On the Seven Towers

Chapter 213 Unexpected

In front of Lorenzo, two assault teams of temple warriors were ready to go. They were led by high-level temple warrior Alex and mid-level temple warrior Galdo, preparing to break into the school through the portal.

Alex was in his thirties, wearing a set of sophisticated enchanted armor and a pair of scimitars tied behind his back. He raised his head slightly, his expression was indifferent, showing a bit of arrogance.

Alex was powerful and became the deputy leader of the Wisdom Temple Warriors at a very young age. Among the people who came to the action this time, only the third-level priest Sophia, the demon assassin Rada and him were in the high-level realm. In terms of combat power alone, he even surpassed the priest Sophia and was the strongest among the people in the temple. Therefore, he was Sophia's ally in the temple, not a subordinate. He did not act with the large army before, but came to the secret camp quietly yesterday as a private person.

"We can't predict how many arrays and barriers there are in the center of a magic castle, and how many powerful enemies there are. So, Captain Alex, once you go there, try to avoid conflict with anyone and find the target directly according to Lorenzo's map. Retreat quickly after you succeed." Priest Sophia instructed the two warrior leaders.

"Lord Sophia, I have been around these days and learned a lot about the situation. Few people have seen the Black Mountain Wizard or the Chinese take action. I think they are either just for show or they are very limited in manpower. I don't think you need to be so nervous. They may not even have expensive wizards. However, even if there are high-level wizards, so what? They will still fall under my scimitar, please rest assured. I am thinking that if those Black Mountain Wizards are really vulnerable, it would be a good choice for us to take this place directly."

"Captain Alex, wise believers are never blinded by the immediate interests. What if we take this place? The Temple of Nature will never miss the opportunity to attack us. We should still act on the most valuable things and not make trouble." Sophia advised.

Alex snorted, agreeing to Sophia's request. He pointed to a warrior and said, "Lemos, go and check the situation."

"Yes, deputy commander." The warrior stepped out of the team, holding a long sword and a shield, and carefully jumped into the teleportation array. A moment later, he jumped back. The shield in his hand had been broken, but he was fine, only with a scratch on his arm. He reported calmly: "My lord, there are people in the opposite room. They attacked me as soon as I appeared. Some used swords and some used crossbows. I was attacked by a kid standing under the teleportation gate. His shield was broken by his sword."

"Are there many people? How strong are they?" Alex asked.

"There are about six or seven people, and their strength doesn't seem to be strong. The kid who attacked me is about the same as mine. The others seem to be mostly ordinary people. If it were an adult, I'm afraid one person could destroy them." Lemos replied.

Alex nodded and waved his hand, and the warrior stood back in the team. A low-level priest began to cast a spell to heal him.

"Lorenzo, it seems that your secret place has been discovered." Priest Sofia said.

"Lord Sofia, I'm so sorry, I thought no one would go to that place, but I didn't expect someone to run into it. I suggest canceling this assault. We can attack from outside the wall instead, so as not to put Lord Alex in danger." Lorenzo bowed slightly, looking very terrified.

"Captain Alex, Galdo, what do you two think?" Sofia asked.

"Need I say more? Of course I will rush over and kill all these guys." Alex glared at Lorenzo and said, "I'm afraid that no one who can threaten my safety has been born yet in this place!"

"Sophia, I... think what Lorenzo said makes sense." Gardo hesitated and said, "We have come into contact with that Xiao Chen. His strength is unfathomable. Letona has also suffered in front of him. If there are a few mages with the same strength as him in this castle..."

"Yes, although Alex is powerful, as far as I know, the mages of Black Mountain are not easy to deal with." Lorenzo said, while making a worried look and looking at Alex.

"Hmph, Sophia, I have decided to attack immediately! Maybe more and more enemies are rushing there at this moment. Now is the best chance to defeat them in one fell swoop." He glared at Gardo and said, "Since you are so cautious, you should stay with your team and protect Lorenzo."

"Okay." Sophia said.

"I'll be the first one to go, and your whole team will follow me and rush in. After going down, attack the nearest enemy directly." Alex said, drew out his two swords, and jumped into the teleportation array first. The warriors of the team he led followed him in one after another.

At this time, Lorenzo gently pinched his palms behind his back, and a faint purple light shone through his fingers.

When the last warrior jumped into the portal, the portal suddenly fluctuated, as if someone was shaking it violently.

"Oh no! My lord, there is a problem with the teleportation array! There is energy interfering with the teleportation process." Priest Russell, who presided over the magic circle, shouted anxiously.

"What's going on!" Sophia walked quickly to the side of the teleportation array, picked up a two-finger-wide branch and inserted it into the teleportation array, and then took it out. More than ten cracks appeared on the branch, and the deepest ones almost cut the branch into several sections, "A space crack appeared!!"

"Captain Alex... Captain Alex and the others..." Russell muttered.

"They are finished." Sophia said, her face was so gloomy that she was staring at the ground, wondering what she was thinking.

The scene fell into silence. After a long time, Lorenzo asked: "Sir, can you confirm that Captain Alex has died?"

"I have sensed the power of that space. No one can travel in such a space. Russell! Why did the formation you controlled have such a problem! What is going on?" Sophia stood up and questioned.

"I, I don't know. Lord Sophia, but this formation diagram is yours..."

"Since you don't know, then go check it. Check the formation with me first!" Sophia said, and began to check each node and each line along the outer circle of the formation with Russell.

"Sir. The formation seems to be stable." Russell wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

Sophia once again put the branch into the teleportation array, and this time the branch was pulled out intact: "Yes, the space gap has disappeared again."

But Sophia's face was not relaxed. She no longer looked as graceful as before. She put her hands on her waist, glanced at everyone present, and said: "Now that the array is stable, our plan cannot stop. Galdo!"

Galdo had cold sweat on his head and saluted Sophia: "My lord, I think it will be safer to attack from the outside. After all, before Alex jumped in just now, the teleportation array didn't show any problems."

Sophia saw that the temple warriors behind Galdo were also hesitant, and turned to Lorenzo and asked: "Lorenzo, what do you think?"

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