On the Seven Towers

Chapter 163 The Beginning of Magic

In the large conference room of the school hospital, more than a dozen people, including Guo Qian, Chang Lin and other committee leaders, as well as Dean Wang and Feng Yao and other doctors, surrounded two young men with slightly uneasy expressions.

They were the protagonists of today, Liu Pengfei and Mao Kai, both of whom were selected by the school to practice magic. They practiced the hanging feather method from the wild magician Andrew. After a month of hard work, they have reached the bottleneck of concentration and have the qualifications to read the "Shadow Scroll of the Sea of ​​Consciousness".

The cover of the "Shadow Scroll of the Sea of ​​Consciousness" was closed and placed diagonally on a podium. The simple cover was out of tune with the modern style of the surrounding rooms.

There was also an emergency bed by the door. Liu Yisheng was leaning against the wall in a white coat, looking ready to save people at any time, adding a bit of tension to the atmosphere in the room.

Xiao Chen and Luo Ling, as the first witnesses of using this holy book, were naturally also on the scene.

Xiao Chen's eyes swept through the people in the room one by one, and finally stopped at the two magic apprentices. He found that as he practiced spiritual magic, he liked to observe everyone around him more and more in recent days. The desires and weaknesses in people's hearts are often the breakthrough points for spiritual magic to break through the defense line.

Liu Pengfei, the student cadre, had a mixed look of excitement and nervousness on his face at this time, as if he was about to take the first step towards the peak of his life. Chang Lin was talking to him, perhaps comforting, perhaps encouraging. He did not hide his close relationship with Liu Pengfei, and while talking, he patted his shoulder vigorously.

Mao Kai looked eager to try. He gestured with his hands and excitedly talked about his scientific conjectures with two classmates. The enthusiasm of a researcher emerged in his eyes. This important member of the science and technology group was not a candidate at the beginning, but he asked the committee to join the plan through the science and technology group. He always believed that the omnipresent magic particles affected the entire chemical system, and to study such particles, one must first be able to contact them, so becoming a magician became a very natural choice.

Xiao Chen saw something called ambition on the faces of both people, but the impressions of the two different ambitions were completely different.

"What are you looking at?" Luo Ling asked.

"People. You don't know how interesting it is to look at people." Xiao Chen's eyes turned around Luo Ling.

"How do you know I don't know?" Luo Ling rolled her eyes at him. Luo Ling covered her mouth with her hand and pointed at the people in front of her one by one: "This is a sleepy lion, that is a timid old deer, and there is a stupid gorilla, a hunting leopard, a proud rooster, and a reckless calf."

"Ha." Xiao Chen saw that she compared everyone to an animal, pointed at himself and said, "Then what am I?"

"You." Luo Ling looked at him with her watery eyes for a while, "You look like a carrot."


"Hmmmm , or a playboy. "

"God knows!"

"You have been free these days after voting, right? You took the girl out every day, went to the school cafeteria together, right? You gave her a piece of clothing, right?"

Xiao Chen was stunned, and for the first time he did not refute her, but smiled faintly: "When she threw herself on me without hesitation, I always felt that I owed her something. I know my limits, I just treat her as a little sister."

"Really?" Xiao Chen thought Luo Ling would still tease him, but she just asked in a low voice and didn't say anything else.

"What's wrong with you?"

"It's about to start, this is a milestone event, concentrate." Xiao Chen looked at her from the side and found that she didn't have any expression. After a while, he looked again and felt that her eyes were a little red. Is this possible? The Luo Ling he knew was always extremely strong, which made him feel that he was just dazzled.

He was about to ask another question, but saw the "stupid gorilla" Liu Yisheng walking towards them.

"Xiao Chen, if these two guys open the book now, they will be in danger. When the time comes, you will need to help." Liu Yisheng still spoke in a naive way, but the content of his words aroused Xiao Chen's interest.

"How do you know?" he asked.

"I feel... I seem to have more fragments in my mind these days. But they are all miscellaneous and unclear things. But today's scene, I seem to have seen it in some fragment. The memory is not clear, but those pictures tell me that they are going to be unlucky." Liu Yisheng touched his head and said, "Then there is another feeling telling me that a magician must come to help them."

Xiao Chen was a little embarrassed. On the one hand, he had experienced so many mysterious things in magic, and it was difficult for him to ignore Liu Yisheng's words, but on the other hand, such a warning had no evidence, and it came from a big fool in the eyes of others. Is it necessary to rely on such intuition or nonsense to stop what happened today?

Xiao Chen thought for a moment and said, "Do you have any details or evidence you can show?"

Liu Yisheng rolled his eyes and said, "If I could show it, why would I come to you? I would have already put the evidence in front of the bigwigs of the committee."

"In your memory, are their lives threatened?" Luo Ling asked.

"It seems, it doesn't seem that serious. But I can't guarantee it."

