On the Seven Towers

Chapter 251 The True Source of Magic Power

Tasia held a notebook and carefully recorded what Xiao Chen said.

Xiao Chen and Li Jia watched it very carefully, and they continued to discuss the meaning of some sentences. With their ancient writing skills, it was no problem to read such text, but for such an important document, they must avoid any mistakes.

"In other words, does it become possible to directly come into contact with the magic power dispersed in the air after reaching the God Fusion stage?" Tasia asked.

"Yes. The magic particles mentioned here are extremely small and numerous. The mental power of mages below high level cannot perceive such delicate things." Xiao Chen explained, "It's like there are many small fishes in the sea. , our mental power in the distraction stage is like a fishing rod that can only catch one or two fish at a time, while our mental power in the fusion stage is like a fishing net, which can catch many fish at once. For releasing magic, A small amount of magic particles is useless. Enough particles must be controlled at the same time to turn them into magic."

"But the efficiency of casting spells like this is very low. At first, it may only be able to release the roughest magic energy impact. Those exquisite spells will not be easy to release once they lose the magic text as an intermediary." Li Jia thought of Xiao Chen's words in the book In the scene when the fire was put out in the pavilion, the huge waves of water were probably the result of direct use of water magic.

"That's for sure, it's like you were used to digging with a shovel, but now you throw away the shovel and dig with your hands, it's naturally much slower." Xiao Chen made another metaphor.

"No wonder no one casts spells this way," Tasia said.

"There is a great advantage in casting spells like this." Xiao Chen said, "People who use this method to release magic cannot be stopped by any method of sealing and banning magic. Because these methods of banning magic actually seal the magic text, allowing them to They cannot take effect within a certain range, but no magic-forbidden spell can ban magic particles everywhere."

"So that's it. However, if a high-level mage is required to practice, then this holy book seems to be useless to us for the time being." Tasia put down the note and said with regret.

"No. Look here." Xiao Chen turned to the last page of "The True Source of Magic". "Here is a mysterious technique: the Thousand Silk Technique. Divide the spiritual power into strands to feel different types. Magic particles, after you advance to a high-level mage, you will be able to find magic power better..."

It took a whole day to read "The Source of Magic". Xiao Chen and the others didn't even bother to eat at noon. By the time they finished reading the lecture, it was already evening.

"In any case, this book opens up a new field for us." Tasia said.

"I even have a premonition." Xiao Chen returned "The True Source of Magic" to Tasia, "This may be the most important work in the Seven Holy Towers Holy Scripture. Although it is not like other holy scriptures in the record It has various magical effects and can have immediate effects, but it is probably the book closest to the essence of this world.”

Tasia turned it back into a bracelet and put it on her hand. She stood up and saluted solemnly: "Thank you so much, Mr. Xiao Chen. But I think our cooperation is not over yet. I suggest you copy this holy scripture tomorrow. , I also expect you to teach me how to use the Qiansi method."

Of course Xiao Chen knew that the so-called learning of Thousand Silk Techniques was just an excuse and Tasia's purpose was to let him copy the Holy Scriptures. This thank you was very important. He also stood up and saluted: "To Miss Tasia, I will definitely provide you with education and guidance. If you have any other requests, please feel free to ask."

"Speaking of which, I am also quite curious about the Holy Code of the Tower of Dreams. Unfortunately, outsiders of the Holy Code of the Tower of Dreams cannot use it at all, right?" Tasia blinked and looked at Xiao Chen.

"This is indeed true, but Miss Tasia need not regret it. If you are interested, I can teach you a series of powerful spiritual spells of the Tower of Dreams. As long as you are willing, you can learn all the spells of the Tower of Dreams that I have mastered. "Xiao Chen knew that he had taken advantage of "The True Source of Magic", so his willingness to share magic was sincere.

"Your generosity has surprised me. It is completely different from these mages in the royal capital." Tasia was obviously a little surprised by Xiao Chen's statement. Although it is not uncommon to exchange spells, to say such heartfelt words is either a liar or one who really has a sincere heart.

Xiao Chen shrugged and said, "We have never been from the Kingdom."

Tasia smiled and said: "You are definitely not from the southern city-state. They all say that the stingiest people in the kingdom are all spendthrift spendthrifts in the eyes of the city-state people."

"Are you saying that they are unwilling to exchange spells?" Li Jia asked.

"This has been a chronic disease among mage towers for thousands of years. It's the same no matter the empire, kingdom or southern city-state. It's really annoying like a stingy businessman." Tasia frowned with her two thin eyebrows, expressing her dissatisfaction. She spent a day with them and quickly became familiar with each other, now acting like a little sister. Maybe it's the shared secret that brings people closer.

"Since the disappearance of the Seven Saint Towers, each mage tower has become more and more particular about family status and looks more and more like nobles. If you walk around more and look around more, you will understand what I mean."

"It seems that you disagree with this." Li Jiada said.

"Of course, in the era of the Seven Holy Towers, it was natural to exchange magical achievements with each other, and most magicians could move forward for a common goal. But now, most people only see that little bit of personal gain. In my shallow understanding, if you want to do some groundbreaking research, but only focus on some small profits in front of you, I'm afraid you really can't do it well." When saying these words, Tashia didn't look like a young girl at all, but like an adult who has seen through the world.

"Regarding this, I have an idea. I have always wanted to establish a reading club for low- and middle-level magicians to exchange what they have, just like what we did today. Everyone starts with studying and interpreting magic words, and in the future they can also share spells, discuss problems, and exchange experiences." Xiao Chen said.

"Your idea is very interesting. Are you going to set up a small magic association?"

"That's different. The magic association is based on the recognition of strength. What we seek is the same concept."

"Moreover, activities in the name of a reading club can also be used to cover up our identity as the heirs of the Seven Towers!" Tashia's eyes lit up when she heard it, and she seemed very interested in this idea.

"That's right. Any magician who agrees with our shared views can join us after being recommended by two members. We want to slowly establish a new atmosphere in the wizarding world. I wonder if Miss Tasya is interested in becoming the first member besides me and Li Jia?" Xiao Chen smiled and extended his hand to Tasya.

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