On the Seven Towers

Chapter 186 Secret Meeting

Krete woke up from the bed and looked at the small alarm clock on the bedside table. It was already nine o'clock in the evening. He sighed secretly. After obtaining the unknown dark purple energy, his body has become more and more sleepy these days. He originally planned to sleep for an hour to replenish his energy after returning from work, but he didn't expect that three hours had passed in the blink of an eye.

He sat up and reached out to touch the small alarm clock. The round metal shell had two mushroom-like small alarm bells on it. The hands were fluorescent, emitting a tiny bit of light in this dark dormitory.

Although this clock is small, it is more exquisite than the furnishings in the homes of those slave owners. If it is exchanged, it is enough to exchange for a slave like himself. This is a gift from Xiao Chen to him, and it is also his most precious property in this empty dormitory.

Crete got up from the bed. He did not light the oil lamp, but went to the window and looked at a mark on his left hand in the faint moonlight. The mark looked like a round tattoo, the size of a silver coin, with many crisscrossing lines inside. Upon closer inspection, these lines were composed of dense runes. The tattoo was originally dark purple, like the light of power, but in the night, it turned into a deep black. As long as you look at it for a while, you will feel fear and fear rising from your heart. Crete habitually scratched it with the thumb nail of his right hand. The nail sank deeply into the palm, but it had no effect on the mark.

Suddenly, Crete felt his palm begin to heat up, with a slight burning sensation.

He was startled. He knew it was coming again.

The tattoo emitted a faint purple light, and the lines on it actually separated from the skin and rotated. Soon a magic circle formed in the void. Crete quickly sat upright on the bed and stretched his hand in front of him, with his palm facing up.

The magic circle ran for about ten seconds, and a ball of light rose from the magic circle. The ball of light was also purple, and there was a pupil in the middle, like an eyeball made of pure light. The ball of light turned around, as if observing the surrounding situation, and then aimed at Crete.

"Teacher." Crete said respectfully.

The ball of light actually made a sound: "Crete, is this in your dormitory? Why don't you turn on the light?"

"I'm ready to go to bed. I'm a little tired recently." Crete replied.

"Well. I came to see if you are all right. Remember to practice the spell I gave you more. It will make you stronger and better able to obtain the power of the seed."

"Okay. Teacher."

"If there is any problem, or any danger, you know how to call me."

"Yes, teacher. I remember the spell very well."

"Well, go. Rest early and get enough rest."

"Okay. Good night, teacher."

After the light ball finished speaking, it slowly floated back to the magic circle, and then turned into a strand of energy and returned to the tattoo.

Krit remained sitting still until the light on the tattoo completely dissipated. Only when he was sure that the magic ritual was over did he soften his body, holding his hands on the edge of the bed and breathing heavily. Although the ritual was very short, he felt that some of the strength in his body was consumed, just like he had been jogging outside for ten minutes.

Although the "teacher" said that this was the consumption of spiritual communication and could be restored through diet and sleep, Krit was still very uneasy.

Krit sat on the bed for a full ten minutes, panting and dazed.

Under the starlight, his handsome face once again showed a tangled and hesitant expression, but in the end, when he glanced at the fluorescent alarm clock again, he seemed to have made up his mind.

He took out a linen shirt of his father, cut off the upper half and sleeves with a knife, buttoned the lower half, and then made a few small holes on the upper edge, and then cut a few strips of cloth from the sleeves, twisted two of them into a rope and passed them into the holes just made. Then, he put on his coat, took the half-cut shirt and a few strips of cloth, and went out.

After walking out of the dormitory building and coming to the roadside, he pulled the hem of his shirt up to his waist and tied the cloth rope tightly, and it immediately became a pleated linen skirt. Then he tied two shorter strips of cloth to his hair over his neck and made two small braids. Then he put up the collar of his coat and tightened his trouser legs. Krit is not yet an adult, and he is not tall. On the road with poor light, he looks like a girl.

Krit was a man dressed as a woman, and he was inevitably a little nervous. Fortunately, there were almost no pedestrians on the campus at night except for the patrol team. Even if he met a few people, they saw his dress and walked past without caring. This slowly put his mind at ease. After walking for about ten minutes, avoiding two patrol teams, he came to the downstairs of the girls' dormitory.

The administrator auntie was no longer in the girls' dormitory. There were only two guards on duty in the guard room. Because there was no electricity, they just hung an oil lamp outside the guard room.

Krit touched the braid on her head, then looked at her "skirt", and felt that it was difficult for the other party to see her clearly under such dim light, so she gritted her teeth and walked over.

