On the Seven Towers

Chapter 194 Another Way

Bigness is power. When a giant accuses you with a straight face, the effect is definitely much stronger than that of a dwarf. Especially when you still feel guilty.

Nina felt that this was the most terrifying moment in her life. The other party's accusation made her terrified, as if she would be eaten by the magician who covered the sky at any time.

"Everything, everything is Miss's decision. I, I can't promise anything on behalf of Miss. I can't resist her orders. I always do what she says." Nina defended, holding her clothes tightly with both hands. Horn, like a kitten cornered.

"But in my memory, I saw you disobeying her orders more than once, even though it was just secretly. You see, once you gave two pieces of bread to the attendant who was punished for standing still. Once you let the lazy gardener go, He should have been whipped a few times. Another time, you tried on Selinda's dress at home while she was out hunting. Well, there were so many things about stealing cakes that I won't mention it here. Two dates with the knight she hated. And once..."

"Please, please stop talking. What do you want from me?" Nina asked in a pleading tone.

"I'm just proving that you are an ordinary person, sometimes kind, sometimes compassionate, sometimes taking advantage, and sometimes love bursts out of your heart. You live for yourself, not yours Miss. Her interests are not naturally aligned with yours. You are a flesh and blood person, not her shadow."

"But I have never betrayed her. I have done some wrong things, but I have never betrayed her! I will not help you deal with my master!" Nina said loudly.

Xiao Chen looked at Nina who was shouting hoarsely, and felt a little unbearable in his heart, but he suppressed this emotion forcibly and continued: "Actually, I sympathize with you. Fate is sometimes a very bad naughty ghost. He gave you two There are many paths, but every path will make you hurt. All you can do is to choose between hurting yourself and hurting others. However, at this time, you have to understand that maybe you can ignore this bastard. Your path may be just an illusion. What you have to do is accept help from others and find a third way.”

"I do not understand."

"It's very simple. You don't need to stand on my side to deal with her, your master. Don't stand on her side to deal with me, someone who took the risk to save you. You just need to help me maintain a harmonious situation. . After all, I don’t want to antagonize my best friend’s fiancée.”

"You want me to spy on her?"

"She has lost my trust. If I could have taken precautions this time before she wanted to do something stupid like this, things wouldn't have ended up like this, right? So of course I wanted to know what she was doing. She wanted to What to do.”

Nina was silent.

"What you did almost triggered a confrontation between us and the earl. Think about it, if your lady or his father really conflicts with me, will he be better than me?" Xiao Chen said this, holding his hands After waving to the sky, the heavy rain suddenly stopped, the dark clouds dispersed, revealing the "sun" above. This rapidly changing celestial phenomenon gives people a feeling of palpitations.

Nina's eyes hurt from the sun.

"You don't know. In fact, I don't know either." Xiao Chen said and waved to Nina. When Nina screamed, the round stool she was sitting on carried her directly from the window of "Linglong Water Pavilion" Flying out, Nina was so frightened that she hugged the stool with both hands and feet, and she flew all the way to Xiao Chen. Seeing Xiao Chen give her a toothy smile, and then said, "But in the face of this kind of power, huge damage is always inevitable. The victim may be an ambitious earl, maybe a restless young lady, maybe It’s you who is obedient, or your taciturn father, or even the knight you have a crush on. We have to try to avoid this, don’t you think?”

Looking at Xiao Chen's smiling face, Nina felt a little more at ease for some reason and nodded involuntarily.

"Very good!" Xiao Chen said, snapping his fingers, "The weather is going to be sunny, let's get along well. Maybe I can give you a small gift."


Li Jia was walking in a castle. This castle was similar in style to the castle they lived in, but it was completely different because it looked unreal. To use an inappropriate metaphor, this castle is like a three-dimensional animation with poor textures and textures. All objects appear rough and stiff, lacking real details. Li Jia touched a gray wall. It looked like a stone wall, but it actually felt like plastic and had no stone texture. He glanced at the torch on the wall again. The flame was like a huge luminous brush, with no sense of agility at all. For a moment, he had the illusion that he was playing an ancient, inferior online game.

What's worse is that the structure of the castle seems to have been taken apart and rebuilt by a naughty boy. Various doorways and walkways are messily intertwined to form a maze.

