On the Seven Towers

Chapter 266: Test at the Gate

Luo Ling and his group stood in front of the entrance of the ruins. In addition to them, there were a full forty or fifty armed dwarves. They were the most elite warriors in the village, half of them holding swords and axes, and half holding air guns. The leaders were the village chief and Sinclair.

After all, there were terrifying things like evil spirits in the ruins, and no one knew what would come out after opening the door. Kalanda, Chen Hansheng, Ji Yijun, Farrell and others were also ready for battle.

Even though Chen Hansheng had awakened his fighting spirit, he was still not used to using swords. The weapon in his hand was still a five or six-and-a-half with a bayonet. However, this gun was enchanted by Morey from the gun body to the bayonet, otherwise ordinary materials would not be able to withstand several bursts of fighting spirit. Now this old weapon from the last century has strange and beautiful textures, which looks like a handicraft processed by an artist.

Ji Yijun's weapon was replaced with the magic sword left by the temple warrior Galdo. This weapon, called "Devil's Gaze", will add various negative magic to the enemy in battle. According to Morey's speculation, this is a treasure handed down from ancient times.

At this time, the seals on all four sides have been activated one by one, and a faint formation has appeared on the stone door. Adam's hair is still a little damp, wrapped in a fur coat, and it seems that he has not recovered from the cold of winter. He took out a pendant engraved with a black dragon pattern from his neck and waved it in front of the stone door for a while, but there was no reaction. Finally, he could only reluctantly hand it to Luo Ling.

"Now I finally understand why the ancestors found a mid-level magician to come here. The emperors after the middle period of the Black Dragon Empire were all golem masters, and their inheritance was naturally left to the younger generations who mastered magic, but... we have lost the favor of magic for many years. Including our generation, neither I nor Aura have the talent to become a magician. Therefore, even if we hold the token to open the ruins, we cannot open the door." Adam said in a low voice.

"Talent is given by others, and hard work is your own." Luo Ling held the pendant in her hand and gently probed the token with her mental power. The black dragon pendant immediately reacted, and the dragon's eye turned golden.

Luo Ling brought the pendant close to the stone door, and characters appeared one by one on the stone door of the ruins, and finally formed a few sentences. Upon closer inspection, it actually looked like a math problem:

Two knights are racing horses. The first one takes two seconds to run ten meters, and the other one can catch up with him in ten seconds...

Luo Ling couldn't help but smile. Such a question can probably be easily answered by a child from the upper grades of elementary school, but in this world, it has become a threshold for testing the qualification of inheritance.

"What is this?" Ola pondered, "Why are these two knights running around? Are they practicing riding? How fast are they running? Only standing by and watching can we know, how can we know?"

"No, this is a very difficult calculation test. Generally, only learned people can answer such questions. This level is not written in our classics. I should have gone to a big city and kidnapped a scholar back." A Dan said.

"What a joke, are you serious? Five meters and six meters." Ji Yijun said.

"You can calculate? Aren't you a warrior?" Adan was surprised.

"He's right. Since I made up for the elementary school courses, I can calculate this." Farrell frowned as if he remembered something that made him unhappy, and muttered, "Damn word problems!"

Seeing the surprised eyes of the village chief and Sinclair, he patted the village chief's shoulder proudly, "Brother, to be honest, you should learn it. With these mathematical skills, your skills as a craftsman will naturally be much better."

Luo Ling didn't pay attention to the chattering behind her. She found that it was useless to just calculate. If she didn't have the ability of a mid-level mage to think and think about things, she couldn't use her mental power to answer these questions. But this naturally didn't bother Luo Ling. She scanned the questions and only took a few seconds for her to use her mental power to carve the answer on the horizontal line behind the question. Then the second question immediately appeared:

A classic book, read five pages every day for the first three days, and then read eight pages every day...

Ji Yijun couldn't help laughing when he saw this: "Teacher Luo, why do you feel like a university teacher is participating in a primary school math competition?"

Luo Ling answered the questions quickly and had time to talk to Ji Yijun. "Mathematics or other sciences are all progressing with productivity. You underestimate these questions because you come from a much more advanced era. But when you are in this era and receive education here, are you sure you can come up with these? At least I admire the person who set the questions."

"Haha, I think maybe there is a primary school exercise book that came before us and was picked up by someone and regarded as a divine book." Ji Yijun laughed.

Adan and Ola watched from the side, and the waves in their hearts were even greater. They had no idea how to answer these questions that were like heavenly books one after another, but they were as easy as breathing for Luo Ling.

After answering the ten questions, the formation instantly burst into dazzling light, and then, with a rumbling sound, the stone door opened on both sides, revealing a stone staircase leading into the ruins.

Luo Ling returned the black dragon pendant to A Dan and made a gesture of invitation.

A Dan bowed slightly, his attitude was a little more respectful than before.

The tunnel behind the door is three meters square, naturally exuding a long and vicissitudes of life. It is completely different from the dark cave in imagination. The stone road in front is full of lighting arrays. At the moment the stone door is opened, these arrays are activated one by one from the outside to the inside as if awakened by the sun. The sunlight outside and the magic light on the stone wall illuminate the interior of the ruins together.

Luo Ling can see dust floating in the light, bringing an old taste. I just don’t know whether the place where the sun can’t find is a crisis or a treasure.

Everyone waited outside the door for a long time, and there was no sound from the door.

Seeing that Luo Ling and his group had no intention of entering first, Adam said, "Sir Luo Ling, let my knight lead the way."

Knight Matthew walked into the ruins carefully with a sword and shield in hand. Knight Nate held two swords to cover his flank. The two slowly went down and walked out of everyone's sight. Not long after, two exclamations and roars were heard, followed by the sound of metal collision.

"Matthew, what's up?" Dan shouted from outside.

"Attack! It's too dangerous here...Ah!" His voice stopped abruptly with a scream.

"Matthew!" Nate shouted, and then he also let out a scream.

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