On the Seven Towers

Chapter 198: Fusion of Consciousness

The sun was a bit dazzling, and Selinda subconsciously blocked the sun with her hands, so she could clearly see the blue sky and white clouds between her fingers. She was happy to be able to see the light again, but she always felt that the blue was covered with a layer of gray.

A breeze blew by, making her sober again. She was lying on the ground, and there seemed to be grass beneath her, and there seemed to be voices in the distance. Selinda sat up and looked around, and found that she was sitting on a grass slope, and there was a small lake on the edge of the grass slope. A road surrounded the grass slope and the lake. There were people walking in twos and threes on the road, and the road Outside are buildings of varying heights, and further away, there are tall buildings piercing the sky.

Those buildings were as square as boxes, neat and grand, even more majestic than the castle in the royal capital. Wait, these houses look familiar. I seem to have been here before. This is...

Selinda turned around and looked back, and was shocked to see the library she had set on fire, but the library here looked clean, with no trace of burning at all.

Isn't this the mage academy of Li Jia and the others? Selinda looked at her body. She was not wearing a shirt, trousers, or leather armor. Instead, she was wearing a green dress, which was exactly the one Li Jia originally gave her.

How did I get here? What the hell is going on?

She pinched herself hard and it hurt, but that didn't mean that this was not a dream. After seeing the world of meditation, she knew that the boundary between reality and illusion was not so clear. She pulled up another grass from the ground and found that neither the veins nor the roots of the grass could be clearly seen. When she looked closely at the things around her, she felt a hazy sense of instability. She walked to the edge of the pond, and the reflection was herself, a red-haired girl wearing a green skirt, who looked not much different from the people walking around her.

However, just as she was observing her reflection, the water surface suddenly shook. The "Selinda" in the water suddenly frowned, and then said: "This is not the place you should be, get out, get out!"

"Who are you?" Selinda was startled and broke into a cold sweat. But the water quickly returned to calm, and the girl inside stopped moving, leaving only a nervous look on her face.

"Hey, hey!" She called out several times, and her reflection also made exactly the same movements. There was nothing strange about it. She stretched out her hand and touched the water gently, feeling only a slight coolness.

Selinda had no choice but to leave the pond. She quietly observed the pedestrians on the road for a while, and found that their clothes were very similar to Li Jia's group, but she didn't look too out of place in their clothes - except for her red hair. hair. So, she put on a calm look, slowly walked down the grass slope, and walked towards a young woman on the road.

"Hello! Where is this place?" Selinda stopped in front of her and asked.

The woman was very good-looking, with a nose like a nose and a mouth like a mouth, but she had eyes like a dead fish. When she heard Selinda's question, she looked her up and down and said, "This is China." University. Everyone here knows. Why don’t you?”

"Well, I'm from outside."

"Outside? Where is the outside? There is no one outside this school. Could it be that you came from that outside?" The woman pointed to the sky. Seeing that Selinda didn't answer, she shouted loudly: "Come quickly, come quickly. Come on, there's a woman from outside. And she has red hair! Oh my god, how could this happen!" she shouted while twisting hysterically. In the blink of an eye, her arms twisted and lengthened like the tentacles of an octopus, as if they were curling towards Selinda.

What a monster is this! Selinda ducked down to avoid the arm that swept over her head, and then took a few steps backward to avoid the encirclement of the strange hands.

She already understood at this time that this was definitely not the real world.

Soon, people around were running over. As they ran, they shouted: "Oh my God, my God! That red-haired woman, she is coming from outside, let's catch her quickly." These people were the same as that woman. , his hands turned into tentacles several meters long, attacking Selinda from all directions.

In the eyes of Selinda, a knight, these monsters' speed and attacks were almost no threat, but their "octopus-man" appearance made her shudder. She ran towards the less crowded direction, sideways avoiding the grasp of a man in front of her, kicking him on the waist, knocking him to the ground, and then stabbing another girl in the chin, knocking her Knocked over. Taking three steps and two steps at a time, he rushed out of the encirclement. She crossed a lawn, ran into an alley, made several turns in several buildings and rooms, and finally got rid of the monsters behind her.

Selinda hid behind a corner, thinking carefully about her current situation.

