On the Seven Towers

Chapter 488: Flying Fire Leaves

In the banquet hall, almost all the guests except Aldas had arrived. Bread and fruit were already placed on the two long tables where guests were dining. But everyone hasn’t officially taken their seats yet. They were standing or sitting in the lounge or main hall, gathering in twos and threes to rest and chat.

Earl Green and Arus, the deputy tower master of the Tower of Thousand Thoughts, were sitting on chairs beside the wall of the main hall. Arus had just arrived yesterday, and today's banquet was also held for him.

Earl Green raised his wine glass and touched it lightly with the magician in front of him. Then he said: "Your Excellency Arus, Matos's mistake is that he does not understand the power of the Tower of China. You will definitely agree that every magician has some hidden abilities, right?"

Arus nodded and said: "Of course, the scary thing about magic lies in its mystery. Especially when the inheritance of this magic tower is very unclear, it is even more difficult for us to judge what their trump card is. Over the years, most of the Some magic towers are separated from the original magic towers. Of course, it is not without amazing geniuses to build magic towers from scratch. I can't see the source of their inheritance for this Chinese tower. Maybe it really is The latter situation."

"Before, I sent people to collect as much intelligence as possible and came to a conclusion: the Chinese are very good at using magic props to fight. Their ideas are very different from ours. If we say, our idea is to train strong people and then give them to strong people. They want the best weapons and equipment. Then their idea is to make a large number of magic weapons and magic props that ordinary people can use, and then swamp us with their numbers. You know, whether we are warriors or magicians, when they don’t mobilize their power, The body is not much stronger than ordinary people. If they attack us with this weapon when we are unprepared or weak, even if we have more warriors and mages, they are still likely to fail," Earl Green said with some regret. , "Matos died like this, and I think Rivas also died due to this unpreparedness."

"I didn't expect you to see it this way. I don't know how the Tower of China fights, but I have met their strong men in the capital. These people are very talented and powerful magicians. They have a high-level The female mage even defeated a master in battle! I also lost in the battle with Xiao Chen. His strength in all aspects is probably not inferior to mine."

Earl Green's expression became more serious when he heard this: "If this is the case, our estimate of them may still be insufficient. Your Excellency, the Duke, has underestimated them. Maybe I should be more fully prepared to fight them again."

However, Arus, who was opposite him, was suddenly startled. His eyes turned to the door, and he saw pieces of orange-red leaves floating in from outside the door. These leaves are like fallen leaves swept by the autumn wind, twisting and turning in the air, dancing with the wind. Hundreds of fire leaves, shining brightly in the dim room, are really beautiful.

Arus asked strangely: "Is this a trick played by Aldas? Isn't such a grand appearance too big?"

It's not that there are no mages who like to play the trick of flowers blooming and sunshine falling from the sky, but this is usually used when big shots appear. Aldas's use of such methods in front of a high-level person like him seemed a bit shady.

Earl Green stood up warily and asked, "Do these fire leaves have magic power fluctuations?"

"It's very small. What's wrong?" Arus touched a fire leaf with a trace of spiritual power, and found that the outer layer of the leaf was actually covered with spiritual power, as if... it seemed that the magic package was squeezed in the middle. He tried to poke it with his mental power, and his eyes immediately widened.

"Oops! It's fake!" With Arus's roar, the fire leaves that had been floating all over the room were stripped of their spiritual power, and violent magic fluctuations suddenly filled the entire room. The leaves were like exploding fireworks, erupting with dazzling light. Everyone in the main hall was immersed in a romantic atmosphere just now, but in the blink of an eye they were thrown into a raging purgatory.

Fire snakes raged, fire trees sprouted, and the room was engulfed in the explosion of fire in an instant.

The moment Arus sensed that power, he destroyed a magic ring on his hand and set up a shield for himself and Earl Green, but even so, several leaves were still framed in the shield. , then exploded inside the shield. Both of them were burnt to death.

"This, what kind of method is this? Aldas can never do it! Only a very, very powerful high-level mage can wrap so many leaves with spiritual power at the same time, and compress the energy to such an extent... "Arus lay on the ground. He was still injured in the explosion in front. Although it was not serious, the burnt hands greatly reduced his spellcasting ability. The shield released before barely resisted the wave of fire coming from outside. Apart from Huolang, there were only a few middle-level knights who could still move, and there were basically no living people in the main hall. Even the low-level mage brought by Arus was burnt to charcoal by this blow.

His disciple, the mid-level mage Sacheo, rushed in from the side hall with a few knights and was stunned by the sight in front of him. The table, curtains, and carpets were burning all over the room, and the fire was getting bigger and bigger. Green and Arus huddled in a corner.

"Lord Earl!" The knights wanted to use their fighting spirit to resist the flames from approaching them.

"Teacher." Sacheo put up a shield and used water magic, which he was not very proficient in, to control the fire.

"Sachio! Be careful, there are powerful enemies..." Arus was shouting halfway when three huge fireballs flew in from the door. One after another, they exploded around these people.

After the fire, only Sachio in the shield stood alone, and the knights around him were blown to the ground and their lives were unknown.

In the flames and smoke, Sachio randomly released several counterattack magics in the direction of the fireball. However, at this time, a gray-white beam of light hit his shield. The beam of light contained a strong corrosive power, just like hot water poured on ice. The shield melted quickly, and then a silver-white shadow broke through the fire in front of him at a very fast speed and rushed over.

When he got closer, he saw that it was a rabbit golem that was only as high as his calf. The rabbit opened its mouth, and the buck teeth shot out two lightning bolts, which hit Sachio's chest directly. After being hit by the lightning, he was paralyzed and collapsed, and the defensive magic he was casting was also interrupted. The rabbit jumped directly onto his chest and stabbed a claw into his chest. A mid-level mage died without any resistance in less than a minute of fighting.

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