On the Seven Towers

Chapter 173 Two Secrets

It was already dusk in Camp No. 3. Many people had finished their dinner and were chatting in the open space outside, or walking on the cement roads in the camp.

These cement roads were built a few days ago. Many people regarded them as magical creations. They believed that a wizard must have cast some magical earth magic to turn the mud into hard stone. Therefore, walking on these roads after dinner has become the latest fashion in the camp.

Because the output of cement is still limited, the main road has only been renovated for a few days, so the road seems a bit crowded with people watching the new things. At this time, Catalina was squatting in front of a slightly larger house, watching these people jumping and stepping from time to time, curiously studying the secrets under their feet.

At this time, the door of the house behind was pushed open, and Ji Yijun walked out. He wore a black T-shirt with the words "I'm the king of the world!" written on it in exaggerated fonts, and a pair of quick-drying pants. The enchanted long sword made of spring steel was hung on his waist. His hands were in his pockets, and his shoulders were drooping, full of street style. However, he looked more natural now than in a military uniform.

Ji Yijun glanced at Catalina and felt that she looked like a green-haired kitten. He couldn't help but laugh, "Oh, no wonder they call you 'cat', you squat to catch mice?"

Catalina's little face flushed, and she argued, "You, a delicate person who grew up in a castle, don't know how to live long. Squatting can save your life, but standing can only make you a target."

Ji Yijun laughed and reached out to touch her hair. In his eyes, Catalina, who was sixteen or seventeen years old, was just a little sister who had just entered high school, but Catalina kicked her legs and dodged to the side, and he didn't touch her at all.

She stood up and said impatiently, "Okay, I've shown you all the places you need to see. Is the warehouse normal? Everything is fine here. You should go back to your building."

"I suggest you be nice to me." Ji Yijun pretended to be mysterious, "I have some news that most people don't know yet. Do you want to hear it?"

"I don't want to hear it, so don't think about doing anything bad." Katarina turned her head away and didn't look at the annoying guy in front of her.

"This is Xiao Chen's idea before he left. Don't you want to know?"

Katrina turned her head back immediately, "Then tell me, what is it?"

Ji Yijun smiled proudly, "Teach you a lesson. We are going to set up a police station soon. I will definitely be the director. You mercenaries who are willing to stay will become police officers and I will be in charge of you."

"What are police stations and police officers?" Katarina looked confused.

"Well, arrest whoever you are upset with and lock them up."

Catrina looked at him suspiciously: "Sister Luo Ling said that everything here must follow the rules, not like what you said. Only those bad noble lords will arrest people in their own territory. I don't believe it, you must be talking nonsense."

Ji Yijun laughed even more happily, "You have improved. A mercenary knows to follow the rules, not bad, not bad. Well, let's not talk about this, my patrol today is almost over, brother will treat you to dinner. Come with me."

"I don't want to eat with you."

"Oh, you don't dare to do this."

"Who doesn't dare, let's go."

"If you want to talk about the five major camps, your food here is the most boring, serving brown rice and wild vegetables every day, and meat is rarely seen." Ji Yijun muttered as he walked towards the cafeteria.

Catrina shook her head when she heard it.

"What? Do you know what they eat in Camp No. 4? There's fish every day. When I went to patrol a few days ago, I ate a fish as long as my arm." Ji Yijun gestured, "It's so wide."

"Have you ever eaten mice?"


"Have you ever eaten mice?" Catalina asked again.

Ji Yijun was stunned, "No, I'm not a cat? Could it be that you..."

"I've eaten it several times, and I believe many people here have eaten it. They may not have touched meat for several years." Catalina said expressionlessly, "So life is pretty good for them now. What you say is not good for anyone."

Ji Yijun felt a little indignant, and was taught a lesson by a little girl. He wanted to refute it, but found that any reason was a little powerless in front of the fact of eating mice.

"Hey, in the end, it's still a problem of productivity..." He muttered something that Catalina couldn't understand.

The two walked a few more steps, and Catalina suddenly stopped, quickly hid in the corner of a house, and poked her head out to look at the edge of the camp.

Ji Yijun immediately followed quietly, and looked out. In the dim light, a figure left the camp through the side door.

"What's wrong?"

"Go eat by yourself. I have something to do and need to run away." Catalina said.

Ji Yijun did not answer, but walked quickly to the side door.

"Hey! Hey! What are you doing?" Catalina was stunned, and hurried to follow.

"Of course I chased him. That person looks like a half-grown child, there must be something that you care about. How can I not go and see as an inspector? Is there any secret between you and that person?" Ji Yijun said as he walked.

Catalina lowered her head and walked quickly to the side door without saying a word.

