On the Seven Towers

Chapter 189 Meeting the Book Spirit Again

"Selinda!" Li Jia looked at her sweetheart lying on the ground, screamed, and rushed into the room with Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen walked in front and took a closer look. The two women were lying on their sides on the ground, their bodies were slightly bent, their chests were still rising and falling, but their faces were pale, their eyes were closed, their brows were furrowed, and their eyes were tangled under their eyelids. Turning around, as if in a nightmare. Nina's condition seemed to be even worse than Linda's. Her lips had turned purple, and her forehead and cheeks were also blue. Li Jia leaned down and picked up Selinda, holding her half in his arms, but no matter whether he shouted or pinched her, there was no response from the other party.

"How could this happen? What on earth is going on?" Li Jia asked in a panic while shaking Selinda.

Xiao Chen glanced around and saw an unknown magic circle in front of him. His trolley case was opened to the side. "Sea of ​​Knowledge Shadow Scroll" fell on the ground with its pages spread out.

"You have to ask it." Xiao Chen said.

Sure enough, a line appeared in the "Shadow Scroll of the Sea of ​​Knowledge" in front of me:

The composition of the meditation world failed, please ask the ceremony leader to enter the repair process.

"Could it be that Selinda couldn't help it..." Li Jia said softly.

"It's obvious." Xiao Chen said, "Go ahead and call someone. Have Shi Hao and Luo Jie bring weapons and seal this room. No one else is allowed to enter except our own people."

"What about the count?"

"Stop it all the same. We must first understand the seriousness of the matter. In addition, you also know how dangerous the "Shadow Scroll of the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness" is."

Li Jia nodded. Although he was very confused at this time, he still understood in an instant that the danger Xiao Chen said had at least three meanings. First, it is related to the secret of the Tower of Dreams. This secret has already involved the feud between magicians and gods. If you are not careful, it will kill many people. Second, as a valuable treasure, it will definitely attract the prying eyes of many people. Even Selinda, the count's daughter who is about to be engaged to him, will risk everything to peek at this book, let alone other people. Third, it will hurt people who are not qualified to read it. If the count insists on reading this book, I am afraid the ending will not be as good as Linda.

Li Jia put Selinda gently on the ground, turned around and ran to call someone.

Xiao Chen pressed his hand on the page of the book. As the host of the ceremony, he had entered the "Shadow Scroll of the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness" many times in the past few days. Soon he felt that the scene in front of him changed, and he was once again floating on the sea of ​​all worlds.

The white ball of light above his head was still shining on the whole world. The book spirit quickly flew down from the ball of light and stood in front of him.

"I haven't seen you in a few days, Mr. Shu Ling."

"What's going on? Why are low-level mages and ordinary people coming in?" The captain walked towards Xiao Chen, his face looking unhappy, "If you hadn't appeared, I would have thought you had lost the "Shadow Scroll of the Sea of ​​Knowledge". Let it fall into the hands of some idiot."

"It is true that some people peeked at this book, but they are not enemies. I still have to find a way to save them." Xiao Chen said.

"Two stupid women, one is a mid-level mage with poor talent, and the other has not even received any magic training. She is a completely ordinary person. They are looking for death." Shu Ling snorted coldly, "It's not like this has happened before. For this kind of thing, even people with much stronger qualifications than them may not be able to withstand the "Shadow Scroll of the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness". Either their mental power collapses when organizing the meditation space, or they fall into the trap of the meditation space and lose consciousness. Most people died in the end.”

"Most of them died...that is to say, some people were saved, right?"

"Yes, but this requires the intervention of a strong host. But it is very different from Mao Kai's situation last time. If Mao Kai completed 90% of the work, the remaining 10% is for you to repair. That ordinary woman can complete five percent of the world of meditation. Saving her is simply asking you to create a world out of thin air. The situation of the mid-level mage is slightly better. Her mental power has been reconstructed, although she has formed a meditation. Space, but it hurts his main consciousness." Shu Ling pointed at the two light balls in the sea of ​​all realms. One was just a flickering light spot, much smaller than the other floating orbs of light. The other is an irregular, indescribable mass, "and both of their consciousnesses have fallen into a coma. To save those two people, it is not enough to provide power from the outside, but must enter their meditation world, This is very dangerous.”

"I want to give it a try!"

"Then let's go, follow me to your meditation world. I have to see how strong you are."

"Don't you need to worry about those two women?"

Shu Ling waved his hand and said, "How can I save them if I don't understand what you are capable of?"


