On the Seven Towers

Chapter 152 Unexpected Dispute

Ji Yijun followed the goblin shaman and moved forward along the undulating gravel. This valley had indeed experienced landslides, and there were trees that were crushed and buried everywhere. Because some time had passed, these trees began to wither and looked very bleak.

Because the goblin shaman was short, it was particularly difficult for him to walk among the gravel. However, although he was panting and his thighs were trembling, he still moved forward without stopping. It seemed that he wanted to take the people behind him away from his tribe as quickly as possible.

After climbing over a dirt slope, the goblin shaman knelt on the ground, took a few breaths, and pointed to a crack in the mountain in front of him and said, "That's it. Although there is nothing unusual now, you will be able to see the light at night."

Ye Zi followed behind with a solemn look. She suddenly covered her ears with both hands, and then opened them again. This was repeated several times.

Ji Yijun asked curiously, "What's wrong with you?"

"Didn't you hear any strange sounds?" Ye Zi asked.

"No." Ji Yijun shook his head.

Ye Zi covered his head with both hands and asked Zhang Hong and Cole again: "What about you? Did you hear someone talking to you, but you couldn't hear clearly what it was."

Zhang Hong said: "Are you tired? I also have auditory hallucinations when I'm tired."

"No, no, I heard it very clearly, in waves. Just now in the goblin village, there was a very light sound. Just now on the way here, I vaguely heard it twice, each time clearer than the last. Now that I'm here, the sound is very clear. Listen, it seems to be singing. Although it's strange, I think this voice sounds a bit familiar and has no ill intentions towards me."

Ji Yijun listened around and said: "I only heard the wind and birds. There are really no other sounds, I promise!"

"But I can really hear it, listen, it's coming again. It seems that I can still understand the meaning of that voice, it wants me to go over. Go there!" Ji Yijun looked in the direction of Ye Zi's finger, isn't it that crack?

He walked up to the goblin shaman, pulled it up, and asked, "Tell me, what's going on? Have you ever encountered this situation?"

"Some people can indeed hear sounds that others can't hear. For example, our shaman can communicate with souls. Maybe a certain existence in the ruins favors her." The goblin shaman said.


"Maybe some kind of soul is communicating with her."

"You, you mean ghosts? Are there really such things in this world?" Zhang Hong asked.

"Of course. I heard from Captain Kalanda that she had fought with resentful souls when she passed through a ruin during a mission to escort a convoy. Ordinary weapons have no effect on them. Only enchanted weapons or the use of fighting spirit can deal with them." Cole interrupted.

"How long can the soul of a dead person exist? Uh, do they have any memories of their life?" Zhang Hong approached the goblin shaman and asked.

"I only know that the stronger the soul, the longer it can exist. For example, when a truly powerful person dies, or dies with strong resentment, it is easy to form a ghost. However, only the souls of the powerful often retain a simple will, just like our ancestral souls. The resentful souls formed by anger are often crazy." The goblin shaman said.

"That's good, that's good." Zhang Hong thought to himself that Hong Lifeng was not a strong person, so he was relieved.

"Why do you care about these?" Ji Yijun asked.

Zhang Hong said innocently: "I am not concerned about Ye Zi? Besides, we have to find out what dangers there are in the ruins, right?"

"Whether there is danger or not, I'm going anyway!"

Ji Yijun stood on the slope, with his hands on his waist, and observed from a distance for a while and said: "Let's go! Let's take a closer look along the way to see if there are any traces left by those guys."

Several people dispersed and looked down.

Cole was an experienced mercenary after all, and soon found the footprints. "Look, here, there are twelve people and a goblin. They came here by another path... Well, these people are very careful."

"Careful? How did you tell?" Ye Zi asked.

"You can judge the approximate height and stride from the size of a person's feet. These people's strides are obviously smaller than normal, and the direction of their footprints often sways left and right. This means they walk very slowly and are always observing the surroundings." The half-elf analyzed while approaching the cave entrance. However, when he came near the cave entrance, his lake green eyes suddenly opened, and then he quickly retreated.

"What's going on?" Ji Yijun asked.

"There is another group of people! They approached the cave entrance from the other side. There are four people, and at least three of them are very powerful masters!"

"Could it be another group of horse thieves who came to join the previous guys?" Zhang Hong said nervously.

"They don't look like horse thieves. Their shoe prints have clear textures and not much wear. They don't look like people who have been fleeing in the forest for a month. You'd better think carefully whether you still want to rush in." Cole took out his bow and arrow, lightly placed the arrow on the bowstring, and prepared for battle.

Ji Yijun asked the goblin shaman: "Are there other forces around here?"

The goblin shaman shook his head.

"Well, you can go. I keep my word. By the way, what's your name?" Ji Yijun asked.

