On the Seven Towers

Chapter 439 Thorn of the Heart

That hand was as big as an ordinary person's hand, but it was pure white, crystal clear, and flawless. But that hand had no arms, as if it came from the void and grabbed the roots of the world tree.

Xiao Chen was now very sure that the hand belonged to the God of Nature who had not yet awakened. Maybe he used this method to absorb energy and wake himself up?

A sleeping person can't do anything, but the sleeping god is not like this. Part of their will and energy can act according to the established plan.

Just like now, Xiao Chen estimated that the God of Nature had planned to wake himself up by absorbing the life energy of the world tree before he fell asleep. However, because he was still asleep, this hand did not have his real consciousness, but acted according to instinct. So whether it was talking or doing things, it gave people a very dull feeling.

Xiao Chen glanced at the others. The four elves were fighting with the voice in their hearts and had completely lost their fighting power. He could only rely on him to deal with this monster with abnormal power and magic.

He needed help.


In the meditation space, Xiao Chen stood in front of Tashia's cabin and knocked gently on the door.

The door opened, and Tashia in the room was dressed in a robe, ready to go.

"Tashia..., you..."

"I'm ready. Do you need me to fight?" She smiled.

"Yes, it was a very dangerous battle, just like I told you."

"That's great. It will be a memorable day."


In reality, the Yangyan priest solved all the others with one blow, and once again focused on Xiao Chen. He, who had been expressionless, actually showed a grim smile and walked quickly towards Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen gritted his teeth and concentrated his mind. A large amount of magic power began to gather around him. According to the method deduced from the "Outline of the True Form of the Fantasy World", he projected his spirit servant Tashia into reality.

First, a human figure appeared in the air, and then, like filling a line drawing with color, the figure became more and more solid, slowly forming the image of a female mage with white hair and black robes.

Yangyan Priest had obviously never seen such a strange scene. This was neither a summoning nor an illusion. He released a scorching light in the direction of Tashia, but it went straight through her body without causing any substantial damage.

At this time, Tashia's soul had not yet entered the body. This light was just a destruction of an empty shell. Xiao Chen only needed to gather some magic power again to complete it again.

Xiao Chen summoned an ice shield to block the opponent's attack. Then he grabbed Tashia's wand and accessories from the ring, separated several mental threads, and sent them to the corresponding positions on Tashia's body, hairpins, earrings, bracelets, wristbands, and wands. When these props were in place, Tashia's body was also projected.

Tashia's soul entered the body through the soul bridge, and the beautiful female mage opened her eyes again in the real world. She didn't have time to feel the feeling of returning to the world. She immediately raised her staff and began to chant. Then she flew up, and fireballs rushed towards the Sunfire Priest. According to Xiao Chen's current ability, she only existed in this world for ten minutes. Her task was to try to contain the opponent's attack in ten minutes.

Xiao Chen held the sacred weapon "Spirit Thorn" of the Dream Tower in his hand, preparing a spiritual attack magic inherited from Saint Gomez: Spirit Arrow. Unlike Xiao Chen's original mental whipping that mainly controlled and punished opponents, Spirit Arrow was the first spiritual magic he learned that was truly aimed at killing. Its name is very simple, but it is a growth magic that will greatly increase its power as the spiritual power level increases.

Sunfire Priest suddenly found the scene a bit tricky. The male mage was obviously hiding behind a pile of ice shields and mental barriers to prepare some powerful magic. Once he was about to deal with the male mage, the inexplicably appearing female mage would attack the Hand of the God without hesitation. He was afraid that she would take out some poisoned weapon. He had felt the strange poison at close range, which would definitely cause serious damage to the Hand of God.

But if he focused on the female mage, it would be difficult to defeat her in a short time. Although she was only a mid-level peak mage with average strength. But the pieces of equipment on her body were of top quality. Various shields and various deflection magics emerged one after another. Yangyan Priest himself was only at a high level. Although the life energy gave him infinite power and recovery ability, it could not improve his magic level. It was not easy for an ordinary high-level to take down a mid-level peak with top-quality equipment head-on.

So he could only wait, waiting for the four companions on the ground to really wake up.

Xiao Chen tried his best to describe the structure of the Spirit Arrow magic. It was too difficult for him to use a holy weapon like the Heart Thorn at his current level. A spell that could have been cast in half a minute had already passed three minutes and was only 50% completed. He persisted with sweat all over his head, like a two-year-old baby writing with a big mop. Several times he almost made mistakes, which would have ruined the entire magical structure.

The Sunfire Priest attacked him and Tashia at the same time. Fortunately, Tashia successfully attracted the opponent's attention, so that the opponent's attack was not too fierce, but he no longer had the energy to control the shields around him. Layers of ice shields were melted by the opponent's fire magic. The opponent seemed to have seen his weakness. Regardless of the disadvantage in the attack with Tashia, he put more strength into attacking Xiao Chen.

Three-quarters completed.

The last ice shield shattered. Only the mental shield was left in front of Xiao Chen.

Four-fifths completed.

After the mental barrier tried its best to deflect a little energy attack, it finally disappeared. The remaining scorching heat swept through Xiao Chen's body and activated the defensive magic circle on the wizard's robe. Although it did not cause serious damage, it still burned a piece of Xiao Chen's hair.

95% completed,

Tashia activated the short-distance teleportation magic and blocked the fatal blow of the Sunfire Priest with her body. Because of the weakened shield caused by teleportation, she was blown away by the exploding fireball. When she stood up and prepared to come again, she saw Xiao Chen and Yangyan Priest each launched the final attack.

One hundred percent completion,

The huge crystal at the bottom of the pure white heart thorn shattered into powder, and a very condensed and extremely pure magic wave was generated at the top. An invisible arrow was born from the void, transcending the limitations of space, breaking through all obstacles, and instantly nailed into the opponent's soul.

At the same time, the opponent released a solar wheel technique, and a magic ball mixed with light and fire hit Xiao Chen. Although he activated the space barrier on the traveler's heart, he failed to block the full power of this magic, and the upper body was wrapped in the scorching light and flames.

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