"Are you worried about that person? Why don't you tell me? If there is something, I can cover it up better than you."

"Nothing. I just feel a little strange. Why would he go back in that direction at this time? He should be going back to the school castle, why would he go into the woods?"

"Who is he?"

"Crete, the apprentice of Master Xiao Chen."


"Up, flying." Li Jia shouted excitedly, her body floating about two meters high, holding the hands of another person, that is, Serinda.

They held hands and looked at each other. Serinda's fair face was coated with a layer of golden light under the sunset, adding a bit of holiness. For Li Jia, being able to stand opposite her like this and walk in the air is more enjoyable than learning the art of flying.

Li Jia glanced at the ground and slowly raised himself up one meter. He said confidently: "I was able to fly to the roof of the castle the day before yesterday. It will be no problem to take you with me today. After Xiao Chen helped me, my mental strength has reached a new level. Today we fly slower and lower. In a few days, I can take you to the top of the castle to see the stars."

"Is there a difference between the stars on the roof and the stars on the ground?!"

"Why don't you understand romance?"

Selinda's face was red. But her eyes were a little panicked. Flying was a spell she had never been able to learn. She stared at the grass below and said loudly: "Romantic ghost! You concentrate! Steady, steady! Don't shake, it makes me dizzy."

"Don't be nervous, we are only a little distance from the ground, not even as high as the tree next to us. Usually, you can jump much higher than this after casting a battle spell on yourself." Li Jia comforted.

"That's different. Everything is under my control. And, I won't be dangling in the air."

Li Jia put his arm around Serinda's waist, trying to calm her down. Unexpectedly, this distracted her attention and made her flying posture worse.

"Ah! You're crooked, crooked. Turn around, left, and left again. Ah, you idiot, you're completely down now!"

Li Jia's flying skills have not been mastered thoroughly, and Serinda's random command is even more worrying. When he flies by himself, it's not uncommon for him to roll and turn in the air, not to mention that he's carrying someone with him now. However, fortunately, after being shaped into a meditation space by the "Shadow Scroll of the Sea of ​​Consciousness", his mental power has grown rapidly, at least he won't fall down due to lack of mental power. But for Serinda, flying so randomly still makes her feel very insecure. She screams louder and louder, and even pushes Li Jia.

Li Jia felt like he was rescuing a drowning person who was struggling desperately in the water. He was being pulled and tugged by this "drowned person" and was almost unable to concentrate on maintaining his magic.

The more Serinda shouted, the more Li Jia lost his direction. Soon the two of them twisted into a ball in midair and rolled around. If others saw them, they would probably think that they were two flying masters fighting for life and death. The two struggled for a long time, and Li Jia felt exhausted. He had to slowly withdraw his magic and let the two slowly descend. But when they were still one meter from the ground, Serinda hit Li Jia's stomach with an elbow in panic. Li Jia screamed in pain, the magic collapsed, and the two fell directly to the ground.

Li Jia landed on his back and felt that his spine was about to be broken. Serinda had him as a cushion, so nothing happened. She rolled over and climbed up.

She sat next to Li Jia, looking at his dead fish look, and couldn't help grinning. As she laughed, she laughed out loud, and finally laughed out loud.

"Laughing, what are you laughing at? Help me... I'm stunned." Li Jia raised a hand, and Serinda grabbed it, but did not pull Li Jia, but continued to laugh, laughing until tears came out.

"I know I look miserable, but is it... so funny?" Li Jia said while trying to stand up.

"Nothing, I'm just very happy. I haven't been so happy for a long time." Serinda finally stopped laughing, wiped her tears, took a deep breath and said.

"Ah! I'm glad you're happy."

"Thank you, Li Jia." Serinda said seriously, "We didn't expect you to get to this point in such a short time. Most people will never get to this point, and even if someone gets to this point, it will take several years. And you did it in a few months. Now the initiative is in our hands. I suddenly feel that the burden on my shoulders is much lighter, because you can share it for me."

"That's because you and Xiao Chen helped me. Without the concentration potion you secretly gave me, and without his magic book to help me improve my mental power level, I would not have learned I don't know how to fly. I think I'm so lucky to meet people like you. "

"Magic Book? What's the name of that magic book? Why does it have such magical power?"

Li Jia hesitated for a moment, but still said: "I shouldn't have mentioned this matter, because I promised Xiao Chen to keep it secret. But I don't want to lie to you, so I can only tell you that this magic book has changed my spiritual world and meditation method, but I can't say more. You, don't be angry."

"I won't be angry." Serinda leaned over and pecked Li Jia on the face.

Can a book change the spiritual world...

Thanks to the book friend 20170806163003704 for the reward.

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