On the Seven Towers

Chapter 140: New Day

After Xiao Chen said goodbye to Luo Ling, his heart was filled with excitement. He originally wanted to take over these slaves, just to let the school make more money and let his own people develop faster. He didn't think deeply about what his actions would bring to the world here. But after talking to Luo Ling. He suddenly found himself standing at the beginning of a road. If it continues down this path, the world may well diverge from its past.

Standing at the bifurcation point of history, as a promoter participating in it, this feeling makes people feel like they are in the clouds. But, can I really do it? He was just a graduate student who had worked as a reporter for two years. Apart from his flexible mind, he didn't have much special features. He has read some history and knows how powerful and terrifying the power of history is. Being in it alone is like sailing in a typhoon-raging ocean. Even if you are extremely cautious, you may be killed at any time.

Can it really be done? He looked around, trying to find a companion, but at this time, whether it was Luo Ling, Li Jia, or Lao Chen, these companions had already gone about their own affairs. He felt enveloped in loneliness for a moment.

Xiao Chen's palms were sweaty and the soles of his feet were cold. He hoped that someone would come and talk to him at this time, anyone could...

As everyone wished, at this moment, a soldier under Roger rushed over and shouted: "Master Xiao, something happened outside!"


In the open space behind the hillside outside Suero City, the slaves were divided into teams of two to three hundred people to rest on the spot, watched by Calanda, Roger and his soldiers.

A dozen large pots have been set up among them, and the women have taken water to boil and are preparing food for the evening.

Maybe there was a collision during the work, and several slaves started fighting. Between the pushing and shoving, what was originally a small conflict turned into a group fight involving dozens of people. The idle slaves around saw the lively fighting here, and they all gathered around to watch and cheer, and even many of the guarding soldiers came over.

Kalanda angrily led several soldiers to stop them and knocked down dozens of troublemakers to the ground.

Unexpectedly, another group of slaves took advantage of everyone's attention being focused on the fight, attacked the soldiers guarding a baggage truck, robbed food and property, and began to escape.

This immediately caused a chain reaction among a group of restless and insecure slaves. Many people who had thoughts of escaping, or who did not trust Xiao Chen, joined in the process of robbing supplies and began to escape. .

There were not many soldiers left to guard the baggage. The leader was Roger's adjutant Jacob. He only had about forty or fifty soldiers under his command. Among them, Roger's original team only had two people. He was afraid that his men would also have other ideas. , lost control, so they were ordered to move closer to form a formation and tightly guard some of the most valuable belongings. Several carts of grain outside were looted by slaves.

Callanda saw this scene and did not pursue the escaped slave. Instead, he came among the remaining slaves, chopped down a foot-thick tree next to him with a sword, and shouted loudly: "Sit down where you are, anyone who dares to move will be like this tree!"

And Roger mounted his horse and chased him out of the camp...

When Xiao Chen followed the soldiers who reported the news and ran out of the outer city of Suero, he happened to encounter Roger blocking a group of escaping slaves.

Roger was holding the sword, and the tip of the Thunder Mark Sword was dripping with blood. In front of him, two men fell in a pool of blood, with food and belongings scattered around them. Behind the corpse is a group of trembling people, including men and women, old and young. The only thing they have in common is that they are all carrying or holding some food and property.

"What's going on?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Sir, it was our incompetence and failure to watch them that allowed them to escape. When I chased them here, two men tried to attack me, but I killed them. At this time, I had to be ruthless."

Xiao Chen glanced at the corpse on the ground and said, "It's not your fault. It's not that easy for people like us to control slaves that are a hundred times larger than us. I want you and Kalanda to shoulder the burden of so many people. It’s hard for you. You did nothing wrong, take them back.”

"Yes!" Roger turned cold and shouted to the dozens of people in front of him: "Did you hear that? Go back quickly, otherwise these two people on the ground will be your fate."

Those people looked at each other, and the first few knelt down immediately. A middle-aged man begged in a pitiful voice: "Sir, please let us go. We will be grateful to you for the rest of our lives."

Xiao Chen looked at them and found that these people looked honest and kind, and they didn't look like evil people. He couldn't help but wonder: "Why are you leaving? Didn't I promise you that I would give you a good place?"

"This..., this..." Several people hesitated.

"Don't you know that if you run away like this, you will probably be caught by other lords and do hard labor, or even be executed directly?" Xiao Chen asked confused.

Instead of explaining, several people trembled like chaff.

Xiao Chen didn't have time to spend with them, so he picked up a person with his backhand and dragged him to him. Since his body was transformed by white light, his strength has been slowly increasing. Although it cannot be compared with warriors of the same level, it is effortless to lift a person.

"You know, I'm a magician. If I want you to talk, there are many ways. It doesn't even matter whether you are alive or dead. My patience is very limited now. You'd better tell me immediately why you want to leave."

