On the Seven Towers

Chapter 137 Mission Completed

"I didn't expect to meet you two again so soon." Priest Roland still looked gentle and polite, "But in the blink of an eye, you guys were cheering each other around. What a great skill."

Luo Ling glanced at the surrounding knights who were watching eagerly, smiled slightly and said: "The priest is really good. In a short time, we found such an elite team. It is estimated that Suero can walk sideways within a hundred miles." "

"The two of you must have heard Captain Garrison introduce himself. Their Gale Regiment had the task of escorting baggage. When passing by, they happened to hear that the slaves had launched a riot. Captain Garrison cared about the people around him, so he decided to However, the current situation is unexpected. "

Xiao Chen laughed and said: "The riot is indeed true. But the scale was not large, and most of the slaves didn't know what happened. At that time, our men happened to have some strength, so we solved the matter. The slave merchants' escort force There were some losses, and they were afraid that something would happen if the remaining slaves were left in the camp, so I did a good thing and bought them all, right?"

"Yes. Lord Priest. Thanks to the two mages and their subordinates, otherwise things would have been out of control." Roman Juan responded immediately.

"You have done a good business!" Priest Roland said as he looked at the three people.

"It is indeed a good business. All kinds of contracts are available. You don't know, it is not easy to come across a big customer like Mr. Xiao." Roman Juan looked a bit neither humble nor arrogant at this time. The Temple of Nature is in Su Eero is not very successful in Montenegro. He also has the support of several big lords behind him, so he is not afraid of them. Although he didn't know what tricks Roland was playing behind his back, when he saw these elite knights, he knew that everything was premeditated.

"Where are the others? The Dyne family, the Oakes family. Why didn't they show up?"

"Unfortunately, the riots broke out from within these families. By the time we arrived, it was already too late. But all the thugs and murderers have received their due punishment. Now that I think about it, those families who were slaughtered by the thugs It's really miserable." Xiao Chen looked sympathetic.

"But we helped Mr. Xiao save their losses, and Mr. Xiao also offered to buy out those restless slaves. People in those families will be grateful to Mr. Xiao." Roman Juan felt proud. Together with Xiao Chen, they shared the wealth of other families, and they made a lot of money, but the price they paid was just to deal with the aftermath, deal with some orphans and widows, and deal with the inquiries of some lords. However, these things are always easiest to handle and can be solved with just "procrastination".

Priest Roland nodded in approval, his expression was as if he heard that his neighbor had won the lottery jackpot, "This is a great achievement. Both the lord of Suero and the merchants in the city should know everything you have done. Thank you very much. Are you ready to become famous in the world? "

"It's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning." Xiao Chen waved his hands repeatedly, "Some things are too tragic and terrifying, so it's better not to spread them. What do you think?"

"What do the family heads think?" Roland seemed to want to ask clearly.

"Master Xiao is so right. For those common people, the happiest life is to live in peace and contentment. As for the lords and nobles, they must have always turned a blind eye to these dirty things, so don't bother them. The land is good." The three family heads also understood at this time that Priest Roland wanted to silence them. However, not only did he escape with his life today, but he also made a lot of money. Who would deliberately make trouble with the people of the Temple of Nature?

"That's fine. Everyone has thought carefully. I just seemed to feel an explosion of natural energy? It seemed like the handiwork of the elves. Did you find anything?"

Xiao Chen's heart trembled. He didn't know whether the priest could really sense natural energy, or whether he had been prepared and dug a hole for the elf to jump. But according to the meaning of his words, it seemed that the root of the riot was to be placed on the elves. Xiao Chen thought to himself that he had done his best to save a few elves, and there was no need to take risks to cover up anything for the elves. What's more, it is also true that the elves are fighting in the camp. He and Luo Ling looked at each other, and the latter nodded slightly. So he replied: "It is indeed related to the elves. There was an elf who turned into a tree man, but was eventually burned to death by thugs in the Oaks' camp."

"Are there no other elves?"

Xiao Chen shook his head decisively and said, "The Oaks family has been burned to ruins. There are no survivors. The priest can send people to check. But in my opinion, the elf just appeared in the wrong place at the wrong time. He died in vain like any other unlucky man."

"Well. In that case, we have nothing to do here. I hope to meet you at a more appropriate time next time." Priest Roland nodded slightly, mounted his horse, and led the Knights of the Wind to leave quickly.