This should be Li Jia's dream. Perhaps it was because spiritual power was stimulated to enter his conscious body that the two people's consciousnesses became entangled, leading to this dream within a dream. Selinda has no research on dream-related magic, but judging from the few rumors she has heard, spiritual and dream magic are always full of mysteries and weirdness, and are more dangerous than the elemental magic she masters. a lot of. But these magics often have a key, which is that traces of the person responsible can be found in the dream. In other words, no matter what kind of dream this is, the first thing is to find Li Jia. Only by finding him can we communicate with this dream, wake up Li Jia, and get out of here.

But where is Li Jia?

This academy in the dream is bigger than the one Li Jia had taken her to. It was probably the complete appearance of it before it fell to the Black Mountain. Then the place where Li Jia is most likely to appear is the place he is most familiar with or has the most profound memory of. Serinda is going to search along the places he had taken her to visit.

Or... maybe they know something, so they can "ask" for directions before looking for him? Serinda saw a lone "person" walking in the alley ahead. These monsters are either magical creations guarding the academy, or just part of a nightmare. But in any case, they must be connected to Li Jia in the dream. Serinda picked up a shovel that she had just picked up by the flower bed on the road, walked out of the corner, and slowly approached the prey in front.

Walking in the alley is a middle-aged man, wearing a suit and glasses, a typical university teacher. However, Serinda can't see this. In her eyes, this is just a potential monster.

When Serinda rushed behind the man, the middle-aged man had already heard the noise. He just turned his head and was hit by a shovel in the face. The shovel hit his cheek, knocked his glasses off, and knocked him to the ground. The man's face quickly swelled up and turned purple. After the man fell to the ground, he screamed, and before he could scream twice, he was hit by another shovel on his chin. This hit broke several of his teeth. He tilted his head and spat out a mouthful of blood with broken teeth.

The man opened his mouth and looked at Serinda viciously, and his hands were about to turn into long whips and sweep towards her. Serinda was quick-eyed and quick-handed, and used the shovel to poke the other's upper arm. After a few heavy blows, the man's two arms were broken by the shovel, and the sleeves of his suit were stained red with blood.

Serinda pressed the tip of the shovel against the man's throat and asked, "Where is Li Jia?"

"Ah, outsider...hiss...you shouldn't be here, ah..." The man repeated these words, and Serinda poked him with the shovel several times. The man just cried out in pain and said, "Ah...here...except you, everyone is Li Jia. I am Li Jia, the house is Li Jia, everything belongs to Li Jia, only you are not...get out, get out."

Serinda poked him on the shoulder with a shovel and asked, "You know which Li Jia I'm talking about, the one who really has a soul!"

"Ah...hehe, he failed, so he naturally stayed with us, mixed among us, and became an inconspicuous one. Sink, sink, and fall to a place that originally belonged to us." When the man said this, his face no longer showed pain, but only fanaticism.

"You actually have a good sense, what on earth are you." Serinda squinted her eyes and looked at the man. This man had no similarities with the Li Jia she knew. Except...the pair of glasses that fell on the ground. That really seemed to be the one that Li Jia often wore.

"Thoughts, outsider. I am a trace of thoughts. Have you ever had the thought of "not matching your own" identity in your mind? I am not his him, one of countless! I am, they are all, everyone has been. However, we are suppressed here by him, until one day, that him fell, and countless of us stood up!" The man said crazy and incoherent words. But Serinda understood some of the reasons.

"How can you still stand up now?" Serinda sneered and stepped on his stomach, "From what you said, you have seen that him. Where is he?"

"Run away, he is running away! Be afraid, he is afraid! You can't find him, you will be swallowed by us, you will become a part of us." As he said, the man's mouth suddenly grew to an incredible degree, and a tongue as thick as a bowl, like a snake's tongue, stabbed Serinda's head.

However, as a soldier with rich combat experience, Serinda was prepared. She avoided the stab, hooked the shovel, pressed it, and nailed the tongue to the ground. With all her strength, she pressed down, and her tongue was cut off.

The man spurted blood and screamed, "Ah... Get out! You bitch, get out!"

"Get out? You are just a distraction in Li Jia's mind. What qualifications do you have to ask me, the mistress, to get out? It's time to help Li Jia clear her mind." Serinda gritted her teeth, raised and lowered the shovel, and chopped the man's neck fiercely.

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