Xiao Chen's island is bigger again, with more trees on it, and a hill in the middle. The pier that was engulfed by huge waves last time is now more tidy, and passenger ships are docked quietly at the pier. The area of ​​about one or two kilometers around the island is now calm, but looking into the distance, the ocean outside is still rough and the waves are huge. And Xiao Chen's island is like a secret place in this crazy world.

The two of them stood on the beach, and Xiao Chen asked, "How about it? Can I do it?"

Shu Ling said: "Logically speaking, according to the realm of your mid-level mage, you are not qualified to repair such a meditation world, but I found that you actually controlled such a large area in just a few months, and you did it out of thin air. The island and dock were transformed into such a piece of pure land in this violent sea, which made this possible. "

"Is there anything strange about this?" Xiao Chen asked, "I found that after controlling the sea water and air here, I could change their shapes. So, I used sea water to create small islands, trees and other Something. This way I can feel more comfortable in this chaotic world.”

"Not difficult? Most magicians just try their best to control the things that already exist in their meditation world. Stronger magicians can allocate some energy to eliminate the subconscious parts that are harmful to themselves or difficult to control. How can there be free time like you? , to change the properties of matter in this world? This is already the scope of creation." The captain picked up a handful of sand from the ground and crushed it in his hands. The sand fell sparsely, and some of it fell on his pants. , some of them floated to the sand. He exclaimed twice and said, "Look at these sands. They look like real sand. It corresponds to the saying in your world, 'The devil is in the details.'"

Seeing Xiao Chen's puzzled look, he explained: "When most magicians form a meditation world, the world is composed of the things they are most familiar with. But if you want to change the appearance of things, you need to do it in the real world. It takes a lot of observation and spending a lot of time and energy in this world to make things 'like'. For example, although each piece of sand here is basically the same, it already has the feel of sand. When it falls, There are already trajectories blown by the wind. How much more effort does it take to turn seawater into particles that look like sand? For most mages, this is a thankless task. "

Xiao Chen said: "They haven't been soaking in the huge waves all day, right? Then of course they have no motivation to change. Besides, I don't find it very difficult."

"So they are more inclined to use the world formed by talent. If the world is a volcano, use fire, and if the world is a lake, use water." Shu Ling frowned and thought for a while, and said: "I remembered a very interesting thing. At that time When I probed your surface consciousness, I found that the number of images in your mind was more than a hundred times that of the previous Magic Tower of Dreams."

"You mean, this will help me change the world?"

"Of course! People of your time saw more and observed more things. Let's do an experiment and you make a chair!"

Chair? Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air, and a ball of sea water on the edge of the beach was pulled in front of him, forming a water ball with a diameter of about one meter in mid-air. Xiao Chen concentrated on looking at the water ball and pulled it in the air with his hands. He saw that the water ball was like a piece of plasticine, being pulled out of a chair back and four legs. When the shape of the chair was about the same, Xiao Chen pressed his hands and the water dispersed. , a back chair fell on the sand. It looked like it was made of solid wood.

"Very good!" The captain came over and touched the chair, then sat on it. "I roughly calculated that your ability to create things in your own meditation space is probably more than ten times that of ordinary magicians, at least reaching the level of 'creation. It’s half the level of Li Haoran. No wonder you can build an island in such a short time.”


The captain stood up, walked over and patted Xiao Chen on the shoulder and said: "This shows that although you have not laid a good foundation for cultivation, and you had a slight problem when you first turned over the book, which made your world very manic, you still remain the same. You are a genius! In order to change the violent world of meditation, you have to develop a strong creative ability, which is a blessing in disguise."

"What's the difference between me and them?" Xiao Chen asked.

The captain walked back to the chair, knocked on it, and then said: "I have an example here. Creation is like using computers to create three-dimensional animations in your world. The higher the requirements for details, the smaller the scene. The more ambitious it is, the more difficult it is to create this animation, and the higher the requirements for the machine. But look at you! Your graphics computing power is very strong, your material library is very large, and your drawing software is also good. It often crashes due to viruses, but it’s better than those small laptops, right? So they can only be used to watch movies, but you can use them to make movies.”

"You use our words very fluently."

"I am an expert on the earth now. Your classmate Li Jia's creation ability should not be too bad. As long as you have this ability, the possibility of saving people will be much greater. The ability of spiritual creation can also be used in other people's meditation world. Make a difference so that you can repair and transform their meditation world.”

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