"It seems that your big plan has frustrated Roland. Be careful that he will hate you." Luo Ling watched the knights running towards the sunset and whispered in Xiao Chen's ear.

"If I could earn this much every time I was hated by someone, I would rather offend people every day." Xiao Chen shrugged.

Today he could be said to have risked his life, but the outcome was far beyond his expectations. There were nearly 5,000 slaves, most of whom were young men and women, including warriors, craftsmen, farmers, and miners. Manpower is the foundation for a group of people to gain a foothold anywhere. As long as they can find a way to settle these people, the school's situation will be improved in a short time. What's more, there are also food, supplies and treasures hoarded by slave traders... Thinking of this, Xiao Chen couldn't help laughing: "We have to celebrate!"

"How do you want to celebrate?"

He saw Luo Ling also smiling, and her face was as tempting as a red apple under the setting sun. He suddenly felt itchy in his heart, and somehow he became bolder. He wanted to imitate Wei Xiaobao's catchphrase and say "It's done, kiss." But what he said came out of his mouth: "It's done, how about a hug?"

However, this sentence only attracted a roll of eyes, Luo Ling turned around and got on the carriage by herself. He ran to the carriage, but was turned away. Luo Ling showed half of her face from the car window and said, "I'm not your 'Shuang'er'! Go find your elf sister and 'finish the job'. Today, you just saved a beautiful woman. It would be a pity to miss this beautiful day."

Xiao Chen was stunned, then laughed, "What's the matter? What are you talking about?"

"No, that's not a sister!" Xiao Chen was interrupted by Luo Ling before he finished speaking, "I heard that elves have a long life, and adolescence alone takes a hundred or eighty years. You have to ask clearly, is that 'Elena' your grandmother or great-grandmother, and how many years apart are there between the two. If you foolishly eat the tender grass, you will lose a lot."

"Oh! This is sour..."

Luo Ling poked her head out and raised her index finger to make a silencing gesture, "You have to ask secretly, even old grandmothers will mind their age, right?"

Then, the carriage abandoned Xiao Chen and went all the way to Suero.


The Knights of the Wind lived up to their name. After a short while, Suero was left far behind.

Deputy Captain Garrison and Centurion Drew rode beside Priest Roland. Seeing that the team had been running along the road for a while, Garrison asked, "Lord Roland, where are we going?"

"Back to the base." Roland answered calmly, not showing much joy or anger.

"Yes." Garrison replied.

Drew seemed a little unwilling. He hesitated for a moment and asked, "My Lords! I'm thinking that we might be able to sneak back to Suero at night and make a surprise attack. Those slaves have no discipline. Once they get in chaos, there will definitely be another riot."

Deputy Captain Garrison frowned slightly, glared at Drew, and scolded, "Are you addicted to being a mercenary?"

"I just think that things are not at a point where there is no hope." Drew answered with a stiff upper lip.

"You are kind. But this matter ends here. Deputy Captain Garrison, I think Drew may be more suitable for other work. Why not assign him to my place as a deacon?" Priest Roland asked.

"As you wish. It's his luck that you can use him."

"Sir! The situation looks serious." After Garrison and Drew left, Ganuo asked carefully.

"It seems that your worries have become a reality." Priest Roland smiled bitterly, "The ability of Miss Luo Ling is still far beyond our expectations."

Gano seemed very frustrated: "This was originally a good plan, to strike at slave traders, become a hero who saved Suero, and by the way, to sow discord between the kingdom and the elves."

"Human affairs are determined by fate, and success and failure are common. Instead of being upset, it is better to reflect."

"Yes. Then... should I notify my father and ask him to stop the next move against the elves in his jurisdiction?"

"Yes, the movement this time is not big enough, and the lords' backlash against the elves will be limited. Let your father not waste his energy. Ask him to wait for an opportunity. Elves The conflict with the kingdom is a conflict over living space. The people of the kingdom have never stopped expanding westward, and one day they will touch the bottom line of the elves. It's like two bears whose dens are too close to each other. In the end, they will always fight because of occupying territory. This is inevitable, and we always have the opportunity to intervene. Just like Suero, one day, we will let these places return to the embrace of nature. "

"What about Miss Luo and the others?"

"Young man, you are right. These magicians who strangely appeared in Montenegro are worth our attention. This failure is a warning from nature to us. You should arrange some people to investigate. Maybe the appearance of these people is our chance to enter Montenegro..."

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