On the Seven Towers

Chapter 148 Goblin Captives

The cave where the goblin prisoners were kept was not far away. It was only a minute's walk away from the camp along a path. There is no obstruction between here and the camp, and we can see each other clearly. The vegetation at the entrance of the cave was simply cleared, leaving a good view, and two bonfires illuminated the entrance.

Wang Jiyuan arranged for a squad to be stationed here. However, by this time most of the people had already gotten into their sleeping bags to rest, leaving only four people standing guard at the entrance of the cave.

"Who?! Don't move!" Cai Long, the leading sentry, saw Ji Yijun and Ye Zi emerging from the darkness. He immediately raised his gun and cursed after seeing his face clearly, "Fuck, it's you! I don't know. The battalion commander wants a curfew!”

"Lao Cai. You are a serious soldier, deputy platoon leader. Don't make a fuss, okay?" Ji Yijun walked up to Cai Long and said, "Who would come to this broken forest except goblins? You look nervous, isn't it because you're afraid of ghosts?"

"Fuck you!" Cai Long laughed, pushed him back, and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Of course you are here to review the information." Ji Yijun said.

"Didn't the battalion commander just leave not long ago? Why do we need to interrogate him again?"

Ji Yijun pointed at Ye Zi and said: "Old Wang asked me to bring her here to try and see if I can get the goblin to speak with a different woman. After all, she and the goblin have had a good relationship, right?"

Cai Long glanced at Ye Zi and approached Ji Yijun: "Are you sure? Wasn't she just dismissed? Wasn't it some trick you did to attract girls?"

"Go away." Ji Yijun also whispered: "With all conscience, what man in his right mind would look for her? Isn't domestic violence exciting enough?"

"The Overlord Flower may have a different flavor and it's hard to tell." The two of them laughed.

But Ye Zi, who was standing behind, became impatient, "What are you whispering secretly? Speak out and listen."

"The password is right." Ji Yijun is the smartest at this time, "Old Wang is a very subtle person, and he has also set a password. Right?"

"Yes, yes, that's right!" Cai Long said with a serious face, "You want to interrogate that goblin, right? Do you want to bring it up for questioning, or go into the cave to ask?"

"Inside." Ye Zi replied.

"They don't have weapons, but the shaman looks evil, so be careful." Cai Long moved the fence at the door and asked his soldiers to hand them two torches. After the two entered, he closed the fence again.

The cave was smaller than Ji Yijun imagined, and the structure was much simpler. Walking more than ten steps along a straight stone path, you reached the bottom of the cave.

By the light of the fire, Ji Yijun saw a dozen goblins in rags huddled in the corner. The goblins were short in stature and not very strong, so the guards didn't even bother to tie them up without weapons.

When these goblins saw Ji Yijun and Ye Zi coming in, most of them looked nervous and avoided looking at them. Some of them were trembling. The only one who seemed relatively calm was an old goblin among them with strange patterns on his face and a bone necklace on his body.

"Here, it's this guy." Ji Yijun pointed at the goblin shaman with his torch. The shaman's eyes were narrowed by the torch, but he didn't make any sound.

Ye Zi stepped forward, looked at the old goblin, and asked, "Are you the shaman who leads this tribe? I want to know why you appear in this forest and why you kill the surrounding villagers."

The old goblin squinted his eyes and glanced at Ye Zi, lowered his head and said nothing.

"You killed the surrounding villagers, so we attacked your village. You must pay for what you have done. But I think the death of so many goblins is not what you want to see. And for me , I don’t think killing all the goblins is the only solution, so I need you to tell me how it all started.”

The old goblin had a sneer on his face, but still didn't answer Ye Zi's question.

"Don't give up this opportunity. Some people want you all to die." Ji Yijun interjected from the side.

At this time, a female goblin holding a child came to the goblin shaman and muttered. The old goblin's face changed slightly after hearing this. He slowly raised his head, stared at Ye Zi, and began to speak in a hoarse voice. His tone was a little weird, like a foreigner speaking Chinese: "I never believe in any human beings. I have lived for fifty years, and I have never seen anyone. Many goblins have died at the hands of humans. You are more ferocious than wolves and more cunning than foxes. None of the goblins who trusted humans had a good end. However, my daughter just told me why you let her go. ?”

"Because she is holding the child." Ye Zi replied.

The goblin shaman sneered: "Hmph, false pity. You humans are always like this, doing bad things with sympathy. But we goblins do whatever we think!"

"So we live in a house on the plain, and you can only sit in the woods!" Ji Yijun sneered back.

"You're not unhappy about bad things, are you? Let me ask you a question." Ye Zi waved his hand to shut him up, and then asked the goblin shaman, "Don't you want to save your daughter and grandson? If you show your value, Maybe it can save their lives."

The old goblin glanced at the little goblin in his mother's arms, shook his head and said: "Goblins are of no use to humans. We don't have the skills of dwarves, the knowledge of elves, or the strength of orcs. Therefore, humans will never do anything except kill us. Give us another way out. You don't have to put in any effort. I don't want to be deceived again. If you didn't let my daughter go, I wouldn't talk to you at all."

"You said 'again'? Have you dealt with humans before?" Ye Zi asked.

"Did I say it? That's just a thing in the past, hum, otherwise how could I speak the magic language?" After saying this, the goblin shaman sat down without saying a word.

