On the Seven Towers

Chapter 135 The Light of Life

Oil, liquor, wood, all these flammable things together, plus a little spark. There is only one result: unstoppable fire!

The flames quickly spread along the tree man's legs, to its body and hands. The pair of eyes that were emitting light were also wrapped in smoke and fire.

The tree man waved his arms, trying to put out the fire on his body, but it was in vain. It was now a huge torch, emitting thick smoke. Its skin turned black in the burning, and it kept making crackling sounds. The vines that turned from hair also withered quickly, and then broke one after another. The burning made the wood lose moisture, and its movements became stiff and slow. It stumbled and knocked down two walls, and finally knelt down, crushing a house, and the flames on its body set the house on fire.

Xiao Chen heard a scream in his heart, and then the mental connection came to an abrupt end. He saw the tree man struggling in the flames, and his heart suddenly became heavy. Perhaps it was because of the encounter in the morning. In his eyes, this tree man was no different from a human being. He seemed to be watching a person who had just spoken to him being burned to death. He shouted: "Roger, take down the arsonist and make a way. I want to put out the fire for the tree man!"

Roger nodded and rushed over with the people behind him. These people were good fighters selected from four or five thousand people, and they were far more elite than Ralph's men. The slaves who were originally besieging the tree man saw a large number of people with knives and guns rushing towards them, and they gathered around Ralph. They raised their weapons and confronted Xiao Chen's people.

"Roger? You didn't leave? What do you want to do with these people?" Ralph was a little surprised. The current scene was a little beyond his imagination.

"Ralph, the entire camp is controlled by Lord Xiao. Surrender." Roger's voice was stern and his expression was solemn.

"Surrender? Roger, are you crazy? It's not enough that you serve the magician as a dog, but you are trying to threaten me? I'm free now, and no one can control me!" Ralph's face was full of anger. He waved the sword in his hand, as if he had been greatly insulted. "I'm going to ask you for my elves back! I saw with my own eyes that big tree stump passed the elves to your side. Did you take them all away?"

Roger saw that the burning tree man had fallen into the ruins of the house and didn't move much. He was anxious and his tone became unfriendly: "This is your last chance. If you stand in the way again, we will not be polite."

Ralph saw Xiao Chen also walked in, followed by the most beautiful female elf, and his heart was boiling with anger. Even if the other party was a magician, Ralph could not tolerate this kind of behavior of snatching food from the tiger's mouth. He spent a lot of money and many people died to kill the tree man. How could he let people pick the fruit like this?

What's more, this strange-looking magician has never shown any magical ability. Maybe he is just a magic apprentice pretending.

He made up his mind and pointed his sword at Xiao Chen, saying, "Magician! I don't care what you are up to, the elf is mine. If you don't want to fight me to the death, you'd better hand the elf to me and let me go! Otherwise..."

"You can't leave!" Xiao Chen had already understood what happened here from Elena, and he was not going to give Ralph any chance.

At this time, he was holding a scroll from the magician's old house. Morey had identified that this was a scroll of the high-level magic "Ice Storm". According to him, if this scroll was released correctly, it would have the power to destroy a town. Unfortunately, neither Xiao Chen nor Morey had enough ability to release such a high-level scroll.

But Xiao Chen had his own rough methods to deal with the scrolls, so he brought a few scrolls with him.

Xiao Chen had already activated the scroll before he came over. He felt the power of ice and snow and the power of the strong wind sealed in it, and then injected his mental power into it without any consideration. The wild power began to tear open the restrictions in the scroll, destroying the path of the magic rune, and simply released this energy. At the same time, his mental power also attracted the surrounding elemental power, and the magic power stronger than the scroll itself was attached to the scroll from the outside world.

This consumes a lot more mental power than the normal use of the scroll, and it is impossible to guarantee the form of magic, and the power will be much weaker. But there is also a big advantage, that is, no spells or gestures are required. Along the way, naturally, Ralph's attention was not attracted.

Xiao Chen couldn't care so much at this time. He was like a child who desperately stuffed candy into his mouth, regardless of the endurance of his mouth, until one moment he couldn't stuff anything in anymore and sprayed out all the candy...

When he walked to Roger's side and faced Ralph and his men, the scroll had turned into a light blue highlight in his hand. Then, he raised his palm, and countless frosts were sandwiched in the cold wind and sprayed out along his fingers, forming a cone of ice mist.

Why didn't he chant a spell? No gestures? Ralph was planning to take Xiao Chen hostage by his speed when he was not prepared, but suddenly Xiao Chen's magic came towards him.

Ralph was enveloped by the ice mist in an instant. He was about to speak, and the ice mist rushed into his throat with his mouth open. He hurriedly covered his face with both hands and rolled sideways to avoid the front of the ice mist. However, at this time, he found that his arms, cheeks, mouth and throat had lost feeling. What's worse is that the long sword and palm in his hand are stuck together and can't be separated.

