On the Seven Towers

Chapter 282 Going Deep Underground

Entering the ruins, only six people were left. The passage was spiraling downward, indicating that they were going deep underground.

Adan led the way, while Ji Yijun and Yasen walked at the back.

"Uncle Yasen. What were you and Sinclair talking about before? Why did it take so long?" Ji Yijun asked.

"When you come to such a dangerous place, you have to explain everything clearly. I can rest assured that the village will be left to him." Yasen said, "The other thing is to let him take the others out first and don't wait in the ruins."

"How come it's like being separated from life and death? What you said made me panic. It seems like I'm going to never come back." He couldn't help but look back. The winding corridor behind him was empty, except for the crowd. The sound of footsteps and the sound of water dripping from the cracks.

Ji Yijun couldn't help but shiver.

"On the other hand, you humans are really brave. I just realized now that you have no idea what's in the ruins. Don't you know that it's dangerous to wander into such ruins?" Yassen said.

Ji Yijun laughed at this question.

"Hey, I just can't sit still and can't stay peacefully every day. As time goes by, it feels like grass has grown in my heart. Only when I go out and do something can I pull out the grass in my heart." Ji Yijun hugged his hands. He tilted his head and looked at the ceiling of the stone path, "You said, if everyone does the same thing as yesterday, a hundred or a thousand years later, the world will still be the same, how boring it would be. That's why we are so willing to explore Only with people can the world progress.”

"If life is good, then a world that remains unchanged is the best. What does it matter if there is no progress? Just like us valley dwarves, there is nothing wrong with living in this peaceful valley for two hundred years."

"If people don't explore the world, what's the difference between them and monkeys?" Ji Yijun said with a smile, "There is a saying in our hometown: People who don't have long-term worries must have immediate worries. God is not so kind and wants to make people comfortable all the time. . Are there evil spirits torturing you now?"

Village Chief Yasen lowered his head, was silent for a long time, and said: "That's why I have to come. For the sake of the brothers who died long ago and the brothers who died today. But you are not. In the final analysis, you are still here for the treasures left by the Black Dragon Empire. Bet on your life."

"One-third at most."


"Looking for treasures is one thing, exploring the world is another, but after coming here, helping you has become one of the reasons."

"I don't know what to say. We have only seen humans who treated us as slaves before."

"Don't compare us with the scumbags of the Black Dragon Empire, and I won't compare you with the scumbag princes and nobles of the Dwarf Kingdom, right? In my opinion, you are shorter, but you have the same nose and eyes as us, We talk the same words and eat the same food, but we are still the same kind. I have some abilities. If I don't help you, I will feel uncomfortable. Sister Luo Ling doesn't say it, but she thinks the same way."

"I kind of believe what Farrell said now. It seems that you are really good to him."

"Of course, there is another old saying in our hometown: when the road is rough, draw your sword to help." Ji Yijun said, "I have made several friends in the village these days. Even for them, I have to come down to find out what's going on."

Yasen walked for a while with his head bowed in silence, took out a bag from his arms and handed it to Ji Yijun.

"You can keep this space bag for me. It contains hand cannons, bullets and some supplies."

"What about you?"

Yasen patted his chest and said: "There are still some here, but I'm worried about any accidents. I might as well share some things with you and keep them for me."

"Okay." Ji Yijun stuffed the space bag into his pocket.


Everyone walked down for about ten minutes and came to another hall.

This stone-paved hall is flanked by corridors divided by columns. There are several heavy wooden doors on the outer walls of the corridor. There was a red carpet in the middle of the room, which was covered with dust. The color was very dull due to its age. The carpet leads all the way to the front of the hall, where there is a stone platform with three tall seats. Above the seats are two side-by-side emblems. One is the dragon-shaped emblem of the Black Dragon Empire royal family, and the other is the royal demon. Like the division's fist gear mark.

"This seems to be an interview hall. Testers who have passed trials in the past should be received by the person in charge of the base here." Luo Ling said.

"It seems that this is not only a place for making golems, but also a secret training base for golem masters." Morey looked at the size of the hall and said, "It seems that there should be a lot of people here when it is officially in operation."

Adan stared at the three seats blankly, seeming to be thinking about something.

Luo Ling looked around and said: "From here, you should be able to lead to various functional areas of the ruins. I think everyone should check it out separately, but it is best to go two by two, so as to have someone to look after you."

"Well, Ola, come with me." Adan agreed.

When Luo Ling saw that he had taken her sister away, she asked Ji Yijun to accompany Yasen, while she was paired with Morey.

The three teams each chose a direction and looked at the rooms around the hall.

Behind the door Luo Ling entered was a long corridor, and at the end of the long corridor was another door. This door looked very tight. It had a steel door lock with many runes engraved on it. But the door was slightly open at this time.

Mo Lei pushed the door open and found that the room they saw in the trial was behind. The same space, the same golem pedestal, but there were more pedestals in this room than in the illusion. There were nearly forty golem positions around the walls, but except for a few pedestals with golems, most of them were empty. The few golems left in the room were mostly severely damaged, and some were even unrecognizable.

But the biggest difference between this and that room was that there was also a platform in the middle of the room, on which lay a golem larger than its kind. It was a silver-white dragon. Even though its body was broken and only one wing was left, it was still full of momentum and gave people a strong sense of oppression.

"I guess all the golems participated in the war that destroyed the Black Dragon Empire." Luo Ling looked at the silver dragon golem in the middle, "And this one, I'm afraid it's Emperor Rick's electric-winged silver dragon?"

"It looks like it has experienced many wars."

"If this is really Emperor Rick's, then this relic is not that simple." Luo Ling said seriously.

"You mean, the whereabouts of Emperor Rick!" Morey reacted.

"Yes. The missing Emperor Rick's most precious golem is actually here, so what exactly is this place?"

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