The middle-aged man he mentioned was obviously frightened by the name of the magician. In front of a magician who could talk to the dead, he wisely chose to surrender and spit out everything he knew: "At the beginning, we just wanted to fight you to get out of the slave camp, but we didn't expect that things would change later. I don't know why no one chased us. Later, someone found out that you bought us all. Whether it was the slave traders, Suero's people, or the Knights Templar, they all admitted it. Now many people feel that something is wrong. No one has ever been able to buy so many slaves. Everyone is very afraid of this kind of thing that has never happened. Some people say that our food is not enough for a few days. If we are sent to open up wasteland, we will probably starve to death. You are solving troubles for the slave traders. Some people say that magicians will...will ...Eating people. They bought so many people and planned to save them for eating. Some people also said that if they requisitioned so many slaves at once, they would definitely be pulled to the front line of the empire to build fortifications, and would be pushed out to die in the war. "

"Do any of you believe it?"

"Many people believe it."

"Didn't I tell you to follow me and build your own new home?"

"Ah? Do you really think so? Which lord bought slaves and let them build their own homes? The masters would like to squeeze every slave dry and eat them. Who would think for the slaves? Although no one could explain clearly what they guessed, it sounded more reliable than "building their own new home." "

Xiao Chen was furious. His thoughts were regarded as nonsense in this era, and they were not as credible as the "rumor of magicians eating people". But when he saw these trembling poor people in front of him, he couldn't get angry. Such ignorance and blind faith were not their own fault, but the evil consequences of this society. This was one of the biggest challenges he had to face.

Xiao Chen let go of the middle-aged man and said to the people who were still kneeling on the ground: "I swear here on the honor of a magician that I will never hurt any of you. Now, get up and follow me!"

But those people still lay on the ground, no one stood up.

Xiao Chen knew that time was running out, so he gritted his teeth and released the trustworthy charm magic.

One minute later...

"Knight Roger, you are so handsome."

"Young man, you killed those two people just now, but it's a pity that I couldn't help you even if I wanted to."

"Brother Luo Da, we will rush to where you point, and whoever comes will be killed."

"Sir Roger, come to our tent at night!"

Roger was surrounded by the slaves. The men wanted to put their arms around him, and the women wanted to touch him. Roger dodged left and right, sweating profusely. He shouted: "Sir, why are you here again!"

"It's okay, they just like you. You are already very experienced, so take them back to the camp now."

When Xiao Chen and Roger returned to the slave camp, most people's emotions had stabilized. However, more than 200 people escaped, and another 20 or so people were killed by the guards while escaping, and more than 50 people were injured in the chaos. The riot still caused considerable losses.

Xiao Chen looked at these fearful and frightened slaves and decided to do something. He did not release the charm magic again, because it could not cure the root cause, and Roger's pleading eyes were too pitiful.

He decided to use words to persuade the people in front of him.

Xiao Chen stood among the slaves, picked up a copper trumpet, looked around, and spoke to the slaves: "Dear brothers and sisters..."

As soon as this sentence came out, there was silence around, and then a loud noise broke out. All the slaves were frightened by Xiao Chen's address. No one had ever called these slaves like this, not to mention that many masters only treated them as animals. Even Roger and Kalanda were surprised and wondered if Xiao Chen had said the wrong thing.

"I call you like this not to make fun of you, nor to laugh at you. Instead, I sincerely regard you as people with dignity, people like me. We can talk and chat with each other like brothers and sisters. I can swear on my reputation as a magician and even my life that what I say now is all true.

When you regard yourself as a real person, those masters are no different from us. Everyone has the same head and the same hands. We can laugh and cry, we are just as attached to our parents and love our children. But why are they so high up, while we are here?"

Xiao Chen looked at these people, confused, resentful, jealous, puzzled, numb, and so on.

"Because this world doesn't give you such an opportunity! This world makes you live a miserable life or slowly walk into a dilapidated situation. This world is cold, ruthless, and full of malice towards you! But I will give you a chance. I come from a very far place. I don't follow the ugly rules here. Follow me, you can save yourself and regain your dignity as a human being.

Some people died today. I feel sorry, but I don't sympathize with them. People who don't even want to give themselves hope are not worthy of sympathy! I don't want to say more, because a thousand words, ten thousand words, are not as convincing as facts. I hope you follow me, take a look, and try it. This will definitely change your life!"

Xiao Chen saw that some people had hope on their faces, but most people still looked wooden and indifferent. He knew that it would be a long process to gain the real trust of these people.

He pointed to a large group of livestock tied not far away and said: "Today, in order to celebrate your new beginning, I will kill ten pigs and make meat for everyone."

"Long live!" At this time, everyone showed ecstatic expressions, and the shouts that broke out resounded through the sky.

@Changemaoxian, I will reply to Chen Hansheng’s question yesterday.

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