For a moment, the cave was silent except for the slight crackling sound of the burning torch.

Perhaps because of the smell of torch smoke, the little goblin who was being held suddenly started crying. He was much smaller than a human baby, so his voice was very high-pitched, which sounded very irritating.

The goblin shaman stretched out his finger, drew a strange symbol in the air, and then lightly pressed it on the little goblin's forehead. Soon, the little goblin's voice became softer, but the old goblin never took his hand back.

When the female goblin saw this scene, she suddenly screamed and begged the goblin shaman for something in a panic. She spoke very quickly, as if something important was about to leave her.

"What's going on?" Ye Zi asked uneasily.

"Maybe... he wants to kill that little thing." Ji Yijun guessed.

"What are you doing!" Seeing that the little goblin's aura was slowly weakening, Ye Zi hurriedly kicked away the shaman's hand. The female goblin hugged the little goblin and hid in the corner.

The goblin shaman was kicked by Ye Zi and staggered, falling to the ground. He slowly raised his body from the ground, looked at the frightened female goblin and other tribesmen, and sighed: "What I know... what happened to us, what's the use of telling you? I am a slave to you. Death, even if you let us go, where can we go? If the child dies here, he won’t have to suffer anymore.”

"You should give it a try." Ye Zi said, "At least, I can see your intolerance."

The goblin shaman sat down cross-legged. He closed his eyes slightly, muttered words, and made various movements with his hands in conjunction with the faint chanting. After a while, he said: "My ancestors told me that I still have a chance and asked me not to give up... Well, let me tell you why we came here. Our tribe originally lived in deeper mountains and forests, where there are few There were humans there, but there were a lot of wild animals and little food, so our tribe was still small, but we could still survive. However, just over two months ago, everything became unsettled. First, there were frequent earthquakes and landslides in the mountains, and wild beasts. The Wolf Fang tribe near us moved to the woods outside, but was soon attacked by human magicians. Many goblins escaped and joined our tribe. However, it didn't take long for a group to appear. Humans attacked our tribe at night. Originally, they were not necessarily rivals of the tribe. Our Ancestral Soul Warriors and Shamans outnumbered them, but they used despicable means to attack us, just like you did."

"Are we sneaking in?" Ji Yijun said dissatisfied, "We came in honestly, okay?"

The goblin shaman ignored him and continued: "That night, many soldiers were killed in the house before they woke up. We could only fight and escape, leaving the village overnight. By the next day, I Counting the number of people in the forest, only half of the tribe escaped, the others were dead...all dead."

"Where are those who attacked you?" Ye Zi asked.

"They occupied our village and robbed all our food. So we had no choice but to escape all the way to here. There are humans here and it is possible to get more food. Otherwise, when winter comes, all my tribe will die. ”

"Isn't it more than that? You also captured many people and wanted to use them as sacrifices." Ye Zi asked.

The goblin shaman was silent for a while and then said: "Summoning the ancestral soul blessing warriors requires sacrifices. I want to turn the remaining strong men in the tribe into ancestral soul warriors, so that we can fight back to the village. But, everything, They were all ruined by you.”

Ji Yijun was leaning against the stone wall holding a torch, and suddenly remembered something: "What kind of person is attacking you? Tell me clearly!"

"They are all humans, maybe seven or eight, maybe a dozen, I can't figure it out, but the two leading ones, one is a strong man who can transform into a rock giant, and the other can shoot arrows, the shaman of our tribe. They all died in his hands." The old goblin pointed to his left arm, which had a scar the size of a coin, "I was also hit by that man's arrow."

"Transform into a giant and an archer?" Ji Yijun jumped up, picked up the old goblin's tattered clothes, and shouted, "Where is your village? Take me there! Take me there quickly!"

"Do you think it's Orville and Awan?" Ye Zi asked.

"It must be these two bastards. They escaped into the woods in the first place. They must have gathered some horse thieves these days, and then they want to go back to their hometown through the forest."

"Put him down quickly, he is about to be strangled to death by you."

Ji Yijun threw the goblin shaman to the ground, squatted down, and stared at him fiercely, "Speak quickly!"

The shaman coughed a few times, showed an ugly smile, and said: "It seems that I really have what you need. Then I can make a deal with you. You promise to release all of us goblins and drive away our village. Those people inside. I will show you the way!”

"Would Battalion Commander Wang agree?" Ye Zi whispered.

Ji Yijun thought for a while and remembered that Wang Jiyuan ordered him not to take revenge privately. He shook his head and said: "Him? How can I let him know that if he misses this time, he may really have no chance. I won't tell him stupidly! I will let these goblins go and take revenge myself."

"This is not your personal hatred! I will go too!" Ye Zi said.

Ji Yijun didn't seem surprised, just asked: "Are you sure? This is the second time you, a good girl, have made a mistake."

"Sure!" Ye Zi gritted her teeth and said, "You good girl."

"Haha, that's good." Ji Yijun glanced at the goblin shaman, "Deal!"

Someone asked me why Ji Yijun was so disregarding of the overall situation, making trouble all day long and not listening to orders.

Because he is a troublemaker and a troublemaker, and he is also a troublemaker with strong martial arts, high self-esteem, and very inflated. He dislikes authority and is extremely individualistic. Although he is a member of the guard, he is essentially a "jianghu knight". Such a person is not suitable for the army. If it weren't for the second expansion of the guard, he would have been kicked out of the team.

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