On the Seven Towers

Chapter 276 The Strong and the Weak

"You must be a little strange as to why I put the meeting place here." Roland picked up a piece of sausage with a fork and put it into his mouth.

"According to our hometown, you are a public figure, so you naturally need to avoid the eyes and ears of others. This pub is very inconspicuous, and it is not a place where important people come. I think it is a good choice." Xiao Chen said.

Roland laughed, cut off a piece of sausage with a knife and said, "You may not know that I am from the Royal Capital. My childhood home was not far from here. And the Golden Tail Bird Tavern is my favorite place. At that time, the owner was Grandpa Zeng, who had a unique skill, which was making sausages, which were much more delicious than those made at home. My father only took me here twice, but this was the happiest place for me as a child. Things. Later, I became a priest and came here several times every year. Today is the first time this year, and it is also the first time I invite guests to eat this.”

"Is this this kind of thing?" Xiao Chen looked at the sausages on the plate in front of him.

"No. Little Pande's craftsmanship has not yet been perfected, and it is far behind his great-grandpa. But sitting here, sitting among these people, allows me to stand below, not as a priest of the temple of nature, but as a Ordinary people come to think about things. Just like today, I can listen to the stories of young people as an old man with some curiosity."

"It turns out that this is where a strong person like you can go deep into the masses." Xiao Chen said.

"Going deep into the masses? A very novel statement. It seems that this is a very common practice in your hometown?" Roland asked with some curiosity.

"Our mainstream view is that there are many officials who cannot do this, but there are also many people who practice it this way. Because in our view, they are the ones who have the real power."

"You mean them?" Roland raised his eyes and glanced at the guests in the tavern. These people were drinking and having fun, completely unaware that a strong man was looking at them.

Xiao Chen nodded and said: "Yes, those who have real power are neither priests nor magicians, nor temples and kingdoms. It is these ordinary people who are the main subjects of the real power I call."

"You, or I, only need less than a minute to take the lives of everyone in the tavern." Roland cut off a piece of sausage with a knife, as if killing everyone was as simple as pressing the knife.

"The real power does not lie in killing, but in construction and production. Otherwise, how could human beings come to this point from eating hair and drinking blood? The river in front of our door divides the royal capital into two halves. It seems that the kings and ministers in the opposite half, The priests and nobles are more powerful. But if the people here disappear, how many days can these 'nobles' survive in their gardens and palaces without support? On the contrary, if the people on the other side disappear, I believe this will happen. People around you can continue to survive, and maybe live better. Who holds the real power?”

"However, these people are mentally confused and weak. How can they judge what is right and what is wrong?"

"Yes. I believe that if you reveal your identity and then identify me as a gangster, I'm afraid everyone in the tavern will believe it. Many times they are confused, confused, and easy to manipulate."

"I have this confidence in this matter." Roland said with a smile.

"But I'm not talking about right or wrong at the moment. Rather, the standard of right or wrong actually comes from the will of these people. For lions, eating antelopes is right. For antelopes, escaping from the lion's predation is right. Right. For people, it is right to let the race continue better and more efficiently.

Even if the kingdom enacts laws, they cannot be enforced if everyone opposes them. The so-called rule means that the ruler and these people have reached a consensus and formed a 'right'.

Including you and me, what everyone knows is limited. They can be deceived for a while, or even for a lifetime, but they cannot be deceived from generation to generation. Dynasties fell one by one, strong men died one by one, and even spiritual gods fell or fell asleep. Only they have always existed. This in itself shows that they have always been on the right path, or in other words, the path they have taken will be is the right path. "

"In this case, what is the meaning of the existence of us people?" Roland asked, "According to you, everything is ultimately decided by ordinary people. Then what do wise and strong people need to do? Is it just using Can our wisdom or force lead a life beyond theirs?”

Xiao Chen savored the meaning of the other party's words. During the conversation, he found that he had no understanding of the temple priest. Perhaps what he saw in the slave camp was only a small side of him. It seemed that the things he paid attention to were far away. It exceeded Xiao Chen's prediction of him.

In this case, Xiao Chen decided to express his thoughts more openly: "Because wise and strong people can lead people forward faster. We may see a little further than them, and then lead them to take fewer detours and more Overcoming more difficulties soon. And, who says we are not one of them? You do think of yourself as an ordinary person once in a while, don’t you?

"Only occasionally."

"Now that you are the strong one, maybe at some point in the future, most people will be able to do what you can do."

"Will this happen?"

"The so-called wise or strong are just people who are one step ahead in some aspects. In ancient times, those who could make fire were wise, and those who could throw stones farther were strong. Later, those who could count were wise, and those who could shoot arrows were strong. Until now, only those who read a lot of books can be called wise, and those who have fighting spirit, blood or magic can be called strong. It can be seen that the definition of wise and strong has been changing."

"Magicians can summon fire, freeze rivers, read minds, and cut through space. If one day, ordinary people can do these things, then magicians will be ordinary people. We help them move forward and let them catch up with us. This is the ultimate meaning of our existence."

Roland ate the last sausage, put down his fork and said, "Very exciting, I agree."

"What did you say?"

"I agree. Any questions?" Roland asked back.

"Uh, no, it's just..."

"Do you think I should be more stubborn and argue with you? No, this is the true way of nature, survival, growth, evolution, making a species more and more perfect, a priest of the Temple of Nature like me, how can I disagree?"

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