Li Jia took a torch off the wall. It still felt like plastic. He concentrated on the flame. The flame had been shaking in the same way for thousands of times. Suddenly the rhythm changed and it suddenly became lively. Li Jia stood with the torch. After a few minutes, the torch finally turned into what it should be in reality.

Selinda, here I come. Holding the torch, Li Jia chose a road that looked flatter and walked forward.

It is really true that "looking from the side, you see a mountain, and looking from the side, you see a peak. The distance and height are different." Walking in such a maze, Li Jia felt like he was climbing a mountain. He had to be very careful, because from time to time there would be a big pit on the road, or a cliff in front of him when turning. In some places, the slope of the passage is very high, even vertical wellheads, and in some places there is only a bottomless pit with no other way. But he knew that Serinda could be anywhere in this maze, so he had to go through. Whenever this happened, Li Jia had to use his creation ability to make a ladder grid by grid before he could climb over.

"It would be great if Xiao Chen was here. According to his ability, I'm afraid he can change this broken place with a wave of his hand. I really don't know where the book spirit's confidence in me is." He talked to himself while holding a torch to overcome various difficulties and move forward. In this weird and depressing environment, if he didn't say something, he felt that he would go crazy.

After walking for a while, he was in a relatively smooth downward passage, and he saw a ball of red on the ground in front of him. Along the way, Li Jia didn't see anything out of the building except the wall and the stairs. Now he finally found something, which made him a little nervous. He pulled out a dagger from his waist and held it in his hand, slowly approaching.

When he got closer, he saw a figure with red hair and leather armor on the ground. The man's head was facing the direction he came from, and his face was lying down.

"Selinda?" Li Jia tried to shout at a distance of two meters.

The man didn't move.

"Selinda?" Li Jia shouted several times with a louder voice.

The man trembled on the ground and seemed to wake up from a coma. She tried several times but couldn't stand up. She could only look up with difficulty, revealing a pale face.

"It's really you!" Li Jia dropped the dagger and torch, rushed up in one step, and tried to hold her arm, but he didn't expect his hand to pass through Serinda's shoulder.

"This is..." Li Jia tried to touch her arm again, but there was still no entity, only a little resistance at the fingertips, and it felt like a hand sliding in the water.

"You, are Li Jia..." Serinda half-opened her eyes and stammered.

"Yes, it's me. I finally found you."

"Li Jia, Li Jia! You're finally here. I've been calling you for a long, long time!" Serinda was very weak, her voice was very soft, but she was trembling with excitement, "I, I have no strength. And, and, I can't feel my legs anymore."

Li Jia looked down at her lower body. Serinda's visible body only reached her waist, and the part below was so blurred that it could not be seen. He said in a panic: "Selinda! I'm glad I found you! Don't worry, everything here is not real, not real. You are lying on the bed in the castle now!"

"I was wrong, Li Jia, I was really wrong! If I wasn't so greedy! It wouldn't be like this. I regret it! I really regret it!" Serinda said over and over again, "I wandered in this palace for a long time, there was no food, no one talked, I was so hungry, but I couldn't find food, and then my body slowly disappeared. Later I crawled on the ground, and then I couldn't even crawl. I regretted it so much, I was so scared! But I don't remember what I did wrong, why I came here. Right! Here, where is this place?"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!" Li Jia looked at her distressedly, stretched out a finger and gently pressed it against her mouth, trying to calm her down. He unexpectedly found that Serinda's lips could be touched, but they were terribly cold, like a smooth jade. He was delighted and felt around along her lips. He found that he could touch her cheek and neck, but below her neck, there was only an illusory shadow.

Selinda looked at Li Jia's hand passing through her body, her face twisted with fear: "Save me, save me! What's wrong with me?"

"Don't panic, this is not real! We are in your meditation space. It's not your real body that disappears, but your consciousness."

"Consciousness disappears..., am I dying?"

"No! No!" Li Jia held her face and said softly: "Look at me, Serinda! Look at me, dear! Listen to me carefully. I can come and find a way with you. Do you remember the book you opened? There is a very powerful book spirit in it. She taught me how to save you. Let me think about what the book spirit said..." He squatted down beside Serinda, concentrated his mind, and tried to use the method taught by the book spirit to repair Serinda's consciousness.

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