On the Seven Towers

Chapter 400 We are here

In the afternoon, Chen Hansheng and Karanda were strolling on the streets of the town. In this small town, which has many merchants, the two of them are not very conspicuous. In addition to them, Glade and Leo also took a group of people to collect information.

It's not enough to just listen to the hotel owner's words. They must also go deep into the town themselves to understand the real situation. As Chen Hansheng watched, he used Floro Town as a comparison to compare the differences between the two towns.

Obviously, except for the baron's mansion, which is thick and sturdy and made of exquisite materials, like a fortress, most of the houses here are more crude than those in Floro Town, and many of the houses can only be described as shacks. Compared with the townspeople of Floro, the people here also appear to be more sickly and frail. Many people have thin cheeks, sunken eye sockets, thin hair, and thin bodies. They all look like they are typically undernourished. Especially the children here are mostly short and stunted.

"It seems that the tax here is right. Compared with the people in Floro Town, these people are not only physically weak, but also mentally poor. Look at the way they look at us blankly. They are really destroyed by life. It doesn’t work.” Chen Hansheng sighed.

"The place in Floro Town can be said to be a special case. In order to show that he had no intention of governing the land, Count Carlos left it alone for many years, just to show it to the inspectors from the royal capital." Calanda It is more common for this kind of small town scene, "However, this place is indeed very squeezed. You see, there are many residents who have no pants to wear and only wear a rag. Towns all over the kingdom, to Flo Not many people are as free as Luo, and not many are as embarrassed as this.”

"Hey, to put it bluntly, the worse it is here, the better it will be for us to carry out our work. If they don't do a bad job, how can they show that we are good?" Chen Hansheng shook his head gently, "Obviously he is a person with magical power. , can increase food production and create a simple world, but it still looks like a bird."

"But, can these...these residents really be changed? Although I sympathize with them, the look in their eyes seems like they are not thinking about anything..."

Chen Hansheng put his arm around Karanda's shoulders and said, "You still haven't looked at the problem from the perspective of a noble lady. You haven't really experienced their feelings."

"I am not a noble lady." Calanda said with a straight face.

"Yes, you are not, but the education you received is no worse than them."

"In the past, there were always people in our place criticizing the people at the bottom for being insensitive, ignorant, and short-sighted. At first, I thought it made sense. But then I went to more places and saw more people, and I realized that they were all standing around. Talking without pain in the back.

Have you seen that old man? Will he not love his grandson? Did you see that girl? Will she not have anyone she likes in her heart? Did you see that kid? Did the thought of what he wanted to do cross his mind?

If you contact them carefully, take off their defenses, and have a good chat with them, you will find that each of them has their own ideas. But the problem is that they have no money, no ability, and no vision, so they can’t do it.

They are numb because they don’t understand, they are ignorant because they don’t know, and they are short-sighted because no one told them what will happen after they climb the mountain ahead. But now that we are here, everything will be different. "

After Chen Hansheng finished speaking, he saw that Karanda looked at him with a hint of admiration in his eyes, not to mention the pride in his heart.

The two of them wandered from one end of the town to the other, and then back again, and no one paid them any attention. Chen Hansheng said: "I originally thought that the baron would come to contact us soon after receiving the news of our arrival. Unexpectedly, he actually stood still."

"You are observing this town quietly, and he must also be observing you secretly."

"After hanging out with me for a long time, you sound more and more like a poet."

The two passed by a place that was obviously a small square. Looking from a distance, he saw a lot of people gathering. He thought he would find some vendors selling things here, but in fact there were no stalls here. The group of people gathered together were waiting for two people to be tortured.

Two men were tied to the rack in the square.

A man who looked like a steward was announcing the charges: "...Tuchin, and his son Sowa, evade the baron's transit tax and commercial tax, and each of them can be whipped fifty times."

The steward was obviously not in the mood to explain anything to these serfs, so he waved and asked the two guards to start beating them. Both men's mouths were gagged, but even so they still let out a muffled cry.

"This whip is wrong, it will kill people." After only three lashes, Karanda discovered the problem.

When Chen Hansheng saw an old man at the end of the crowd shaking his head and sighing, he made up his mind and said, "Old man, do you think the father and son were unjustly accused?"

The old man glanced at Chen Hansheng and saw that he was a simple middle-aged man. He was wearing the clothes of those merchants and mercenaries. Although he looked a little strange, he did not raise any suspicion. He covered his mouth and whispered: "Tu Qin is out of this world." He is a good person with a good reputation, and he is willing to help anyone who is in trouble. He is also honest in business, and there is no way he can evade taxes. He must have offended the baron and arrested him just by giving him a name. "

"Are there many such things?" Chen Hansheng asked.

The old man turned his head and looked at him, and asked strangely: "Don't you know how many are there? Which master doesn't just let people die if they want to?"

Chen Hansheng nodded in agreement, and then gave Karanda a wink.

Kalanda understood and flicked her fingers a few times. A few rays of light that could not be distinguished by the naked eye shot out from her fingertips and hit the two guards who were executing the execution. They shook their bodies and the direction of the whips changed naturally. One of them hit the steward standing beside them.

"Ah~~" The steward covered his face and screamed, then fell to the ground.

"What's going on!" The captain of the guards behind the steward rushed over with a long sword in hand. Kalanda flicked out another ray of fighting spirit and hit his leg. The captain of the guards' feet softened and his body staggered. The long sword happened to pierce the steward's thigh. The steward let out a short howl and simply fainted.

The steward was a high-ranking official in the Baron's mansion. The guards were so frightened that they were in a panic. Some stopped the bleeding and some bandaged the wound. Two guards removed a door panel from a nearby house, and a group of people carried the steward and hurriedly sent him back to the Baron's mansion for treatment.

Tuqin and Sowa were whipped seven or eight times, and their skin was torn. The two of them were left on the execution platform and fell into a coma. No one cared for them. Chen Hansheng and Kalanda calmly stepped forward to cut the rope and let them down. None of the onlookers came up to stop or question them. Chen Hansheng and Kalanda carried the two people on their backs and went to the hotel.

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