On the Seven Towers

Chapter 309: Parting ways

In the carriage, when the carriage was about to roll over, Xiao Chen quickly cast flying spells on the two of them. He grabbed Tashia's hand and tried to fly out of the window, but Tashia's robe was hooked on the table, causing them to fall to the ground.

The carriage rolled over, and Xiao Chen rolled onto the side wall, while Tashia fell on him, hitting his nose with her forehead, which made him almost cry.

Seeing that the carriage was about to roll again, he was about to fall down with Tashia on his shoulders, and Xiao Chen shouted, "Bracelet! Activate the bracelet!"

Seeing that Tashia was dizzy and seemed to be stunned by the changes around her, Xiao Chen pinched her arm and pointed at the bracelet, saying, "Use it!"

Perhaps Xiao Chen used too much force, exceeding the range allowed by the bracelet, and the bracelet automatically activated the shield, but did not include Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen was like being squeezed by a transparent egg, tightly pressed against the carriage, and was almost out of breath. As the carriage rotated, Xiao Chen was pressed against the uneven wall by the shield again and again, which was really miserable.

Fortunately, Tashia finally discovered this. She hurriedly removed the shield, threw herself into Xiao Chen's arms, put her arms around his waist, and activated the bracelet again.

This time, both of them were finally covered by the shield. The flying technique made them lose the restraint of gravity. The shield was like a small ball in a tumbling box, constantly colliding with all sides of the carriage. From the beginning of the tumbling of the carriage to the final stop, they didn't know how many circles they had followed it.

When Belia opened the door of the overturned carriage, Xiao Chen and Tashia were lying on the ground. Tashia was lying on Xiao Chen's chest, with her hands around his waist, and Xiao Chen was leaning against the ground with his legs bent upwards, cushioned in a weird posture.

"Miss!" Belia pulled Tashia's hand away and picked her up, while Roger pulled Xiao Chen out.

Tasia walked a few steps with the help of Belia, then squatted to the side and began to vomit. She had never experienced this strange state of weightlessness, let alone spinning around with a man.

"How are you?" Xiao Chen asked concernedly.

"Don't look at me." Tasia moved a few steps to the side, turned her back to Xiao Chen and continued to vomit.

He walked two steps and felt dizzy. He held Roger's shoulder and asked, "Is the horse still there?"

"Yes, but we have to go fast. They are about to catch up."

Roger pulled off a piece of curtain, threw it to Belia and said, "Wipe her, and then set off."

Belia wiped Tasia's mouth in her arms and asked, "Miss, can you go?"

"Yeah." Tasia seemed embarrassed. She always avoided Xiao Chen and didn't want to meet him. After Belia got on the horse, she kept lying behind her, covering her head and face with her hood, not saying a word, and was completely different from her previous excited look.

But Xiao Chen, who was sitting behind Roger, recovered quickly. He said angrily, "These guys are too rude. That magic circle is enough to blow up a house, but they actually used it to attack our car. If we were forced to stop in front of the roadblock without any defense, we would definitely be blown to ashes."

The other three did not speak, only the whistling wind responded to him.

He added, "In the final analysis, they have a higher estimate of me, and they actually used such a fierce method! In fact, I am not as strong as they think."

Roger said, "Maybe they just don't care about life or death."

Tasya couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Xiao Chen saw Tasya laughing, and his heart was relieved. He said, "That's right, just laugh. There's nothing to be embarrassed about vomiting. In our place, it's called motion sickness, and eight or nine out of ten people will have it. You performed very well today. If you hadn't followed us, we would be in trouble."

"Really?" Tasya raised her head.

"Of course!" Xiao Chen glanced behind him. In the deep darkness, he didn't know how many dangers were chasing him. He began to prepare magic and said, "Tasia. I know you must be very tired, but now we have to cheer up. We are two people on one horse, and our speed must not be as fast as the pursuers behind us. Use any magic that can be used on horses!"


The pursuers behind whistled past in the night rain. These war horses all have a layer of magic halo, which is the result of the blessing of acceleration and endurance. Although the Shadow Group is an organization mainly composed of assassins and killers, since it belongs to the Temple of Nature, it is naturally equipped with spellcasters.

The one who released this spell was the high-level wizard Weber. He and another high-level assassin Raul jointly led this ambush team.

"I didn't expect that you set up a magic array trap for half a day and still let a mid-level mage escape, Weber. You said that he would never come back, hehe." Raul glanced at the mage beside him, "If I had known earlier, I would have separated half of the team to get ready, and I wouldn't have been left so far behind by them."

"Just relying on the two guys under your command who were chased away as soon as they met?" Weber retorted.

Raul glanced at the end of the team with a sinister look and said, "I won't let them go when I go back."

"But these guys we are chasing are indeed extraordinary. Not only us, I think even Sancho didn't see their strength clearly. There are actually two high-level warriors, plus a mid-level mage, and you can't be sure if there is a fourth person in the car." The mage looked at the assassin meaningfully, "Have you ever thought about whether we can take them down 100% in a head-on battle?"

The assassin was silent, the rain was getting heavier, hitting his face and causing small splashes of water, "Then should we chase them?"

"Would the Shadow Corps back down at a time like this?"

"Haha, you're right! The shadow is always there!" Raul hammered Weber on the shoulder, "I always feel that you are often more of an assassin who never gives up than I am."

"Anyway, there's something weird about this thing. So is Sancho. He disappeared without a trace. I really don't know what he was doing."

Everyone in the Shadow Group chased them to a fork in the road, and the scouts could easily identify the direction in which Xiao Chen and others escaped. Raul was about to continue tracking, but someone among the riders behind him said: "Sir Raul, I have been to this area before, and I might be able to get in front of them by taking this trail."

"Are you sure?" Raul glanced at the trail. The road conditions were average and there were many trees on both sides. It didn't seem to be easy to walk.

"I can take two or three brothers to try to cut off a small road. If we don't pass them, we will continue to catch up. If we get ahead of them, we will harass them and slow them down until you catch up." The man said , several people behind also nodded in agreement.

These people were all temporarily deployed, and Raoul actually didn't have much jurisdiction. Since the other party seemed so confident, he followed suit and said, "Okay. Then be careful."

Four people chose to walk along the trail. When they were far enough apart from Raul and the others, the person in front tightened the reins and sneered: "They are going to die, but we will not do it. We have done enough drama tonight. Let's go. Let's go today." Let’s go back to the city to have some fun and go to Lord Makola tomorrow to receive the reward.”

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