On the Seven Towers

Chapter 415: Meeting on a narrow road

Mareno took seven or eight relatively strong men and squatted on the east side of the Baron's Palace. He held the loaded crossbow in his hand, but did not allow them to fire.

"Brother Mareno, what are we doing? Why don't you come over here? I know this is the woodshed. It can definitely light a fire." A man said.

"We want to occupy the Baron's Palace, but we don't want to burn it down. Shut up quickly and look up with your eyes wide open to see if anyone has climbed over the wall." Mareno patted him on the back and said.

"Then we should block the back door."

Mareno smiled and said: "Do you need to tell me? A small team of the escort has already blocked there. To the west is the civilian area, and there are people from our mutual aid association everywhere. As long as the person running away is not an idiot, he will definitely run to the east. "

"Really, someone dug it out." Another man said, "Brother Mareno, do you want to shoot him? What if he is a master..."

Mareno squinted his eyes and almost laughed out loud: "Which expert is so fat? Looking at the way he climbed over the wall, you can tell that he is a pig that can't run. Wait until he comes down and tie him up!"

The fat man is not alone, there is a slender woman behind him. As soon as the fat man took the woman down, he was hit by two spears on his back.

Without saying a word, he knelt down and said loudly: "I surrender, I surrender, don't kill me, adults of China Tower, I am just an ordinary small businessman, please let me and my wife go. I can give you five gold coins," the fat man said.

Mareno sneered: "Do you want to buy you a body of fat for five gold coins? Tie these two people up. Let's wait until the matter is settled."

"Hey, this girl is so beautiful. Look at that waist." A member of the support group said with a smile while holding a rope. The woman's face turned pale with fright, and she was trembling and unable to speak.

Mareno frowned and said: "Listen, Chinese people have Chinese rules. If anyone treats women with unclean words and hands, I will not spare you. You will all be beaten and sent to work in the women's union for a month." "

When he heard the word "women know", the face of the smiling woman immediately turned serious. When tying the rope, he didn't even touch the woman.

Seven or eight people were arrested one after another, and the movement inside seemed to become quieter. Just when Mareno was considering whether to retreat, a very agile figure climbed up the wall lightly.

"Shoot! Retreat after shooting!" Mareno shouted. He pushed a militiaman next to him and said, "Go to the back door and call for help. This is a real master!"

As he spoke, he pulled out his air pistol and sword.

The shooting of the mutual aid militiamen was completely inaccurate. The sparse arrows only caused a little trouble to those who climbed over the wall. He stopped, used the long sword in his hand to deflect the two arrows shot at him, then turned over and jumped off the wall.

It was a middle-aged man covered in blood. He was obviously seriously injured, but Mareno had a feeling that he was definitely no match for him.

"Run, run!" Mareno pointed his gun at the man and said to the people behind him.

"Then, that man is Baron O'Farrell!" someone said.

No one knew the specific strength of the Baron, but everyone knew that he must be a master. The militiamen ran away, and one person wanted to pull Mareno away, but Mareno remained unmoved and kept pointing his gun at the Baron.

The baron stared at the strange weapon, but did not dare to move it casually.

"An Imperial man... do you really want to die?" the baron said in a deep voice.

"At least the Empire will not hesitate to kill you." Mareno swallowed. He knew in his heart that the three bullets in the air pistol would hardly hurt a real fighting spirit warrior, but after three shots, it would be difficult for him, a person without fighting spirit, to hurt the opponent again. I'm afraid it would be difficult for him to live and die. However, it seems that the other party is very afraid of firearms. It seems that he has tasted the power of firearms in there, but does not understand the power and range of this air pistol.

what to do? A thought flashed through Mareno's mind. He quickly made up his mind, as there seemed to be no better way.

"Go to hell!" Mareno shouted. He shook the air gun in his hand, but nothing came out of the gun. He shouted in horror: "What's going on? Why is it useless?"

He looked anxious and stamped his feet on the spot, still swinging the air pistol in his hand.

The baron was frightened at first and ducked aside, but the imaginary crackling sound did not sound. Seeing the other party's furious look, he finally realized that there was something wrong with that weapon!

He seized this opportunity and rushed towards Mareno with all his strength. He even thought that if he could seize this weapon, he might be able to imitate it to further his power.

Because the injury was very serious, the Baron didn't rush too fast. When he rushed to a place less than three meters away from Mareno, he suddenly found that the other person's expression changed from panic to ferocious, and his hands no longer shook, but steadily. Holding the weapon in his hand, gray shadows flashed in the dark hole, and three soft sounds were made.

The baron had no time to dodge, so he could only strike forward with his sword. He felt like he had been stabbed three times in the chest and abdomen. The few protective fighting energy seemed to be unable to block those little things. Then, his sword intertwined with Mareno's sword.

Mareno felt a huge force knocking his long sword away, but the baron seemed to have used too much force and the sword in his hand also bounced away. Then the two collided and fell to the ground. The baron grabbed Mareno's neck, and the latter grabbed the baron's neck not to be outdone.

Fighting with a warrior, I will die soon, right? Mareno thought to himself, but he refused to let go. Even if he died, he had to hold this guy back. As long as the other members of the guard team came, they could avenge him.

It seems that my neck is still quite hard. It was not broken. Mareno thought self-deprecatingly.

The air in his lungs was getting less and less, and Mareno began to struggle painfully. His body twisted continuously with the contraction of his lungs. As his movements became bigger and bigger, the Baron also shook with him. After shaking for a while, he was suddenly able to breathe. Looking at the Baron again, his eyes were dull and his hands had been loosened. Mareno pushed hard, and the Count actually fell down stiffly and fell beside him.

Mareno greedily took a few deep breaths to let himself recover a little. He put his hand on his chest and found that the leather armor was wet. He raised his hand and saw that it was all blood. Looking at the Baron again, he had no breath, but some blood was still slowly seeping out from the holes in his chest and abdomen.

"The Baron is dead? Killed by me?" Mareno said to himself in disbelief.

He turned over and saw the Baron's body frozen in a pinched position, an ugly and weird posture. He shook his head, bent the Baron's body to lie flat, and then looked at the castle in the fire and said, "It's time to end it."

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