What kind of ice and snow is this, how can it have such a terrifying power?

Before he could figure out the problem, the ruthless ice mist enveloped the people behind him, and then rushed straight towards the burning tree man who fell in the house.

Strong winds drove away the smoke, and ice mist engulfed the flames.

In the blink of an eye, as the scroll in Xiao Chen's hand was exhausted, the ice mist slowly dissipated. I saw that all the fire on the tree man's body had been extinguished, leaving half an inch of frost on the charred bark. Between Shuren and Xiao Chen, dozens of slaves were covered in ice crystals, standing motionless in the open space like ice sculptures.

Ralph yelled "ho ho" and staggered to his feet, spinning on the spot. If you look carefully, you will find that his eyes are covered with a layer of white, and they have been frozen by Xiao Chen's magic and are blind.

He accidentally bumped into a frozen slave. The slave fell straight down and knocked down the person next to him. As a result, the group of ice fell to the ground like dominoes. The ice crystals cracked and made a harsh clicking sound. Their bodies landed on the ground with a low collision sound. Ralph groped for the people around him with his hands. After touching a few ice men, he seemed to understand something. His hands moved faster and faster, and his movements became more and more urgent. Finally he stood up and looked around with dull eyes, as if he was looking for something.

"Are you looking for me?" Xiao Chen said coldly.

When Ralph heard Xiao Chen's voice, he yelled unwillingly and rushed towards him with his sword in hand.

The green light of fighting spirit burst out from Ralph's body again, but the frozen muscles in his hands could no longer withstand this force. He charged, but his hands kept breaking while running. When he was about to rush in front of Xiao Chen, Because he lost his palm and forearm, his sword had fallen to the ground, but he didn't notice it, as if he was crazy.

Roger silently drew his sword and stabbed him in the chest. Ralph vomited blood and stretched his broken arm to try to reach forward. However, he could not cross the distance of several meters.

Lightning flashed from Roger's sword and a huge hole exploded in Ralph's chest. He raised his head to the sky and then fell down weakly.

This warrior who could fight Roger died like this.

"Gather the slaves who are not dead." Xiao Chen looked at Ralph on the ground for a while and then ordered. The surrounding slaves, no matter which side they belonged to, were silent and did not make a sound. For many, it was the first time in their lives that they had seen the horrors of magical power.


"The fire is out. Is she still there?" Xiao Chen walked to the tree man. Elena and the other four elves stood quietly beside the tree man's head.

Elena shook her head and shed a string of tears.

"She is no longer here. Even without this fire, she will eventually leave us..." Elaina stared at the tree man's face, which was almost burned flat.

"Is it because of the protective seed you mentioned before?"

"Yes. The price of the guardian seed is the soul of the elf. If she survives, she will never be able to change back to her original appearance. She will only become a real tree. And her soul will slowly become silent, just like Every tree is like that. The moment she uses it, she is ready to sacrifice herself completely." Elena peeled off the frost on the bark of the tree with her hands, and then pressed her palms against the bark.

The other elves understood what she was going to do, and they all put their hands on the tree man.

Elaina softly sang an elf dirge with a strange and light melody. The other elves sang along. Elena's hand began to emit little glimmers of light, like fireflies, slowly flying to the tree man's body. The light spot was neither burning nor dazzling, but the ice and snow on the tree man's body began to melt. And the charred bark also began to fall off.

As they sang, a small bud broke through the bark from her hand and revealed its head. It swayed like a cheerful child, and then grew taller and taller. After a while, it grew into a small tree about half a meter high.

This is the power of life.

Elena gently kissed the branches of the small tree, then picked two leaves from them and put them into two small straw bags.

She handed a small bag to another elf and said, "Yarwen, this is proof of Sharil's 'rebirth'. Please take it back to the kingdom and place it under the World Tree."

"Lady Elena. Shouldn't you take this back by yourself?"

Elena shook her head, "I can't go back for the time being, so take it back for me."

The other elves didn't know why, but since the Yulu Priest had a noble status, they didn't dare to ask more questions and nodded in agreement.

"Thank you for your help, avenging Sharil." Elena handed another bag to Xiao Chen, "With this leaf, you can enter the Elf Kingdom. I think the elders of the kingdom should also express their gratitude.”

Xiao Chen took the leaves and put them away carefully, "Actually, she did the most important things. It was she who finally made you all survive."

"Yes. Did you know? We actually don't know her." Elena lowered her head, her eyes seemed to be wandering outside the world, "Just now, she killed someone who was...somewhat related to me... ...a human being. I could see that she didn't like me, and even despised me, but then she saved me with her life without hesitation... This made me, let me..." She couldn't continue, but. Two lines of tears expressed her subsequent meaning.

“Maybe she just found that there is no way out.” Xiao Chen remembered what he said to Luo Ling at this time, “There will always be people who choose to take a step forward when there is nowhere to retreat. In the eyes of others, this may be the leap from mortal to hero.”

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