On the Seven Towers

Chapter 234 A fierce fight

The founder of the Spirit Refining Tower actually surrendered to the Temple of Nature?

Xiao Chen's heart throbbed, and he secretly put his hand close to his waist, where a pistol was tucked. However, at this time, Master Kona seemed to have discovered his action. He had a smile on his face, but his eyes emitted a violent white light. A mental shock formed a roaring dragon and rushed into Xiao Chen's mind.

Xiao Chen's own head was like being pierced by a burning spear. The Heart of Fear magic he had prepared was instantly turned into nothingness by the impact of the white dragon. The dragon opened its mouth, and countless white fireballs rushed towards Xiao Chen's consciousness. His consciousness was like a drumhead, with countless drumsticks hitting every wisp of his thoughts. Any of these blows could make people have a splitting headache. Under these continuous collisions, his consciousness was facing collapse.

At that moment, Xiao Chen felt that he was trapped in the endless white and was about to die, but his usual fighting spirit allowed him to retain a trace of clarity.

Meditation world, yes, as long as he hides in the meditation world, maybe he can avoid this blow. His main consciousness was tightly entangled by the dragon, and he could only use half of his consciousness to escape into the meditation world.

His figure fell on the beach of the island and knelt on one knee. The body representing his consciousness was actually in pain and bloody. Fine blood beads oozed out from every pore of his skin, forming blood streams, dripping down his limbs and falling on the sand.

He looked up and saw dense thunder in the air, as if a giant from the sky was constantly knocking on the barrier of this world.

Is this the power of the great magician?

Xiao Chen was filled with a sense of helplessness. The opponent only hit him with one blow, leaving him no room to fight back, and he could only hide in the eggshell of the meditation world. If he hadn't had some understanding of the separation of consciousness before, he might not even have a chance to escape.

The sound outside the meditation world became more and more intense, and Xiao Chen couldn't sense what was happening outside at all. He knew that the trace of consciousness he left in the outside world might have fainted or dissipated.

Suddenly, dark clouds rolled in the sky, lightning and thunder roared, and a huge vortex formed between the surging clouds, with white lightning flashing faintly in the vortex. Xiao Chen looked from the ground, and the vortex occupied most of his vision. People seemed insignificant under such the power of heaven and earth.

Xiao Chen was unwilling to sit and wait for death. He gritted his teeth, and the beach houses, rocks and plants on the island rose into the air, intertwined and accumulated together, forming a four or five-story tall, sturdy giant holding a shield. The giant blocked him in front, and the sand kept melting into its body, making it taller and more solid.

Just as the giant continued to grow, a dragon roar came from the vortex. The white dragon broke through the barrier of the meditation world and rushed out of the vortex in the sky. He was wrapped in clouds and lightning, and his momentum was amazing. The giant in front of Xiao Chen was like a turtle in front of a python. The dragon circled and tumbled in the air, but its copper bell-like eyes stared at the giant on the ground and Xiao Chen behind it.

Finally, it opened its mouth and spit out a stream of white flame. The giant knelt on one knee and used his shield to block the burning of the flame, but even so, Xiao Chen still felt the temperature around him rise sharply. He didn't know what temperature meant in the meditation world, but he had no doubt that if he was sprayed by the white fire, he would probably turn into ashes.

The giant was burned by the white fire. If it were in the real world, such a giant made of rock would probably be burned into a pool of glass. But in the spiritual world, the giant was burned smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a pile of rubble slightly taller than Xiao Chen. However, the white dragon on the opposite side also consumed its energy in the attack and shrank into a small dragon about two meters long.

Xiao Chen stretched out his hand to grab the ground, and the sand on the ground gathered in his hand, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a Type 56 rifle. He took advantage of the white dragon opening its mouth to him again and raised his gun to shoot. The bullets of this Type 56 and a half are endless. Xiao Chen flew into the air while shooting, dodging the light bullets protruding from the white dragon.

The dragon and the man fought for a long time between the sky and the sea. Finally, the white dragon exhausted its energy and turned into a small white ball of light, flying towards Xiao Chen's body. Xiao Chen tried his best to dodge, but the ball of light seemed to have wisdom. It followed Xiao Chen in an arc, caught up with him, and then instantly sank into his body.

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, opened his eyes suddenly, and found that he was still sitting opposite Master Kona. Master Kona's figure did not change at all, as if the previous mental attack was Xiao Chen's own illusion.

Xiao Chen touched his waist with one hand, but found that the Type 54 pistol was gone.

"Are you looking for this?" Master Kona raised his hand from under the coffee table, holding the gun in his hand, "It's an interesting weapon, but it needs a chance to work."

He put the pistol on the coffee table and gestured to Xiao Chen to take it back.

Xiao Chen did not move. He checked his consciousness and seemed to have not received any damage, but the battle just now was so real. Was it really an illusion?

"That battle was real." Master Kona said, "You have just proved that you are qualified to represent the Dream Tower in this world. Although Saint Gomez cooperates with the Temple of Nature, no one wants the Dream Tower to return to the world more than him."

"Since you have passed the test, you will be a member of the Kingdom Magic Association in the future. Although the Magic Association is controlled by a group of short-sighted idiots, people who are smart enough can always find their own opportunities." Master Kona stood up and said to him when he walked out of the door, "Your meditation space has been repaired by the white dragon. The things left there are a gift from our branch to the main line."

Xiao Chen didn't breathe a sigh of relief until Master Kona closed the door. He reached for the pistol, but found that his arm couldn't help shaking.

He couldn't help but feel scared for his carelessness. If Master Kona had any real malice towards him, or if he didn't pass that test, he would probably have died without a burial place, right?

Putting away the gun, he lay on the chair to calm down, and then entered a meditative state.

Xiao Chen stood on the beach in front of the house and observed the surroundings. The traces of the previous fierce fight had long disappeared. The meditation space was still exactly the same as before, and all the beaches, houses and rocks remained the same. But now, not far from his house on the beach, there was a white stone tablet more than one meter tall. On the ground in front of the stone tablet, there was a silver egg. Xiao Chen walked towards the stone tablet and the egg. As soon as he walked to the egg, the eggshell broke with a snap, and a silver dragon swam out of it. It was the same dragon that had fought with him before. The dragon flew into the air, circled around him happily for a few times, and then affectionately wrapped around his arm.

Is this considered turning an enemy into a friend? Xiao Chen suddenly felt a sense of intimacy with the first living thing in his meditation world. He let the dragon wrap around his arm and continued to walk to the stone tablet.

The stone tablet clearly read: The password for the 21st level.

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