On the Seven Towers

Chapter 225: Beside the Bed

School hospital ward.

After performing a healing spell, Elena sat quietly beside Luo Ling, watching her slowly open her eyes.

"I feel much better." Luo Ling sat up, and Elena put a cushion behind her so that she could lean against the head of the bed.

"You can't do this in the future. Even if I'm here, it will cause too much damage to your body. When you fell in the library, I used my mental power to scan your body. There is only one word to describe it..." Elena paused, her eyes showing deep worry, "full of holes."

"There will always be times when you can't help yourself." Luo Ling stretched out her hand and held Elena's palm, "Elena, thank you! Not only do I want to thank you, but the whole school should thank you."

"Now you have revealed that you can do magic. According to your words, this time there is a 'can't help yourself', that time there is an 'unwelcome request', and the next time there is a 'extremely dangerous'. What will you do then?" Elena held Luo Ling's hands in front of her chest with both hands, and said solemnly, "Promise me. Don't use magic again before your body is healed. Otherwise, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, what?" Luo Ling pulled back her arm, propped up her body, and stared at Elena with wide eyes.

"Otherwise, I won't give you this treatment again. I'll make you give up completely."

"Really?" Luo Ling tilted her head and looked at the other person, with a bit of grievance and two bits of smile in her eyes.

"Of course it's true." Elena said affirmatively.

"Hey, Elena doesn't care about me anymore." Luo Ling slumped back on the cushion, sighing in a pitiful way.


"But so what? Anyway, others are always unreliable, and I've been used to being alone for a long time." Luo Ling looked sad and lost at this time.

Of course, Elena knew that she was playing tricks, but she was so sharp that she could read some true feelings from Luo Ling's words, which made her heart ache.

"I never said that I don't care about you..." She sat down gently beside Luo Ling and looked at Luo Ling, "But you look like this, are you thinking about the past?"

"Okay, now is not the time for gossip." Luo Ling lowered her head and didn't look at Elena.

"What is gossip? You know, elves are very sensitive. I just touched the sadness in your heart... Has someone ever left you?" Elena held her hand again.

"When we came to this world, we said goodbye to the past. Yes, no, there is no point in thinking about it. Maybe God split my life in two so that I can abandon the past and embrace a new life..." Luo Ling spoke these words very slowly, as if she was choosing her words, but halfway through, a tear fell on Elena's hand.

"But memories cannot be abandoned. Whether good or bad, they are part of us. As an elf who has lived for two hundred years, the most feared thing is forgetting. Even painful memories are very precious." Elena reached out to wipe the tears from Luo Ling's cheeks. The elf's hands are very delicate and gentle, but this kind of softness can best break the hardness in the heart.

The more she wiped, the more tears Luo Ling shed.

Finally, Luo Ling cried out loud. She had never cried loudly since she came here, but at this moment, she felt that she could no longer suppress the boiling emotions in her heart. So many days of longing, pain and confusion, so many days of struggle, persistence and sacrifice, finally found an outlet like a flood and rushed down.

She leaned on Elena's shoulder and sobbed without any image, and her tears and snot soon stained her shoulders. Elena gently held her waist and let her vent. But not long after, she remembered everything in the slave camp while crying, and she couldn't help but shed tears.

After a while, Luo Ling regrouped and said with red eyes: "In the past, there was such a person. We went to high school together. I skipped a grade, and although we were in the same class, he was several years older than me and took good care of me. We were always the first and second in the school. Later, we went to MIT to study abroad together. He was also very good to me in a foreign country. When he was with me, I would not feel lonely.

When we graduated from college, we got engaged. At that time, everyone thought we would be happy, just like the prince and princess in fairy tales. However, reality is not a story after all, and we changed later. I was a very strong person at that time and did not know how to compromise in love. And How could he, the one I like, be so timid? We have accumulated too many conflicts. The more we get along, the farther our hearts drift apart.

He is very good, so there are many temptations. He has a professor's daughter... Never mind, let's not talk about this. Anyway, when I was about to return to China, he chose to stay, and I returned the ring to him. There were many vows of love, but all of these could not withstand the changes brought about by time..." Luo Ling left Elena's shoulder, "I'm sorry, I said a lot of things you don't understand."

"I don't understand some of the things in your words, but I understand your heart. I think he made a big mistake." Elena took out a handkerchief to wipe her tears and snot.

