On the Seven Towers

Chapter 184 Provocation and Fight

The door to the banquet hall has been opened, and through a corridor, the scene in the courtyard can be clearly seen. Many guests crowded to the door, stood in the cloister, or simply came to the courtyard.

A dozen torches had been set up in the inner courtyard of the castle, illuminating the two men with their swords intersecting in the middle of the open space very clearly. Roger held the Thunder Mark Sword in one hand, and lightning flashed faintly from time to time on the sword, while Bailon held a huge two-handed sword. Bailon attacked fiercely, each sword was powerful and heavy, but Roger defended it. Watertight, constantly blocking the opponent's attacks. Both of them are lucky to have fighting spirit, and a faint halo of fighting spirit will appear on their bodies. This is the result of the magic energy contained in fighting spirit escaping during the attack.

Every time the sword collides with the sword, there will be exploding sword energy scattered out. The other knights of the earl picked up their large shields and protected them in front of the guests. Otherwise, even if an ordinary person is swept by a trace of energy, they may be A face full of blossoming results.

"Bailon's strength is comparable to Roger's. Whether it's fighting spirit or sword skills, the two are equally matched." Ye Zi analyzed from the side.

"I heard that this Bailon is just a knight captain under the earl, but he actually has such strength?" Shi Hao was quite surprised. He thought that Roger was already quite powerful, but he didn't expect that just any knight leader under the earl would be so powerful. There is already such a level. What about everyone else? He looked at the audience around him, and there seemed to be at least seven or eight warriors with similar status to Bailon. Not to mention those ordinary knights who may be slightly inferior in strength. According to his usual observations, there are as many as forty if not fifty. There is also the knight leader Battis standing next to the Earl. He is strong and has amazing momentum. It is said that he has reached the peak of high-level and touched the threshold of the master.

The threat was huge, Shi Hao frowned slightly.

"If these people are prepared, it may be difficult for your pistol to hurt them. Not to mention that their speed makes it difficult for you to aim. Even if you hit, for mid-to-high-level warriors like them, the protective fighting spirit will even Much more powerful than a bulletproof vest," Ye Zi said, "A junior warrior like me, or a magic warrior like Selena, might still be afraid of bullets for people like Roger and Bailon...guns. Probably not much use."

"But Bailon seemed to be wary of pistols just now." As a People's Liberation Army soldier, Shi Hao has always found it difficult to accept that firearms are useless.

"Maybe he is just afraid of Cadiz's reputation... I think Cadiz's incident was purely our luck." Ye Zi said.

"Hush. The count is here." Xiao Chen reminded them, and the two of them quickly shut up.

The earl brought two glasses of wine to Xiao Chen and others. He handed Xiao Chen a glass, then took a sip himself and said, "Well, it's a wonderful showdown, isn't it?"

"As a magician, I am an amateur at knight fighting." Xiao Chen said while holding the wine glass in his hand.

"In terms of realm and skills, your Roger is a little ahead. I think he will break through to a high level soon. However, Bailon has the blood of a berserker. His physique is much stronger than Roger's, and his natural strength is even further ahead. Leading. That's why Roger couldn't take advantage." The Earl analyzed it calmly, "Don't look at me in such surprise. After all, I am from a family of warriors and I still have good vision."

"I'm not surprised." Xiao Chen smiled and said, "If you didn't hide it, our cooperation would be strange."

The earl laughed twice and said: "Well, this Roger is good. He set a trap for Bailon. The flaw on the left leg is intentional. This is an exquisite design. If the opponent attacks from this direction, it will be exposed." His right side. Okay, Bailon was fooled. This brainless guy, you see, he was suppressed by Roger. Each subsequent sword strike by Roger followed the path of the previous one, like a wave. Waves of pressure hit the opponent, leaving the opponent no chance to counterattack.”

Xiao Chen originally just watched the excitement, but now following the earl's instructions, everything seems to have become clearer and easier to understand. He is now mentally strong and has particularly good eyesight, so he can still see clearly when he looks at it. Many famous names. Even according to the methods explained by the count, he felt that he could do many of the actions. This feeling was very good, as refreshing as solving a difficult problem. After watching it for a while, his body felt like his blood was boiling and he was eager to try.

Maybe, he should find an opportunity to practice some martial arts, so as not to waste his strange strength in vain, he thought to himself.

Li Jia on the side looked a little absent-mindedly, glancing at the stairs at the end of the corridor from time to time.

Xiao Chen said: "If you are worried, just catch up and see. What does it matter?"

"No, no. Let's watch the competition. This kind of opportunity is also rare. If I ran away and didn't see Roger's winning blow, I would lose." Li Jia smiled.

"Choose wisely, it's hard to win a man's heart if he's always following a woman's butt," the earl joked.

