On the Seven Towers

Chapter 316 The Road Home

Xiao Chen saw a flash of silver light in the forest, which was a signal from Catalina who came to respond. She was sent by Xiao Chen to coordinate the ambush with Gano.

Xiao Chen led the other three people up a small slope and saw Catalina waving to them next to Gano. She was holding a bow in her hand and wearing a hood. She stood on a tree stump and looked a bit like a forest ranger in the dim light.

"Brother Xiao, are you all okay? I just saw you kill that guy in the sky in one fell swoop. It was amazing." She followed Xiao Chen happily.

"That was what Roger did, I was just assisting." Xiao Chen replied. When he saw Catalina, no matter how tired he was, he would always laugh unconsciously.

"He ran away without you, but without Brother Roger, others will still catch him. In the end, you are more powerful." Catalina glanced at Roger, "Brother Roger, I say this, you don't Are you angry?"

"That's how it is. Thanks to you, sir, for breaking his spirit. When a warrior loses his spirit, he still has muscles to use. When a mage loses his spirit, he becomes a piece of meat steak cut by anyone. No matter if I take action or not, the ending will be the same. "Roger said, "However, Miss Tasia also made a great contribution. She blessed me and Master Xiao Chen with flying skills."

"Well, Miss Tasia, thank you for helping Brother Xiao this time." Catalina said, holding Xiao Chen's arm.

"I'm just doing what I think is right. I don't need any extra thanks." Although Tasia was dressed as a traveler, she smiled lightly and showed her impeccable manners as a magic noble. It was as if he had transformed from a lively and lively person into a towering statue.

Catalina curled her lips secretly and whispered in Xiao Chen's ear: "So noble."

How could Xiao Chen not know what the little girl was thinking? He smoothed things over and said, "How could it be redundant? In any case, you and Knight Belia helped us a lot in this operation. If we go according to the original plan, It's just me and Roger, and it could be a lot more dangerous for us along the way. It's safe to say that without you, we wouldn't have gotten here unscathed.

Along the way, you overturned cars, rode horses, fought, climbed mountains, and experienced so many difficulties, but you never complained a word. How could we not be grateful? "

After all, Tasia was still a young girl. After being praised by Xiao Chen, the expression on her face became unbearable. She couldn't help laughing, and even looked a little embarrassed, "Really?"

"Of course! However, we still have time to thank each other for being polite. Now I have to go say hello to Ganou at the Temple of Nature."

Xiao Chen met Ganou on the top of the hillside. Tasia avoided meeting Ganou because of her sensitive identity and waited at the bottom of the hillside.

"Your Excellency Xiao Chen, thanks to your combined attack just now, the mage was not allowed to escape. It seems that our plan was half successful." Gano did not wear the same hood as the others, but let the fine The rain hit his face, as if to reveal his pride.

"Half? Didn't I attract all my enemies?"

"Sancho led a team to hunt you down, and Prato led a group of people who stayed behind to sneak into your house."

"Is there any news over there?"

Garno shook his head, "Since we entered the forest, we have lost news from the city."

"I hope there is nothing wrong with my companion. By the way, have you found Sancho's body?"

"We are still cleaning the battlefield, but we can always find him."

Garno also wanted to command the Knights of the Wind to clean up the battlefield. Xiao Chen was in a hurry to rush back to the office to support his other companions, so he gave up waiting for the search results. There were horses prepared by Catalina in advance. They put on new horses and left the ambush first.

Back on the main road leading to the royal capital, the rain in the sky has basically stopped. The dark clouds dispersed slightly, revealing a corner of the moon. The cloaks of Tasia and Belia were almost soaked, and they were clinging tightly to their clothes. They also looked a little tired. Xiao Chen knew that they could become a very important fighting force, but he was too embarrassed to continue. Ask them to come to the office and help out.

He thought for a while and said: "Tasia, the enemy is attacking my residence now. I, Roger and Catalina must rush to support. I'm afraid I can't send you back to the manor. But we can send you back to the Magic Association on the way. , what do you think?”

"Xiao Chen, we have been fighting side by side for a whole night, is there still one last battle left? Of course Belia and I will go back with you. Haven't we proven our strength yet?"

Xiao Chen would not be pretentious at this critical moment of life and death. He nodded and said, "Thank you! I won't say anything else. Let's leave quickly!"

When Tasia passed by him on horseback, she whispered: "Next time you want to help, just say it directly. You look so awkward when you hesitate."


When the five people rode fast horses all the way to the west gate of the royal capital, the city gate was already closed, but Xiao Chen took out his Magic Association badge and placed it on a magic circle below the city tower, and soon ran away from the city tower. A few soldiers came out, opened a small door on the main door, and respectfully welcomed them in.

They continued riding through the civilian area, crossed the arch bridge over the river, and entered the aristocratic area.

It only took more than ten minutes to ride from the bridge to the office. The surrounding noble district looked peaceful and there was no noise.

"Brother Xiao, I think they should be fine. If the battle was really fierce, the city guards would have come long ago." Catalina said.

Xiao Chen also breathed a sigh of relief, "It's too early to draw conclusions now, let's go back and see."

They continued to move forward, and fog suddenly appeared around them. The fog came strangely, like the white smoke in the stage effects, rolling out from several street corners, and in the blink of an eye, it enveloped Xiao Chen and his companions.

"There's something strange about this fog. Let's rush out quickly. Everyone pay attention to the positions of the people around you, and don't get separated." Xiao Chen shouted while riding his horse forward.

But the fog became thicker and thicker, and it seemed endless. Xiao Chen ran for a while and found that the fog had reached the point where he couldn't see his hand in front of his face. Looking around, he couldn't see the figure of a companion.

"Roger! Catalina! Tasia!" He shouted, but there was no response from the surroundings. Xiao Chen turned his horse around and ran back a few steps. Suddenly, he saw a dark figure rushing out of the thick white fog. He prepared an ice spear spell and was ready to use it at any time. However, when he saw the face of the person clearly, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out to be Katarina.

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