On the Seven Towers

Chapter 158 A few small things

Ji Yijun pushed open the hotel door and saw Cole sitting at the table, drinking slowly from a wooden cup. As if he had known he would come, the other party raised his glass and greeted him, "Is the confinement over?"

The mercenaries gave him the same feeling as before, lazy and indifferent. They were drunk now and drunk the next. There is no trace of the fierce battle a few days ago on him, and the danger of death is like a story in the past to him.

Battle after battle passes, one day, will I do the same? Ji Yijun clenched his fists unconsciously.

Ji Yijun walked over slowly, stared at Cole for a while, took out something wrapped in a handkerchief from his pocket, threw it in front of Cole, and said in a muffled voice: "Is this really him?"

Cole did not open the handkerchief, but smiled slightly, with a hint of pride in his smile.

"Of course. Otherwise Zhang Hong wouldn't use it to give you a favor," he said.

"Zhang Hong? He's just a coward. Even if the ears are real, he didn't kill the person. I don't need to acknowledge his love." Ji Yijun stood beside Cole and looked at him condescendingly.

Cole nodded noncommittally, not knowing which part of Ji Yijun's words he agreed with.

"Really. It's really Orville." Cole couldn't resist Ji Yijun's gaze and had to emphasize it again, "I chased him in the underground palace for half an hour. During the chase, I shot several arrows at him and broke his He cut his hands and hamstrings dozens of times, and finally cut his throat. He died in pain, your father can rest in peace."

These tortures seemed natural when they came out of Cole's mouth, but they made Ji Yijun even more uncomfortable. He squinted at Cole and asked, "You have no grudge against him, why would you do that?"

"Because... I'm happy. This should be the result if a horse thief falls into the hands of a mercenary. The same goes for the other way around, it just depends on whose sword is faster." Cole smiled even more, "Aren't you happy? What if? If he falls into your hands, will you give him a happy life?"

"I..." Ji Yijun was stuck. Will he easily kill the murderer of his father? Will he refrain from inflicting any additional vengeance? He had to admit that in his mind, he had already tortured the murderer thousands of times with countless cruelest punishments. What Cole did was just the lightest and gentlest of the methods he could imagine. What if it was him who was chasing Orville instead of Cole? Ji Yijun asked himself repeatedly, hesitating between several choices, and finally settled on not knowing.

"Besides, how many lives are there in the hands of these horse thieves? No matter how I torture him, those resentful souls will applaud in the sky. Even the God of Nature will agree with my approach." Cole took a sip of wine and slowly shook the glass. He said, "Revenge is sweet, but pure sweetness is too bland, and coupled with torment, it is a good cup of wine."

"You...are a madman."

"One day you will join us." Cole winked at him.

"How are you sure that the horse thief you hacked to death is Orville? You haven't even seen him." Ji Yijun asked with a sullen face.

Cole picked up the arrow pot leaning on the table leg from his feet, rummaged around, and pulled out an arrow from it. He threw the arrow on the table and said, "This is one of Orville's arrows, and it's proof!"

Ji Yijun picked up the arrow, flipped it over and looked at it for a while, then said, "It's a very ordinary arrow, but more than one of the horse thieves uses it. What does this mean?"

Cole took out another arrow from his arrow pot and put it on the table. He stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation for Ji Yijun to compare.

Ji Yijun: "What is the shape of arrow feathers?"

He saw that Orville's arrow feathers had a shallow arc, close to an oval shape, while Cole's arrow feathers were relatively straight, giving people a sharp feeling.

"That's right!" Cole nodded, "Do you still remember what that magic-breaking arrow looks like?"

Of course I remember. Ji Yijun clearly remembers every detail of that time. His father was lying on the bed, his face covered with white cloth, and the bloody demon-breaking arrow was beside him. Its arrow fletching is also oval.

"The arrow feathers are different, and the feel is also different. Although the difference in use is very small, excellent archers will trim their arrows to ensure maximum accuracy." Cole gently brushed the outer edge of the arrow feathers with his hand. "In addition to the different methods of trimming the feathers, it seems to me that it is no different than signing a name on the arrow."

With a "bang", Ji Yijun's fist hit the table. He unknowingly used his fighting spirit. This punch not only made a hole in the thick wooden table, but also smashed the two arrows on the table into pieces. Four paragraphs.

"Arrows are just arrows," Cole said.

Ji Yijun put away his fists, turned around and walked out the door.

Cole looked at his back and said: "This feud has been settled. A dead person is a dead person, no matter who killed him. We mercenaries are born to do this for others."

Ji Yijun looked back at him and said: "This matter is not settled. Orville is just a hand, Caddis is just an arm. I believe there is a head waiting for me to chop off!"

"Maybe." Cole whispered.

"Next time, don't bother me." Ji Yijun slammed the door and walked out.

Cole glanced at the broken arrows and ears on the table, took a sip of wine, and chuckled: "What a grumpy guest. Such a guest cannot get a discount."


