On the Seven Towers

Chapter 204 Behind the Conspiracy

Hawke was sitting at the door of the ore warehouse. This warehouse was located at the entrance to a mountain road into Black Mountain. This mountain road had just been repaired and was relatively wide, allowing ox carts to pass easily. There is a tributary of the Kalma River more than 20 meters outside the warehouse. The miners in Camp 3 transport the mined ore down the mountain road, and then use flat-bottomed boats to transport them to the smelting plant downstream.

Since the transportation fleet does not come frequently, the fleet only comes once every three days, and the warehousing statistics are quite simple, so Hawke, the warehouse manager, is actually quite idle.

At this time, he was holding a pile of dried yellow leaves with his fingers and rolling them into a long strip. This is homemade tobacco, and the tobacco he uses is not real tobacco, but a broad-leaf plant native to Montenegro with the local name "Chong Er Pai". Border towns like Frollo rarely have real tobacco leaves, and locals often dry the spicy leaves to enjoy themselves. This little trick soon spread to the resettlement camps. Hawke was young, but he was very addicted to smoking. In his early years in the south, most of the remaining family property was used by him to buy good cigarettes and wine. After accidentally becoming a slave, I have never eaten meat. When he arrived here, there was not much tobacco supply in the camp, so he followed the example of the Montenegrins and started to support himself.

Soon, a burnt yellow cigarette was rolled. Hawke picked up three slender grass stems and tied the cigarette at the front, middle and back. This is also a traditional local practice in Montenegro. When the fire reaches the grass stems, the compressed leaves will suddenly loosen, and from the front it will look like a burning flower blooming. Therefore, the locals call smoking a cigarette "blowing three flowers".

However, Hawke lit up his cigarette and blew a flower when he was interrupted by an accident. Lorenzo covered his nose and ducked into the warehouse. With a look of disgust on his face, he threw two cigarettes produced in the camp on the table.

"Quickly choke that piece of garbage and smoke it to death."

Hawke took a deep breath, then reluctantly threw the cigarette on the ground, stamped it out with his feet, then put the two cigarettes Lorenzo gave him into his pocket, and said with a smile: "You don't understand, this is called delicious."

Lorenzo had no intention of joking with him. He waved his hand to disperse the smoke in front of him and asked, straight to the point: "How is the manpower recruitment site in Camp Three?"

"It's hard to find people in the camp now." Hawke pulled up a chair and asked Lorenzo to sit down and talk: "If nothing else, these Montenegrins are very good at managing people. Those mud-legged people are now passing by Life is much better than before they were slaves. What else can they be dissatisfied with? To say that they are against the magician is just a dream. If they are to say that they are dissatisfied, it is mostly people like us. Most of these people have some sense, and it’s not easy to persuade them to cause trouble.”

"How many people are you looking for?"

"More than twenty."

"It's still too few. At least fifty people are needed."

"I also know that there is no momentum with a small number of people, but..." Hawke made a gesture with his empty hands, "There are always people who like the current situation and see the benefits."

Lorenzo sighed, took out a money bag from his arms, and threw it to Hawke.

Hawke caught the money bag, opened the opening and looked inside, and whistled uncontrollably.

"Thirty silver coins. It's enough for you to do a big job." Lorenzo's eyes stayed on the money bag for a long time and said, "This is the last money, so save it!"

"I have been waiting for this for a long time. No one will have trouble with money. One silver coin can make a farmer work hard, and two silver coins can make a soldier bend down. Don't worry, I guarantee that there will be so many people on the day of the incident that the Montenegrins will be surprised. ”

Lorenzo nodded and said: "When things are done, the benefits will surprise you."

"However, you are willing to pay such a large sum of money." Hawke suddenly hesitated again as he weighed his money bag, "You won't really cause any danger, right?"

"How could it be? We are just fighting for the treatment we deserve. Of course, nobles, mages and warriors should not waste their time in such nonsense every day, doing the same things as those untouchables. This is not only a matter of situation, but also a matter of honor. Question! Don’t back down when the time comes, haven’t you done enough as a treasurer?” Lorenzo asked.

Hawke glanced at his warehouse and laughed a little self-deprecatingly, "The longer I stay here, the more lazy I am to move."

"Hoke. I heard that your ancestor got the title because of his military exploits?"

"In the battle to defend Coconut Palm City, my great-great-great-grandfather went down to the city in the dark, ran hundreds of kilometers on his feet, brought in reinforcements, and received a baronetcy. Later, generations of family heads worked for the city lord in exchange for the title of viscount. "Hoke looked at the mountains in the distance outside the warehouse door and said with emotion: "But since I lost my family and became a slave, I don't think about these things about face anymore. , Let’s discuss the matter of recruiting people to make money, and it’s okay to argue for some benefits, but don’t come to me for desperate matters. I am not a life-threatening berserker.”