"Name? My name is Zuka Moss. Moss is the name of our tribe." The goblin shaman replied.

"Strange name." Ji Yijun smiled, then waved his hand and said, "Remember, take care of your moss tribe and don't mess with us again. Now you can go."

Zuka nodded slightly to Ji Yijun, turned and left.

Ji Yijun looked at his back and suddenly noticed that Cole was drawing the bow in his peripheral vision. He instantly raised his hand and struck hard. An arrow aimed at the goblin was shot away by him.

At this time, Hou Ye Zi had already rushed in front of Cole, with the gun in his hand, and shouted: "What are you doing!"

"It's just a mission." Cole put down his bow and arrow, "I don't want anything to slip through the net."

Ye Zi turned back and glanced at the goblin shaman. The latter had fled into the forest and disappeared. She glared at Zhang Hong and said, "Did you ask him to do this?"

"No." Zhang Hong looked confused, "I, I just hired him to track horse thieves, I never asked him to kill goblins."

"What's going on?" Ye Zi's spear tip came closer to Cole.

"I know!" Ji Yijun patted his head and said, "Did Wang Jiyuan hire you?"

"Yes." Cole replied, "I suggest you let me catch up and kill the goblin. He has short legs and cannot escape far. Otherwise, he may become a problem for you in the future."

"Is it your trouble?" Ye Zi refused to give in.

"The goblins will only bear this grudge against humans, so it doesn't make any difference whether it's you or me." Cole said.

"Vendetta? Wouldn't it be nice if we let the goblin go back to his village and everyone would no longer be hostile?" Ye Zi asked in confusion.

Cole chuckled: "What do you think Gamero is doing here? I'm afraid there isn't even a living goblin left in that village. Isn't this a deadly feud? Let me remind you, a goblin shaman is not like what you see. It's so simple. If he wants to hide and retaliate secretly, you will be in big trouble. "

"You, you are so shameful! The village is full of goblin women and children! Is this also an order from Wang Jiyuan?" There were tears in Ye Zi's eyes, not only sympathy, but also a kind of anger at being deceived.

"He just gave a bounty to the goblins. The left ear of a goblin is worth a silver gun coin, regardless of age. If you have to think twice before killing goblins, then us mercenaries would have starved to death long ago. In my eyes, goblins There are only females and cubs, where are the women and children?" Cole replied disdainfully, and then asked Ji Yijun: "You are her head, what do you say?"

Ji Yijun took two steps forward and blocked Cole's pursuit: "The life and death of the goblin is none of my business! However, Miss Ye has spoken. You will not be able to survive today."

"Okay." Cole let go of the arrow on his bow, "You are all the bosses, you have the final say."

Ye Zi wiped away his tears and said to Ji Yijun with red eyes: "We can no longer trust this person, you have to let him go."

Ji Yijun shrugged and said to Zhang Hong: "Zhang Hong, I don't dare to stay with someone who has too many secrets. I think you should go back with your people first."

"This, these are two different things." Zhang Hong didn't care whether he killed the goblins or not, but whether he killed the horse thieves was a matter of life. He hurriedly said for Cole, "He took over the task of killing the goblins and the horse thieves at the same time. What does it have to do with the mission? Don't forget, we came to the forest this time to kill goblins. What's wrong with this? You said he was playing tricks on you, but he didn't have the obligation to tell us when he did it, right? The goblin is useless, won't it affect your search for the horse thief? I think you two are overreacting. Why don't you think that with him here, we will be much more confident in hunting down the horse thief?"

"Since you value the lives of the goblins so much, I think it's better for you to let me follow you. Otherwise, I will turn around and chase the goblin shaman. According to my methods, if we set off now, he will not be able to escape." Cole said with He was playing with an arrow in his hand, and his expression made Ye Zi want to go up and stab him.

"Whatever, let's go!" Ji Yijun spread his hands, bypassed Cole and Zhang Hong, jumped down the slope and walked towards the crack. Ye Zi didn't even look at them, and went straight downhill to follow Ji Yijun.

Zhang Hong looked at the two people running away, slapped his forehead, pointed at Cole's nose and said: "You actually hooked up with Wang Jiyuan behind my back. Isn't it too unethical? Now that you have ruined my business, what do you think you should do? ?”

Cole pushed Zhang Hong's fingers away with the arrow in his hand and sneered: "I'm not your concubine, you don't care who I hook up with. There are only two ways now, either we follow or we leave. As long as we promise to kill that With these two guys, haven’t you achieved your goal?”

Zhang Hong saw that Ji Yijun and Ye Zi had walked into the cave entrance, gritted his teeth and waved his hand and said: "No one can make me worry! Let's go!"

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