On the Seven Towers

Chapter 420 Another Me

Xiao Chen followed Luo Ling back to her apartment, which was a two-bedroom apartment close to the school. When she arrived at the door of the room, Luo Ling said, "I'll show you something."

She took her key ring out of her bag and put it in the palm of her hand. Then the key ring floated on its own. One of the keys tilted up on its own, slowly floated to the door, and inserted into the keyhole.

After turning the key more than once, the door opened by itself.

"The mind reaches the object!" Xiao Chen was surprised. Luo Ling in this world actually cultivated her spiritual power to an intermediate level in a world without magic.

"That's not all." She took off her coat and threw it in the air. The coat, bag and keys each flew to where they were supposed to go.

"You have actually started practicing the secret method."

"It's not too fast, right? It's slower than your progress in that world." Luo Ling said this, but she couldn't hide the small pride in her tone.

The decoration style of Luo Ling's house is relatively simple. It is basically a finely decorated house with complete sets of solid wood furniture. Xiao Chen didn't see many personalized things. It seemed that the owner didn't put much thought into taking care of the room.

Luo Ling put away her things, arranged Xiao Chen to sit on the sofa in the living room, and asked, "What would you like to drink?"

"Coffee. I don't want to fall asleep and go back soon." Xiao Chen said.

"Then let's have something strong. I have Roma and Arpeggio here. Which one do you want?"

"I don't understand this, you can figure it out." Xiao Chen looked at the furnishings in the room. Travel souvenirs were the most numerous things. "By the way, how many days have passed since the last time I came here?"

"Less than three months." Luo Ling picked a capsule, stuffed it into the coffee machine, and brought two cups of coffee over.

Xiao Chen calculated his timeline and said: "That's basically not a few days apart. It seems that the time flow rate on both sides is basically the same, but why was it that the last time I was here for a long time, it only took a while for me to wake up? ?”

Luo Ling put the coffee on the coffee table in front of the sofa and said: "Maybe the time points of the two worlds do not correspond one to one. Maybe it will take you longer to go back this time."

"Well, don't worry about that for now. Tell me how you have practiced to this level? There is no magic power here, so practicing is half the effort with half the effort."

"It's okay. There is no magic in this world, but people still have spiritual power, so it's like in a desert that lacks water. People can't swim, but it doesn't mean that these people can't learn. No one has ever studied it in the desert. How to swim, but one day a person who lives by the river comes and can at least teach them the most basic movements." Luo Ling made an analogy, and Xiao Chen nodded in agreement.

"And even if there is no magic available, cultivating this level of mental power is already very powerful and very useful, isn't it?" Luo Ling asked, "I use it every day. It should be the same as practicing spell casting. ”

"Yes, you are now the telepathic superpower in the story."

"Actually, I don't practice alone. I practice with him."

"Did you tell me about this?" Xiao Chen took a sip of coffee, and the bitter taste made him frown slightly.

"Of course, when you come here, you will take over his body. You must tell him this, otherwise he will think he has amnesia. He was originally doubtful about such fantastic things, until I showed a little bit of the role of mental power, he You really believe what I said. Don’t you understand your own temper? If there really is something like this, how could you not be tempted by it?” Luo Ling smiled wildly, "This saves me a lot of things. Who can care more about yourself than you? Besides, we have to build a platform to collect and develop various suggestions about your world. He is a veteran and is much more efficient than me. ”

"It's a pity that for some reason, he disappeared as soon as I appeared here. Otherwise, I could have had a good chat with myself." Xiao Chen said with some regret.

"I think he didn't disappear, but was suppressed by you. Your soul is much stronger than his, and his consciousness can't show up without you. But he wrote a lot of his thoughts in a notebook and put it in my Here, so anytime you show up, you can look at this notebook and write down any ideas you have so he can read them."

Luo Ling handed Xiao Chen a notebook she had prepared long ago.

Xiao Chen opened it and saw that it was indeed his own handwriting.

He carefully divided things into many aspects such as system, economy, population, technology, etc. Whenever he had ideas, he would leave notes under the corresponding topics.

Xiao Chen casually turned over a page, which read: ...The productivity and transportation capacity of medieval society were extremely limited, which would inevitably lead to a bottleneck in the scale of trade soon. This bottleneck will mainly be caused by the size of the consumer market and the trade deficit of the local country. If enough land cannot be conquered in time to industrialize and increase the purchasing power of the local population. It is difficult to continue to develop this way of building a country through foreign trade without forming a domestic market. ...A benign world economic system must be developed jointly by upstream and downstream countries. If other countries cannot develop simultaneously and possess good military force, then the school will eventually fall into war with other countries due to economic colonization.

Turn another page:

… Population is the cornerstone of a country, and it must be expanded quickly. The combination of time travelers and local people can not only speed up the population reproduction, but also quickly improve the quality of the population. Time travelers should be encouraged to marry and have children early. Allowing time travelers to have polygamy may be a good idea…

“Does it match your idea?”

Xiao Chen grinned: “Some are the same, some are very different. For example, I don’t support polygamy. This will aggravate local inequality and go against our original intention of changing that world. Moreover, I don’t like to artificially divide long-term policies into two standards for time travelers and local people. This is not good for our plan to integrate with the local people. However, his views have indeed broadened my thinking. After all, sometimes there is indeed a problem of being in the same mountain. As an observer, he may see it more clearly.”

“Not only him, I have also found some other scholars among my friends. When the time comes, I will invite them to join this project in the form of a thinking game to discuss your situation.” Luo Ling said.

“Great, then let me talk about the recent situation in the past few days…”

When Xiao Chen and Luo Ling finished talking about these things, it was already dawn. Xiao Chen felt an irresistible drowsiness coming over him. This kind of fatigue was very different from usual, giving people an irresistible feeling.

Xiao Chen forced himself to stay awake and said to Luo Ling: "It seems I have to go back."

"When you come next time, the discussion group and forum should have been built."

Xiao Chen yawned and said: "I know, thank you. Thank you! I..."

He wanted to say something else, but his head drooped and he snored.

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