On the Seven Towers

Chapter 457: Forgiveness

A male student named Andre closed his book, waved his hands vigorously and said, "If you want to listen to her, just listen to her. I won't listen anyway. She is taught in class, she belongs to the feudal aristocracy. Descendants, I don’t want to be mixed up with her. The gods of nature say that the son of a tiger and leopard must be ferocious, and the son of a goat must be quiet. Why is she a slave? Yes, how can she be the daughter of a noble who enslaves us. Good thing? If she would have looked at us before, we would have been hanged if we dared to sit at the same table as her."

"But, she is no longer a noble. Didn't Teacher Crete say you can't look down on her?" Another girl named Mara whispered.

"How can it be so cheap? One day she was living in a room with a bed bigger than my house, and the next day she was no longer there?" A girl named Rosa next to her said dissatisfied, "My father died the year before last. I was so exhausted when I was dragged to work by the baron. The teachers were right. This is the sin of their noble family. If you want me to forgive such a noble descendant, there is no way! "

After all, Jenny was thirteen years old, and would have been a junior high school student on Earth. Her previous relatively affluent life made her a little naive. She had never thought that someone would talk to her like this before. These two sixteen or seventeen-year-old boys spoke like this, which shocked her. She muttered: "But, I just want to help you review..."

"Isn't that rare?" Rosa was still reluctant, "I would rather not know a word than ask for your help! You guys all pretend to be kind-hearted on the surface, but your hearts are worse than anyone else's!"

How could these people do this?

Jenny sat blankly in class, tears began to well up in her eyes. She pursed her lips tightly, but for some reason she refused to let the tears fall, "I..."

She said one word, but couldn't say the rest because she was choked.

She glanced back at the door, and the thought of running away kept swirling in her head.

Andre turned away and said, "What's the use of crying? Do you think others will let you go if you pretend to be in tears?"

"That's right, pretending to be pitiful to show off to someone!" Rosa said with disgust.

Doris also has no good impression of Jenny, not only because Jenny's brother insulted and killed her sister, but also she has a heartfelt dislike for Jenny following Crete every day.

However, at this moment, when she saw Andre and Rosa constantly mocking and attacking this petite girl, she suddenly had a feeling of empathy. Not long ago, her sister died tragically, and her father and brother were seriously injured. She had no one to rely on in the entire town, and she didn't even dare to hide in relatives' homes for fear that someone would report her to the Baron's Mansion. How similar are these nightmare-like days to the girl in front of me now?

It was a feeling of being trapped in the forest at night. At that time, she longed for someone to hold her hand and help her get out of the darkness.

Doris was convinced that she had done nothing wrong.

But if he was not at fault, what was Jenny’s fault?

The tears rolling down the corners of the girl's eyes touched the softest part of her heart.

Just when Jenny couldn't stop crying and wanted to run away through the door. A pair of hands wrapped around her shoulders. It was Doris, and she asked: "Have you ever envied them? Rosa, Mara, have you ever envied the two ladies of the Baron's family? Have you ever thought about what would happen if I was born into the Baron's family?" Have you ever thought about how beautiful their beautiful clothes would look on me?”

Rosa and Marla were surprised by Doris's performance. They both felt that Doris had always been the person who hated the Baron family the most. All her brothers and sisters died because of the Baron family. Rosa was puzzled: "Doris, what are you talking about?"

"I thought about it this way. I really hope that I can become a eldest lady like them. I think what kind of person would I become if I was born into a baron's family? It would be best to be just like Jenny, right? No. It's good enough to harm everyone.

What about you, Andre, you always like to provoke girls in this town. If you are the son of a baron, can you bear not to use the power in your hands?

And you? Rosa, what will become of you? Will you come to help the people in this town? Are you so willing to help villagers learn to read? "

Andre said hesitantly: "Doris, what do you want to say? Why can't I understand you."

"I want to say that we and Jenny are actually the same. If we swap places, we may not do better than her. What can we be proud of? Why can we say this about her?"

"I think Doris is right. What she said is very true," Mara agreed.

"But." Andre wanted to say something else.

"How come there are so many things!" Doris did so many great things at the Women's Association, and she was much more powerful than before. "I have said everything that needs to be said. Today, those who are willing to listen to Jenny's lectures will stay. No. If you are willing to listen to the lesson, no one will continue chatting here. Anyway, I will stay, what do you think?"

"Ah, I do, I always do."

"Andre, what about you?"

Andre was just left alone. He felt unhappy and wanted to vent his anger by bullying others. He didn't understand much of those mechanical words, but he didn't want to offend Doris, so he scratched his head and said: "I... …I, okay.”

"You have to apologize if you stay!" Doris pushed further again.

Andre was a bachelor. He had practiced the self-criticism process in the mutual aid group a lot these days. He said without much hesitation: "Jenny, I apologize."

He looked at Doris's glaring eyes and said, "We shouldn't mix you up with your father. You are yourself. You are kind-hearted to help us study. I said that to you... it's so inappropriate."

Doris looked at Rosa again: "What did you say?"

Rosa looked around at the people around her. What she had just said was so eloquent that she couldn't get off the stage. She stood up and said, "I don't want her to teach!" Then she hurriedly left the classroom.

Doris turned her head and held Jenny's shoulders with both hands, "Jenny, Rosa and Andre are different. Andre is just following people's nonsense, but Rosa really has hatred in her heart. Are you willing to forgive them both?" One?"

"Yes. I understand. I finally had the opportunity to know what my family did. I never knew they would treat me like this or treat you like that. I, I have no reason not to forgive Andre and the others. I do." Jenny nodded again and again, and big tears fell from her eyes, one after another, flowing down her cheeks out of control.

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