Seeing Hawke's face slowly sinking, Lorenzo raised the corner of his mouth and snorted: "When have I ever put you in danger? Just do what you promised us. Don't mention this anymore, and Let me tell you, what’s the latest news about Camp Three?”

"The biggest thing must be the explosion a few days ago..."

Lorenzo chatted with Hawke for about a quarter of an hour, then hurriedly left the warehouse. He followed the forest road into the mountain, walked for about twenty minutes and turned onto a small road. He walked up a little further and came to a plain mountain wall on the side of the road. Seeing that there was no one around, he reached out and fumbled on the stone wall for a while, then took out a round piece of iron from the inside pocket of his jacket and pressed it on a specific position on the stone wall.

A moment later, a complex magic circle appeared on the stone wall. After the light between the magic circles started to move, the magic circle gradually disappeared, and a layer of light film appeared on the stone wall instead. Lorenzo walked into the light film, and the light film gradually disappeared.

When Lorenzo walked out from the other end of the light film, the light around him dimmed. After he spent a few seconds adapting to the surrounding environment, he found that this was a wooden house. Several fully armed warriors and mages in the room, holding weapons, looked at him in a serious state.

Neither side spoke, until the light film behind Lorenzo dissipated, these people relaxed.

"Gardo, don't be nervous, there's no tail behind me." Lorenzo looked around and asked curiously, "Why did you change your base again? Isn't it hard to move the teleportation array every day?"

"I heard that the spies of the false god are also eyeing the Black Mountain Mage, so we have to be careful." The leading warrior Gardo sheathed his sword and answered with a serious look. If Xiao Chen was here, he would definitely recognize this "bard" who had met on the road by chance.

"There are indeed such rumors, but we are all very careful, so don't be too nervous. Changing the base rashly will also attract the attention of those who are interested." Lorenzo said.

"This is the intention of the third-level priest Sophia." Gardo did not intend to explain more.

"Is Sophia here?" Lorenzo's face tightened, and his attitude suddenly became serious, "Okay, just ignore what I said."

"Sophia is waiting for you next door." A man dressed as a mage said, and he was another bard Letona.

Lorenzo followed Letona to the next room, where a bald old man with white hair, a teenage girl with freckles and the third-level priest Sophia sat around a round table. The three of them were wearing ordinary peasant clothes and had ordinary temperaments.

The old man was the second-level priest Russell, who was the maker and operator of the beacon. The one who appeared in the form of a girl was the high-level assassin Dara. Like Lorenzo, she had already sneaked into the slave camp, but acted alone and was not under his jurisdiction.

Seeing Lorenzo come in, Sophia smiled and said, "Wisdom is supreme, Lorenzo, come and sit down. This time you sneaked into the camp of these foreign magicians yourself, which is commendable. What did you gain?"

"Wisdom is supreme, Lord Sophia. That is not my courage. Everything is calculated by the God of Wisdom." Lorenzo saluted Sophia, nodded to the other two, and then sat on the remaining chair.

"Lorenzo, since we parted at the temple, I have been looking forward to your progress. Now that the time for our action is approaching, I have personally brought all the people involved in the action here. Now, let's talk about the specific situation. Has the beacon been placed?" Although Priest Sophia's face is ordinary, if you look closely at her expression, she shows a wise look everywhere, and her eyes are like blue gems, giving people a feeling of seeing through everything.

"Yes. I managed to sneak into the castle and placed the beacon in a very inconspicuous warehouse. As for the personnel, we have developed about 200 dissatisfied people in five camps. These people will be the main force of our uprising. They will at least cause a riot of more than 500 people. This will create enough opportunities for our breakthrough." Lorenzo replied respectfully.

"How many of our people are involved? I mean people who are completely under our control and can complete the mission at all costs."

"This... about ten." Fearing that the priest would be dissatisfied, Lorenzo explained, "But these people are the real elite, and I have revealed our cover identities to a limited extent."

"What do you mean?" Priest Sofia asked.

"The Repulse Bay Mercenary Group. It is most convenient for us to use the southern city-state as a cover to block the front. These places are originally chaotic and it is difficult to find out the truth."

Priest Sofia hummed without comment, and asked again: "Then are the preparations enough now?"

"How many people did you bring in the end?"

"Two teams of temple warriors, one can be led by Galdo and the other by Juan."

A team is ten people, and each temple warrior has mastered low-level fighting spirit at the least. Lorenzo calculated that he brought so many people and said, "Then I think we need to prepare for a few more days."

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