On the Seven Towers

Chapter 239 Brother and Sister's Trip

In a small conference room in the school administration building, several people sat around a long table. Guo Qian is sitting in the main seat, next to him are Luo Ling, Elena, Morey, Farrell, Chen Hansheng and Karanda. These people all belong to different departments, but now they are sitting together because of a task.

Opposite them, a blond young man wearing chain mail and a long sword was the reason for this meeting.

"Mr. Adan, are you doubting my magical ability and the strength of everyone sitting here by repeatedly asking about the whereabouts of Master Xiao Chen? You know, if I hadn't agreed to fulfill this agreement against all opinions on the committee, I'm afraid you would have Now I can only take some compensation gold coins and go home. More than one person said that they don't want to be involved with you descendants of the Black Dragon Empire." Luo Ling crossed her hands and fingers on the table and leaned forward slightly, looking very nervous. Be aggressive.

Adan looked a little embarrassed: "Lord Luo Ling, I understand. Please don't misunderstand. It's just that based on what we know, Master Xiao Chen is the most powerful mage here. Our ancestors left a message, specifying that we should bring a Only a powerful magician can successfully obtain the empire's legacy."

"Xiao Chen and I are in the same realm, not to mention that exploration requires more than just force. I believe that I will be better at facing complex problems that need to be studied than Master Xiao Chen." Luo Ling said.

"Yes, Teacher Luo Ling studies mathematics. There is an old saying in our place: A knowledge can only reach the state of perfection when it successfully uses mathematics. I believe that magic is mysterious, but it cannot be separated from this law. ." Guo Qian helped.

"And Mr. Morey is in charge of formations and runes, Mr. Farrell is in charge of mechanisms and traps, high-ranking warrior Miss Kalanda is in charge of our safety, and high-ranking rain and dew priest Miss Elena is in charge of assistance and treatment." Luo Ling He introduced in turn, "I think such a team should be the most suitable and comprehensive team we can send."

Adan met Luo Ling's confident eyes and felt the pressure in his eyes. He moved his butt on the chair and explained: "It's not that I doubt your strength, but there is something special about this ruins. , so I have to be extra careful. The teleportation array leading to the ruins limits the number of people who can enter each time, so I must ensure that everyone who enters is the best choice that is irreplaceable. "

"Do you have a better candidate to replace any of us?" Luo Ling asked.


"Stop! Don't run around! Watch your step!" Ji Yijun shouted, while using his fighting spirit to jump on the roof. Fortunately, the newly built Hebend District was densely populated, so he always had something to draw on.

Twenty meters in front of her, there was a figure with fluttering blond hair. The sun shone on her golden hair, and the tips of her hair were like the waves of wheat in the field, undulating crystal clear. She jumped nimbly from roof to roof, sometimes down to the ground, sometimes up the stairs, or jumped over the fence with a slight jump, like a squirrel playing in the forest.

She would look back at Ji Yijun from time to time, sometimes hooking her hands provocatively, and sometimes leaving a string of laughter like silver bells.

"I said! Can't you walk properly?!" Ji Yijun shouted. It was Adan's sister Ola that he was chasing at this time. Since her brother was negotiating in the school, she couldn't sit still and asked to come to the school's Hewan New Area to have a look. This escort task was finally assigned to Ji Yijun.

In Ji Yijun's impression, Aura was silent except for a fight with him. But today I learned that this was all an illusion.

When the two came in the carriage, she looked a bit like a lady, but after getting off the carriage, she became a little mouse running around.

When she heard Ji Yijun mention that the industrial zone was not allowed to be visited, she got lucky and climbed up to the roof, running towards the heavy industrial zone with several chimneys.

The space inside the school is limited. This new area, located between Camp No. 3 and the school, close to the school wall, will become the main living and working area for everyone in the school. The school itself will slowly return to its original functions and become a responsible school. Center for administration, education and research.

Four or five moderately tall chimneys were already in sight. Aura ran to the edge of the roof and was about to jump onto the factory building, when she suddenly remembered a "bang".

"Don't shoot!" Ji Yijun shouted.

Aura was startled by the gunfire, stopped in fright, and hurriedly squatted on the roof. Ji Yijun rushed to her side in three steps and grabbed her. He said to the two guard battalion soldiers holding guns below: "Lao Zhang, don't be nervous. This is our guest, just a little naughty."

Aola was blocked like this and understood that Ji Yijun's "can't go see" thing was not a joke, so she followed him in the opposite direction obediently.

"They're so mean," she said with a pout.

"My eldest lady, it's up to you to break into the forbidden area without saying anything. Those old men above are very precious to these factories. If you want to cooperate with us, don't do stupid things."

Aura looked at the chimney in front of her, blinked her eyes and said, "I just want to see if there is a fire dragon blowing smoke inside."

Ji Yijun stared at her for a while and asked, "Are you serious?"

"Yes. When I came here last time, I thought so when I saw the small chimney. Now this one is much bigger. If there is a dragon hiding in it, it must be bigger, right? Ah, you are laughing at me. !" Aola flew up with a kick, but Ji Yijun dodged it.

"Well, there is a dragon inside, and we feed it to eat people every day." Ji Yijun said seriously, and he suddenly lowered his voice: "Do you know who the dragon likes to eat the most?"

"Who?" Aura's eyes widened.

"The girl with blond hair. That smoke comes from grilling the girl."

Aura was so frightened that she covered her mouth. Then when she saw Ji Yijun laughing uncontrollably, she realized that she had been tricked and chased him with her fists angrily.

Ji Yijun dodged a few moves, received a few more blows, and shouted: "Okay, stop making trouble, the guards will come if you hit them again."

He took advantage of Aura's distraction and pinched her arm. The latter struggled a few times, but couldn't get rid of it. She snorted and turned her head away.

"Okay, let's be serious, they are all factories in heavy industrial areas. The chimneys you see are from steel plants and copper plants. There are also wood processing plants, coking plants, brick factories, stone factories and cement factories nearby. Factories. Some factories are still just frameworks, and our people haven’t fully staffed them yet. However, it will be different next year.”

Ji Yijun's words aroused Aura's curiosity again. She stopped pretending to be angry and turned around and asked: "What is a factory? What is heavy industry?"

Ji Yijun let go of her arm, scratched his head and explained the concept to her: "A factory is similar to the workshop you have seen. Maybe the management method is different, there are more people? There are more machines used? In In my hometown, it’s not uncommon for a factory to have thousands of people.”

"No wonder it's not enough for you to eat so many slaves before, so you are still buying slaves from everywhere."

"Yes. We are also attracting refugees. Thousands more people have been added this winter. We are also doing good things, aren't we? Those slaves and refugees will no longer freeze to death and starve to death with us. As long as they work hard and work hard, they can slowly Live a good life slowly." Ji Yijun said with pride in his words.

"As for heavy industry, it's just factories that produce raw materials and machines."

"This is heavy industry... then there must be light industry as well, right?"

"Yes, the glass, clothes, and weapons we sell are all produced in the light industrial zone. Light industry is our big moneymaker, but some manufacturers haven't moved here yet from the school. It should be very lively next time you come here. Okay. Well, we can’t get in here anyway, so let’s go to other areas.”

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