"Who knows? When a person makes a choice, he will always find various reasons. I go left, he goes right, and they all have their own reasons. I can't say that my reasons are more important and nobler than his. After all, I was the first one to turn around and leave." Luo Ling saw the charming elf with snot bubbles for the first time, and couldn't help laughing, "So this world without him is also very good, with everyone, you, and a certain annoying guy..."

"Actually, I won't ignore you. For us who have a lifespan of nearly a thousand years, what's wrong with accompanying someone for a hundred years?"

"Don't say that. A hundred years is too long, let's seize the day." Luo Ling reached out and scratched Elena's nose, "Don't worry, I will think of a solution to this matter, I don't want to delay you for a hundred years."

The elf's face suddenly turned red, she bit her lip, and said angrily: "You, you, don't underestimate the elf's promise."

Luo Ling wanted to tease her a few more words. But there was a knock on the door of the ward.

The two looked at each other, and Elaina hurriedly cast a healing magic on their eye sockets. Half a minute later, the two dignified beauties returned, and their red noses and swollen eyes had long disappeared.

Elaina opened the door, and Zhou Xiaoren was standing outside the door with some fruits.

"Miss Elaina, I have some business to discuss with Team Leader Luo. Can you please step aside for a while?"

"Elaina, you go out first. Please ask Team Leader Zhou to come in."

Elaina glanced at his fruit, snorted coldly, walked out of the room and closed the door, but she didn't leave, but stood guard at the door of the ward.

Zhou Xiaoren walked into the room, put the fruit on the cabinet, rubbed his hands and walked to Luo Ling.

Luo Ling looked at him expressionlessly, which put Zhou Xiaoren under a lot of pressure.

"Well, Team Leader Luo looks good. I guess he has recovered well." Zhou Xiaoren was the first to break the silence.

"Team Leader Zhou, you can speak directly. Everyone who should have come has come to see me, and I am a little tired."

"Team Leader Luo, although the school was attacked this time, with the concerted efforts of several departments, we finally succeeded in repelling the invaders and maintaining the stability of the school and the camp. It's a blessing." Zhou Xiaoren said, "I came here today not only on behalf of the intelligence team to thank you for your support, but also on my own behalf, to thank Team Leader Luo for using magic to turn the tide at the critical moment."

"Lucky are those of us who survived. For those who died, this is an absolute disaster. Has Team Leader Zhou counted the personnel losses of the school this time?"

Zhou Xiaoren's face looked a little ugly. How could he not know that this was the culprit for his loss of appetite in recent days. He forced a smile and said, "Well, Team Leader Luo needs to rest. I don't think we need to discuss these official matters today."

"How can I not discuss official matters with Team Leader Zhou? Maybe Team Leader Zhou doesn't know much, so I will report the numbers I have counted. 37 civilians died in the riots in the five camps, 5 civilians died in the school attack by ice bats, 5 people died in the security team of the camp management office, and 32 people died in the school guard battalion. Among them, except for Bras who was seriously injured and disabled, all the Cai Long troops stationed in the library died. All died!" When Luo Ling said the last few words, her voice was terribly cold, "A total of 79 people died, and the number of injured was countless. Team Leader Zhou. You call this a blessing?"

"That was because the enemy's attack was too sudden and too brutal." Zhou Xiaoren defended.

"Too sudden? If you hadn't suddenly launched the action the day before they took action and alerted them, I could have arranged the personnel calmly according to the plan. Crete would have been arranged by me to a safer place, and there would be more people guarding around. The camp would be more fully prepared, and the problem could be solved in a more peaceful way. The two mercenary groups transferred back could also be in place, and most of the school's troops would not be tied down by the ice bats, and Cai Long and his men would not have suffered so much! We might even be able to capture Lorenzo alive and eliminate everything."

"If you had informed us of the arrangements, how could things be so passive?" Zhou Xiaoren's voice became louder, and he glared at Luo Ling, as if he had suffered a great injustice.

"Team Leader Zhou, I have looked for you several times, and you have looked for me several times. Today, this seems to be the first time you have taken the initiative to look for me, right?" Luo Ling stared at him, and there seemed to be a heavy pressure in her eyes, forcing Zhou Xiaoren to take a step back.

"Actually, you're late. I've already submitted the report on the entire incident to the committee. Team Leader Zhou, you should think about how to face the committee's questioning when you have time."

Zhou Xiaoren was in a mess when he left, and he even fell outside the door.

Elena pushed the door open, and Luo Ling asked, "You weren't the one who did that outside, were you?"

"I wouldn't do such a boring thing." Elena stuck out her tongue as she closed the door with her back to Luo Ling.

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