On the Seven Towers

Chapter 268 Secret Weapon

"Hey, I told you, those leaders always like to make some little calculations that others don't know about." Ji Yijun laughed.

"It was my father who led us to settle here." Yasen said.

"Uh, I'm just talking nonsense, don't mind it."

"But he did know more secrets of the Black Dragon Empire, but he died when he was left behind, and didn't leave any last words. We just settled here according to his previous instructions. As for the reason for choosing this place, no one knows it anymore." Yasen said.

"Anyway, the old patriarch picked a good place. For so many years, we haven't been disturbed much, except for the damn evil spirits." Sinclair said.

Village chief Yasen pondered for a while, pulled Sinclair aside, and whispered a few words in his ear.

Sinclair's eyes widened: "Village chief, are you sure?!"

"What the kid said just now reminded me. Maybe I understand why we came here and what I should do."

"But what if these people get greedy? And it takes at least a day to prepare that thing."

"We have time to prepare, but if we delay any longer, the evil spirit will not give us time to live here. Now nothing is more important than destroying the things in the ruins. Have you forgotten how your son was tortured by the evil spirit?"

"Okay!" Sinclair greeted a few dwarves and left in a hurry.

While they were talking, Ji Yijun's drone had already turned around again. Chen Hansheng counted the number of golems: "Twenty-five active golems, twenty suspected damaged, and five completely damaged. Village chief, how about the combat effectiveness of these golems?"

"The combat effectiveness of each golem is comparable to that of a mid-level warrior, and its defense is far greater than that of dwarves and humans."

"Comparable to a mid-level warrior? Doesn't that mean that there are more than twenty mid-level warriors waiting to fight us?" Ji Yijun exclaimed.

"Then do you know the fighting methods and weaknesses of these golems?" Luo Ling asked.

"We dwarves are just craftsmen who make parts. We don't know how to give golems wisdom or how to control their actions. That is the job of the imperial golem master. But if we talk about weaknesses, their backs are indeed more vulnerable than their fronts, and their heads and joints are more easily damaged."

"How do they distinguish between enemies and masters?" Luo Ling asked again.

"Different golems have different levels of wisdom. It stands to reason that advanced golems such as Dragon Guard Golems have the ability to distinguish enemies by themselves."

"But they regarded Knight Matthew as an intruder. Mr. Adam, do you have any identification tools in your hand that can allow these golems to distinguish between enemies and friends?" Luo Ling asked.

"Matthew has just put on my black dragon pendant. Maybe the golems still attacked them."

"The only way is to find a way to deal with them. Old Chen, if we have to fight, what do you think?"

"This war is to fight on our own home ground. They have a lot of advantages down there, and we can't go down and get surrounded. So we have to find a way to lure them up. This passage is not very wide, and it can only allow two or three golems to pass through. We have to take advantage of this and let them come up in batches to die." Chen Hansheng pointed to the entrance of the ruins and gestured, "We may have to use the power of the dwarves to build a wall fortification."

"Wall? It's indeed a good idea, but I have a better suggestion." Yasen said.


Since it is confirmed that Matthew and Nate have died, the people above have plenty of time. After Luo Ling and others discussed with the dwarves, they decided to spend more time preparing to reduce possible losses.

The dwarves built a wall with stones at the entrance of the ruins. The stone wall is 1.5 meters high and 1 meter thick, with a gap in the middle that humans can pass through, but such a width is impossible for golems to pass through. The wall is made into an arc. As long as the golem is blocked by the wall, it will be attacked from more than 180 degrees around.

Elena also planted some vines in the wall and used magic to ripen them. Although these vines have no lethality, they make the ground full of bumps and stumbles, which can slow down the action of the golem.

Outside the wall, the dwarves made chevaux de frise with wood under the guidance of Chen Hansheng. One person can pass between each chevaux de frise. If the battle ahead is not favorable, these chevaux de frise can provide time for everyone to retreat.

Behind the chevaux de frise is another low wall. The difference between this wall and the previous one is that there are battlements on the edge of the wall. It seems that some weapons are ready to be placed.

Even though the dwarves are good at making, it took them a day to build these things.

At noon the next day, all the construction was about to be completed. After the village chief Yasen refueled and encouraged the dwarf craftsmen, he met Luo Ling on the construction site.

"Village chief Yasen, fate is really interesting. If it weren't for our cooperation, you wouldn't be able to figure out the secret of the evil spirit, and we wouldn't have the opportunity to go deep into the ruins." Luo Ling and the village chief were watching the dwarf craftsmen brush a layer of unknown slurry on the stone wall.

"To be honest, I never thought that I would cooperate with humans one day. I have experienced the days of the Black Dragon Empire. Although humans relied on us to make components for golems at that time and gave us decent living conditions, we were ultimately a group of slaves who could not leave the camp. But obviously, Mr. Luo Ling, you are not such a person."

"Your trust will not be in vain. I have some guesses now. Those evil spirits may be related to these golems."

"No matter what they are, as long as they disturb our lives down there, I will destroy them." Yasen said firmly.

At this time, a rumbling sound came from the road not far away. A team of dwarves led by Sinclair pushed four or five carts over. The carts were covered with long cylindrical heavy objects with cloth, and the wheels pressed deep axles on the ground.

"What is this?"

"This is the most powerful weapon in our village. Pneumatic cannon." When Sinclair's team came up, Yasen said to Luo Ling.

The people who were working around saw the movement here and gathered around.

"I said, how can there be a hand cannon without a real cannon." Chen Hansheng muttered, with a rare excitement on his face.

"But why don't you put wheels on the cannon." Ji Yijun said softly.

"Don't talk too much, just watch."

Yasen lifted the cloth covering the car and revealed the true appearance of the pneumatic cannon. The material of this cannon is very similar to that of a hand cannon, both are made of an iron alloy. The cannon body is about two meters long and is divided into two sections, the front two-thirds is the barrel, and the back one-third is the air chamber. Similar to the dwarf hand cannon, there is a platform above the air gun with a gas gathering array engraved on it. There is a trigger-like mechanism on the side of the cannon, which must be used to open the air chamber when firing.

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