As soon as he finished speaking, Roger suddenly turned from defense to offense, using the advantage he had just accumulated to attack the opponent fiercely. Bailon received Roger's Nine Swords in a very uncomfortable position. In the end, he ran out of strength and was strangled by Roger's long sword. Lightning flashed from the Thunder Mark Sword. Bailon was stunned by the electricity and was beaten by Roger. With a slight pick, the two-handed sword in his hand flew away. The power of that challenge was combined with the superposition of multiple attacks. The two-handed sword was wrapped in fighting spirit and sank directly into the stone wall on the second floor of the castle, causing the audience to exclaim.

"You lose." Roger took two steps back and put away his sword.

Byron looked at his empty hands, and his face was filled with shame and anger. He roared, "I didn't lose! I still have other strength!"

He punched his chest with both fists and whistled, "Ah~~~~" Then his eyes suddenly turned red, veins on his face and body bulged, and the muscles all over his body bulged rapidly.

Berserker's frenzy! Roger looked solemn, not daring to be arrogant, and pointed the tip of his sword at the opponent's vital parts. He was not unfamiliar with this kind of frenzy. In the years of war with the Kingdom Army, Berserkers have always been one of the most difficult enemies to deal with. They are infinitely powerful, ignore pain, and are fearless of death. The Empire often has to pay several times the lives to deal with a team of charging Berserkers. If this guy in front of him, who is already very strong, goes crazy, he really has no confidence to defeat him again.

In just a few breaths, the man opposite almost grew a foot taller, his arms became thicker, and the fighting spirit on his body became violent and hot.

He shouted loudly, and the red fighting spirit condensed in his hand and turned into a giant axe. This axe formed by fighting spirit looked even more intimidating than the two-handed sword.

"Charge, charge! Destroy everything! Charge, charge! Tear the world apart!" The Berserker seemed to lose his mind and shouted the slogan of the legion's charge.

The crowd around him became agitated, and even the Earl's guards seemed uneasy. The berserker who went berserker was an out-of-control killing machine. If the berserker didn't happen on the battlefield, it would be a tragedy.

"Enough. Byron, stop." The Earl shouted, "Batis, stop him."

The knight leader Batis saw this and hurriedly led several knights off the field. He hugged Byron's waist from behind, and the other knights hugged Byron's hands and feet. They also flashed with fighting spirit halo, and it was obvious that they used all their strength as soon as they went up.

But Byron turned a deaf ear to it. He still repeated the battle cry and struggled hard.

"Ah!" A knight who was holding his arm was thrown out by Byron, knocking down three knights holding shields. Then another knight was thrown into the banquet hall, sweeping half of the table into a mess. The guests screamed in fear, many of them fled far away, and some even ran deep into the castle.

Byron picked up a knight who was holding his feet with one hand, first knocked the two of them against each other, and then smashed them hard at Roger one after another. Roger was prepared. He ducked his head to avoid one, then dodged to the side to avoid the second one, and the two human cannonballs were smashed to the ground, smashing the bricks and stones, and blood splashed everywhere. It was unknown whether they were dead or alive.

"Reptiles, you reptiles, get out of here!" Byron grabbed Batis's hand with force, and pulled it hard, throwing Batis away from behind. This knight who was a whole realm higher than him actually retreated seven or eight steps before he stabilized his body.

"Roger, can you subdue him?" Xiao Chen asked while dispersing his own people and letting them hide.

"No, the frenzy is difficult to reverse during the duration of the effect. I can only kill him, but I can't stop him." Roger took a pounce posture. As long as he was ordered, he was ready to stab the berserker's vitals.

"No!" Batis roared. He couldn't tolerate an imperial man waiting for an opportunity to kill his subordinates. "Imperial man, it's all your fault! Get out of here!"

Roger sneered and ignored him at all, still making a ready posture.

Xiao Chen looked at the count again, and the count cursed: "The weak-minded fool can't control his anger. If it doesn't work, we can only withdraw from here and let him go crazy alone. Damn, my castle will definitely be demolished!"

"Go crazy enough?" Xiao Chen couldn't help but think of Zhou He who went crazy in the basement. That kind of destructive power was really amazing. The man in front of him seemed not as powerful as Zhou He who was illuminated by the light ball, but if he was allowed to mess around in the castle... the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Maybe, maybe you can try your mental magic?" The Earl suddenly said, "The Berserker's mental defense is not as strong as the physical body. Maybe you can affect his state, as long as he can't move for the time being."

"This is a big test for me." Xiao Chen looked at him with a smile.

"I'm just asking for help." The Earl said seriously.

Since you want to see my strength again, I'll let you see enough. Xiao Chen thought. He closed his eyes slightly, silently constructed a magic structure in his mind, then opened his eyes suddenly, swung his right hand towards Bailong, and shouted softly, "Go."

More than a dozen white light whips burst out from his fingertips, like a giant snake out of a cage, rushing towards Bailong.

Thanks to the book friend of the winter sycamore leaf for the reward

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