On the Seven Towers

Chapter 385: Ice Condensed into Scenery

Luo Ling slowly walked on her ice. Wherever she went, water columns would appear to form pillars. The positions of these pillars had obviously been calculated well. Some were thick, some were low, and they were obviously in different places. plays different roles in its structure.

By the time Luo Ling finished walking around the ice, her side had turned into a forest of icicles, and the location of the main building could be roughly judged from the thickest pillars, which probably occupied her circle. A quarter of the size of the land below.

Master Layla opposite her used a completely different method. Instead of pumping water from under the ice, she used magic power to condense ice cubes in the air. Although this method consumes more mental energy, it does not require prior planning and can be completely completed. Adjust the position of the ice cubes at any time according to your wishes. Her speed is not slow, and now she has pulled up three walls. It can be seen that she is building a typical two-story noble mansion.

Luo Ling walked to the middle of the ice, where there was the largest hole. She let out a soft drink, and a water column with a diameter of one meter rushed out. However, she did not freeze the water column, but guided it like a giant Like a dragon, wandering in the forest of icicles. Wherever the water dragon passes, it will leave behind beams. Then she divided the water dragon into four strands and criss-crossed them, like a skillful hand weaving cloth, weaving the eaves, brackets, walls and roofs vertically and horizontally.

"Teacher Luo's speed has exceeded that of the opponent." Liu Pengfei said.

"This is Jiangnan Garden." Ye Zi said, "It feels like Yu Garden. Didn't you see that the road she walked on was the Jiuqu Bridge? I know, that big house is the Pavilion in the Heart of the Lake. Sister Luo Ling is really It’s amazing. She had everything in her mind from the beginning. She must have something like a blueprint, and every subsequent step was done step by step based on that.”

"I guess she has already simulated it in the meditation space." Li Jia guessed.

"No." Xiao Chen turned around and said, "Simulating it in the meditation space is of very limited help to reality. Under my vision of detecting spiritual magic, I can see her entire blueprint. Her plan on the frozen lake At that time, she used spiritual threads to outline the frames of all the houses on the ice. Now she was like coloring on a line drawing, but the person opposite just built them wherever she thought. It’s faster than her.”

Sure enough, Luo Ling's pavilion was already quite large, but the other party's house had only completed four walls. Layla also began to look anxious on her face. She went from standing still to running around now. But even so, she couldn't catch up with Luo Ling's speed.

She could definitely make more things with Luo Ling in the same time, but due to the lack of overall planning, every time she completed a wall or a floor, she had to spend some time thinking about how to make the next thing. Sometimes, she would even have to modify the previous parts because she did not calculate the position, gap or angle of the subsequent parts.

It was as if the two of them were drawing a portrait. Luo Ling made a draft of the outline, used lines to determine the position of the facial features, and then started to draw the person's eyes and nose. Layla, on the other hand, drew a nose directly from a piece of white paper, and then drew an eye. Although each part was drawn well, when combined together, the structure and proportion of the face often went wrong.

"After all, Leila is better at demolishing houses than building them." Master Kona smiled. "It would be a different story if Leia came over. Fortunately, we don't need her to win."

"There's nothing wrong with her approach, but it's a pity that the other party's construction skills are too clever. I didn't expect that today, an old guy like me would actually gain knowledge from a high-level mage." Master Gordon sighed.

"I have said before that these Chinese people are very extraordinary. If you take a closer look at some of the methods they spread in that reading club, you will be even more surprised." Master Koner said.

"Oh, really? It seems that the association will pay more attention to them." Master Gordon agreed.

Master Kona suddenly opened his eyes wide, "What does Layla want to do? I feel a strong mental wave!"

At this time, Layla had already flown onto the ice. She was floating above an open space, waving her hand and pointing down. The ice below suddenly opened a crack with a diameter of more than three meters, and then water rushed out from below. , this water column is many times thicker than Luo Ling's, like a giant tree rising from the ground and rushing into the air.

"Leila was impulsive again. She learned the other party's method, but didn't understand the truth behind it!" Master Kona shook his head and said, "Now her house is ruined."

What happened next was just as Master Kona expected. Master Layla pumped the water out of the pool too fast, leaving no time for the water in the river below to be replenished. Even if the water level dropped rapidly, the ice surface carrying her house suddenly tilted and slid down, hitting the bottom of the pool directly and shattering into pieces. A few pieces, because her house has not yet been completed, and there is no connection between the walls. The ice walls fell down one after another during the tilt and impact, turning into a pile of messy ice blocks.

In shock, Leila's mental strength was shaken by the hidden injury she had suffered before. The water column in mid-air lost control and fell overwhelmingly onto the ruined wall at the bottom of the pool.

Everyone thought that Luo Ling's house would be destroyed in the accident, but when the collapse occurred, they found that Luo Ling's house was supported by pillars under the ice. When these pillars passed through the ice and reached the top, they became The pillars of the house.

This is exactly what she had done secretly under the ice when she was controlling the water flow just now. In this incident, it ensured that her house would not fall down.

The water level in the pool finally returned to its original level, but there was nothing on the water surface on Leila's side except the floating ice.

Leila stood on top of an ice mountain and looked at the house opposite that had already taken shape. It was a beautiful building she had never seen before. It had a large curved roof, intricately patterned windows and columns with relief carvings, giving people a solemn and harmonious feeling. The house was decorated with small bridges, pavilions, and trees made of ice. Under the sun, it shone with crystal light and looked magnificent.

"Is it a trap? Are you waiting for me to drain the pool and collapse my house?" Leila asked. This was the first time she spoke to her opponent.

"No, I'm just doing my own thing. What you do has nothing to do with me." Luo Ling's face was very pale at this time, almost bloodless, but with a satisfied smile.

"Just be yourself? Well said, you win."

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