Xiao Chen touched his chin and thought for a while, and decided to report the situation to Guo Qian.

"Premonition?" Guo Qian thought for a while, called Xiao Chen, Luo Ling, Feng Yao and Liu Yisheng out of the room, and asked, "Xiao Liu, how sure are you about this matter?"

Liu Yisheng looked at the principal blankly, and finally said: "It seems not."

Guo Qian then asked Feng Yao, who had spent the most time with him: "Has Liu Yisheng ever shown this kind of prophetic ability before?"

"This, this is not true." Feng Yao said.

Guo Qian asked Xiao Chen again: "If I tell Liu Pengfei and Mao Kai about this, will it affect their success rate in forming a meditation space?"

"It's very possible." Xiao Chen nodded and said, "I heard Master Icasa say that there is a high probability of failure in forming a meditation space. It is said that in the past, magic apprentices died in such accidents every year in the Tower of Dreams. In the In the process of forming a meditation space, emotional stability is very important. Telling them in advance about the bad results will not do any good. "

"In that case..." Guo Qian paused and glanced at Luo Ling, who shook her head slightly, "We will not announce this news. I am engaged in scientific research, so my nature makes me only believe in logic and evidence. In addition, exploration is inherently risky. Since Liu Yisheng feels that it will not be life-threatening, let’s continue. The risk when Xiao Xiao opened "Shadow of the Sea of ​​​​Sea" was much greater than it is now."

When several people entered the room again, Chang Lin told Guo Qian that everyone was ready and could start.

Guo Qian walked to the "Shadow Scroll of the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness" and said to Liu Pengfei and Mao Kai: "Then the second phase of the experiment of our 'Magic Beginning' project is about to start. Before implementation, I want to be more serious, Seriously, I want to ask the two volunteers, are you sure you want to open this holy book? I just confirmed with Xiao Chen again that this is a very dangerous process, and we have no remedy. Once you open this book. For books, you can only rely on yourself and luck.”

"I'm sure. This is a key step for us to understand the world. It is important to me and all of us." Mao Kai replied without hesitation.

Liu Pengfei seemed to feel something. He exchanged a look with Chang Lin, then nodded slightly and said, "Me too."

"Okay." Guo Qian nodded slowly, "Then who comes first?"

Mao Kai looked back at Liu Pengfei, who turned his attention elsewhere. He lowered his head with a scornful smile and said, "I'll go first!"

Mao Kai stood in front of the podium where the "Shadow Scroll of the Sea of ​​Knowledge" was placed. Everyone else stood on the other side of the podium to ensure that their eyes would not see the book. Mao Kai closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then opened the "Shadow Scroll of the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness". Suddenly the sacred scripture emitted colorful light, and Mao Kai stood there motionless.

Everyone stood or sat waiting quietly in the room. More than an hour passed quickly. But Xiao Chen found that Mao Kai's expression began to look painful, like a long-distance runner approaching the limit of his physical fitness. Xiao Chen asked Luo Ling: "Was I like this at that time?"

Luo Ling's expression became serious, she shook her head slightly and said, "I don't know."

Xiao Chen didn't think about Luo Ling's answer. His attention was attracted by Mao Kai's increasingly strenuous appearance.

"That's it." Liu Yisheng said, "The fragments I recalled at that time were just like this!"

Suddenly, Mao Kai, who was staring at the holy book with his eyes open, let out a muffled groan, and then the light on the "Shadow Scroll of the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness" began to flicker like neon at night.

Everyone in the room suddenly let out several exclamations, followed by chaotic discussions, and everyone looked at Xiao Chen.

"I'm going to take a look. Everyone, please don't come over." Xiao Chen ran to the podium, and through the flickering light on the "Shadow Scroll of the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness", he saw a line of Chinese characters appearing on the wordless page of the holy book: The world of meditation is broken, and the ceremony leader is asked to enter and repair it.

There is also a pattern similar to a vortex below this line of text, which is constantly rotating. When Xiao Chen's eyes stayed on the vortex, he suddenly felt that the vortex was emitting strong light, flying up from the page of the book, and it became bigger and bigger, covering his whole person.

In Luo Ling's field of vision, they only saw Xiao Chen running to Mao Kai, looking down at the page, and standing still like Mao Kai.

"What's going on?" Luo Ling was about to rush forward, but Liu Yisheng grabbed her wrist, "Don't be anxious. I remember it was like this. Later, later..."

"Luo Ling, don't be impulsive. What are you going to do?" Guo Qian also shouted from behind.

Luo Ling shook off Liu Yisheng's hand, ignored the shouts of others, walked quickly to Xiao Chen, and involuntarily held his arm with both hands. There is still a line of words flashing on the "Shadow Scroll of the Sea of ​​Knowledge":

The master of ceremonies has entered.

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