The setting sun cast the last dim light into the window of Ye Zi's bedroom. With that ray of light, she once again looked at the white "tattoo" on her wrist.

It was the pattern of a spear, and behind the spear was a disk composed of mysterious patterns. Ye Zi thought, and a shallow light appeared from this "tattoo", flickering like a wave.

The white light flashed faster and faster, and when it was about to reach the limit, Ye Zi stopped his thoughts. Because she has tried it many times, as long as she continues to concentrate, this "tattoo" will turn into a spear - the extremely mysterious shadow gun, and appear in his hand.

That day, just after she and Ji Yijun escaped from the underground palace, the shadow gun turned into a white rainbow and converged on her wrist. She could feel that the gun truly recognized her and regarded her as its only owner.

"It's a pity that you can't speak, otherwise you can definitely tell me who the Valkyrie is." Ye Zi said softly.

"Little Ye Zi, are you playing that again?" Cao Lu opened the door and came in.

"This is not playing, I am communicating with it." Ye Zi said, "How was today's training?"

"What else can we do? It's so boring without you. We really miss you." Cao Lu threw her coat on the bed, jumped behind Ye Zi and hugged her.

"Don't make trouble." Ye Zi struggled a few times but couldn't get away from her, so he had to let her hold him. "Oh, maybe I'm really not suitable to be in the escort team. It's best for everyone to leave now."

"That's because Wang Jiyuan is blind and can't see what you are capable of. One day he will regret it." Cao Lu put her chin on Ye Zi's shoulder and looked at the white "tattoo" with her, " But, are you really not going to let those who practice magic and science study this thing? If there is any danger..."

Ye Zi shook his head and said: "I can feel it, it is alive, it has its own emotions and its own thoughts. I know that it likes me very much, relies on me very much, and will not harm me."

"I didn't know, I thought you were talking about your boyfriend who you depend on for life."

"Are we dependent on each other? Haha. Maybe that's really the case."

"Wow, so disgusting. It feels like a fetish."

"You are a fetishist." Ye Zi reached out to scratch Cao Lu's armpit, and the latter immediately fought back. The two of them rolled onto the bed laughing and joking, and the original dull atmosphere in the room was unknowingly diluted a lot.


It was late at night, and except for a few warning fires in the playground and on the mainland, as well as a few lighting torches on the road, the entire campus was immersed in black. Some rooms are still lit with light, the dim ones are candles, and the bright white ones are lighting circles. In order to save fuel, the diesel generator has not been turned on for several days. The night view of the campus now resembles that of a medieval castle.

However, Ji Yijun was lying on the rooftop, insulated from all these rays of light, and what shone into his eyes were only the stars in the sky.

He had forgotten how long he had been lying here, he only remembered that the sky changed from red and yellow to blue.

Will the old man become a star? This childish idea attracted his own ridicule, but it was like a wildfire on the mountain that could not be extinguished.

He is definitely not the brightest one, but there must be his own light in the night sky.

where are you?

The man who killed you is dead. If you can see, just wink at me.

The sound of a creaking door sounded in my ears, followed by footsteps. Ji Yijun sat up and looked in the direction of the person with some annoyance, wondering who had interrupted his conversation with Xingxing.

"Is it you?" The visitor and Ji Yijun said at the same time.

Wrapped in a thin light-colored windbreaker, with her hair simply tied back, Wu Qi's face was very beautiful under the starlight. She obviously did not expect to meet Ji Yijun in this place. She looked at him and looked away. Moved upstream. She walked to the fence by herself, put her arms on the fence, and lowered her eyes, as if looking at the bonfire downstairs.

Ji Yijun stood up, still a little irritable, and spoke unkindly: "You came here at this time, don't you want to jump off the building again?"

Wu Qi didn't answer or even move.

Ji Yijun frowned and asked, "Why don't you speak?"

"Someone has said that people who have died once generally don't want to die again." Wu Qi said softly.

"And you?"

"I think that person is talking nonsense. If you don't know why you are alive, wanting to die will become a habit."

"Hey, I don't understand you people who are illiterate." Ji Yijun leaned on the fence next to her, "You are not allowed to die, because I saved you, and the efforts I spent cannot be in vain."

"You are so domineering, but don't worry. Wanting to die and preparing to die today are two different things." Wu Qi smiled, and Ji Yijun couldn't understand the meaning in her smile. "Since that day, I have been looking for why. And alive.”

"You mean, you're not afraid of death, but you want to find your goal?"

Wu Qi glanced at Ji Yijun in surprise, "I didn't expect you to be quite thoughtful."

"Hmph, did you find anything?"

She sighed and grabbed the railing with both hands, leaned back, raised her head and looked at the starry sky above, "There is only one discovery, this is really a fucked up world."

Ji Yijun laughed, maybe because he thought the other person's tone was a little funny and cute, but he quickly nodded and agreed: "I said what was in my heart! This is such a fucked up world."

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