In an instant, Allen was entangled and unable to move. He fell to the ground.

Thor jumped out from Sharil's side, his fighting spirit burst out, and he slashed at Allen's head with a sword.


The room of the slave trader Dain was full of blood at this time. The original splendor and grace were gone, leaving only a hellish scene. Blood was all over the ceiling and walls. The crystal chandelier emitted a strange pink light because of the blood. More than a dozen corpses in different postures were scattered in the room.

Master Dain, who was still complacent and talking big before, was now separated from his head. His body was slumped on the sofa, with dozens of knife wounds on his body, and his internal organs were flowing out, dyeing the entire sofa dark red. The head rolled down to the corner of the wall and turned into a pancake shape, as if it was kicked against the wall with hatred. Most of the other bodies were guards and stewards, and there were also some slaves.

Cohen checked several rooms with a gloomy face and several guards, and said to Xiao Chen: "Master Dain and the guard leader are dead. His wife and daughter are in the bedroom, and there are some maids in other rooms. These women... died even more miserably. These... these damn slaves!"

"This is Ralph's handiwork." Roger checked the wound on the guard leader's neck, which was exactly the same as the two who died in the yard before. "In addition, there were several warriors who could fight with him and besieged this guard. Although those people were not as good as him, they should not be underestimated."

Xiao Chen was almost vomiting because of the bloody stench. The brutality of the slaves shocked him. Although he had seen a lot of blood in the attack and defense of the horse thieves. But such naked slaughter still seriously challenged his limit, and also reminded him of the painful memory of using soul torture in Oaks Village. Once a person loses restraint, the bottom of human nature can be seen.

He walked to the window and took a few deep breaths of fresh air, which still carried the bloody smell from afar. Outside the window, there was already smoke everywhere, and the sound of killing was everywhere. Xiao Chen panted for a long time before slowly calming down the discomfort in his stomach. At this time, a cold little hand held his hand. He looked up and saw that Luo Ling's face was pale, but still calm.

She patted his back gently, as if taking care of a sick child. Xiao Chen felt a warm feeling in his heart. Here, only he and she did not belong to this terrible world. As long as she was here, he could stay away from loneliness and fear. He longed to hug her. It had nothing to do with love, but just an attachment to the old times.

The room was very quiet, and everyone was looking at him, waiting for his decision.

Xiao Chen walked back into the room, but he didn't let go of Luo Ling's hand. He said with a smile, "We should leave here as soon as possible. Manager Cohen, now your boss is dead, Ralph and the others have left, you don't have to follow us. Run for your lives."

Cohen looked around. There were still five people around him, but their strength was not as good as those who died in the room. Now there was a lot of noise outside, and there were rebellious slaves everywhere. If you run into a group of thugs when you go out, you will probably be in danger. In his opinion, Xiao Chen has two magicians, Xiao and Luo, two powerful warriors, Roger and Kalanda, and his adjutant Jacob, who has also achieved some success. In addition, there are 16 serious soldiers who have fought in battles. In any case, they are a force that cannot be ignored.

We must hold on to this thigh, Cohen thought.

He approached Xiao Chen and said solemnly: "Master Xiao, the situation is very critical now. There are crazy thugs outside, burning, killing and looting everywhere. We are familiar with the surrounding situation, and you are powerful. In my opinion, it is better to be together."

"Why do I feel that being with you slave traders will make it easier for the slaves to remember me?" Luo Ling asked bluntly. She was held by Xiao Chen's hand, and her face was slightly ruddy.

"We are just small characters seeking shelter, no one will pay attention to us." Cohen bent down.

"Since you are asking for help, what is your attitude?"

Cohen saw Luo Ling's half-smile and half-smile, and understood what she meant in a flash. He exchanged glances with the head of the guards beside him and said in a low voice: "We have just checked and the master's treasure room has been cleared out. However, Master Dain likes to collect weapons. There is also an underground secret room in this house. There are some very good weapons and armors in it, enough for us to arm ourselves. In addition, there is a clock tower nearby. We might as well go and take a look at the situation in the entire slave camp."

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