Two guards on duty saw a little girl walking over with her head down, but they didn't pay much attention. One of them asked, "Girl, why are you back so late?"

"Overtime." Krit's voice was originally compared to a lark. At this time, she made her voice sharper and softer, and it was very gentle even among girls.

"Oh. Is that team so heartless? Let a little girl like you work overtime alone." The man seemed to be excited and asked again.

"Don't bother me!" Krit said in an impatient tone. He was afraid of saying more and making more mistakes, so he interrupted the other person and walked in quickly.

"Hey, the girl has a nice voice, but a bad temper. What's wrong with chatting for a while?" The guard didn't doubt him, but complained to his companions next to him.

"With your skills in picking up girls, it's strange that anyone would pay attention to you. It's been a few days since you were on duty here, and no one has paid attention to you." The bad friend next to him said.

"Hey, why didn't you find a girl with such a nice voice before?"

"That's because no one talked to you."

"Go away, I really didn't pay attention to this girl before. In addition to the voice, her small figure is so cute, and I also saw half of her face. She is a local girl with white skin and big eyes. She is definitely a beauty."

Ignoring the two people's muttering outside, Krit took two steps at a time and flashed into the dormitory building. Then he came to a door according to the address Xiao Chen left for him.

Knock on the door, and the door opened.

There was a woman in pajamas inside.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Krit, I have something important to talk to you about! Lord Luo Ling." Krit looked around and said softly.

Luo Ling's room was very bright. There was not only an oil lamp on the table, but also several white crystals placed in strange lamp holders. This was a lamp made of light magic crystals, which Krit had seen in the homes of slave traders.

Her desk was a little messy, and it was piled with various documents. Some clothes and bedding were piled on the bed casually, and there was no time to sort them out. Some food that Krit had never seen was unpacked and placed on the bedside table and the table. In short, everything in the room can tell you that the owner is very busy.

Luo Ling sat in a swivel chair in front of the desk by the window, leaning against the back of the chair, the back of the chair against the table, holding a glass of water in her hand and drinking slowly. Krit sat on another chair a little stiffly, also holding a cup in his hand, looking at her face to face.

"I didn't expect you to come to me. I didn't expect you to be dressed like this." Luo Ling looked at Krit, he had untied his braids, but the "skirt" was still on him.

"However, since you went to such great lengths to sneak into the girls' dormitory, there must be a compelling reason. Tell me why you came to see me at this time." Luo Ling continued to ask.

"Because my teacher, Xiao Chen, said that you are the most trustworthy person in the whole school. So I came to find you. I came here because..." Krit spread his hands, revealing the magic tattoo, "I have some secrets, and I am afraid that they will be discovered."

"Xiao Chen, this guy." Luo Ling crossed her legs, tilted her head slightly, and smiled, "Katerina is very worried about you, I am afraid it has something to do with this tattoo? Since you are here, I will be a good listener, you can slowly start from the beginning."

Krit nodded and said, "Teacher Xiao Chen told me two things before leaving. The first thing was to leave me some books and let me look up the dictionary and read them slowly. He said that I don't need to concentrate in a hurry, but should expand my horizons and lay a good foundation."

"Oh? What book?"

"One Hundred Thousand Whys"

Luo Ling almost spit out a mouthful of water. She patted her chest and tried hard to stop coughing.

Seeing that Crete was looking at her nervously, she said, "Nothing, go on."

"The second thing is that he asked me to pay attention to the slaves in the camp to see if they are restless. He said that you are in a high position and you can't see some things below."

"Nosy guy." Luo Ling said softly.

Crete glanced at her and continued, "So, when I was delivering letters every day, I went to various camps to chat with many people. As I chatted, I vaguely felt that some people in the camp were not right. They came from different camps, but they always got together to do something. Some old people I know warned me not to get close to them. I heard that some guards and mercenaries were their people."

Luo Ling asked, "So you thought of a way to get close to them?"

"Yes. At the beginning, they always avoided me, and I thought that these people who were planning something might be wary of the magician's disciples. So, I thought of a way, which was to complain that I couldn't learn anything. You see, if a person always complains about his teacher, it is hard to say whether he is in the same mind as the teacher."

"That makes sense." Luo Ling nodded.

"Later, they really became interested in me. After all, I can go to many places they can't go and do many things they can't do." When Krit talked about this, he clenched his fists and his cheeks turned slightly red. "Later, a guy named Hawk really contacted me, and I knew that I succeeded!"

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