On the Seven Towers

Chapter 535 After Death

Liu Pengfei walked out of the bedroom, leaving the queen's body in the room. The queen wanted to drink poisoned wine and die, but he did not bring the poisoned wine, so he finally chose to hang himself for her. It was Yaur who did it, but he was watching the whole process from the side, but it was not an easy thing. Seeing the beautiful woman calling for help, struggling, and finally the bloody look on her throat being clasped by her own fingers, made her sad. Liu Pengfei felt somewhat guilty.

"Sir, you don't have to think too much. She is lucky that we will send her to see the gods. If it were someone else to do this, she wouldn't know how much humiliation and suffering she would have to suffer." Yaur followed behind Liu Pengfei said.

"Oh, did you notice it?"

"It's normal to think like this. Those of us who often go to and from the battlefield always imagine how we are going to die. Everyone hopes that they will die quickly." Yaur talked about these things in a very relaxed tone, obviously watching. For people who are accustomed to life and death, "dying gloriously in the prime of life is a better choice than dying in bed when you are too old to walk."

"Really? Then I hope I have a better ending." Liu Pengfei said.

"You will get your wish." He threw the rope that hanged the queen towards him. "I think the princess will need this. This rope already has a special meaning to her."

The end of an old era? Liu Pengfei looked at the rope. There was a trace of red on it, which was the blood left on the queen's neck due to the struggle. He folded it and put it in his pocket, preparing to hand it to the princess with his own hands. This could be regarded as an explanation to the princess. Maybe years from now it will be in a museum.

Liu Pengfei and Yaur walked to the second floor. But they saw Princess Laura walking up with Agudelo and others, and walking with them were several people who looked like palace ministers.

"Your Highness, why are you here?" Liu Pengfei asked puzzledly.

Princess Laura did not answer, but looked very angry. However, Agudelo next to him said: "Your Majesty, it was His Excellency Liu Pengfei who took out an edict and said it was signed by you. I just let him in, but then But I felt something was wrong, because you said that the purpose of placing the queen here was to prevent someone from assassinating the queen and using her death to ruin your reputation. You asked us to protect her and no one was allowed to visit. I came to report to you for verification.”

Liu Pengfei was stunned when he heard Agudelo talking nonsense seriously. At this time, he knew very well that he had fallen into a trap today, and there was no doubt that there was only one person who could push him to this point, and that was Princess Laura in front of him. In an instant, the clothes on his back were soaked with cold sweat. He reached into his pocket and there was a short-distance random teleportation scroll that he had prepared long ago.

Princess Laura nodded seriously. She looked at Liu Pengfei with mockery in her eyes: "You are right. I have never let anyone come here. Liu Pengfei betrayed my trust and secretly came to have a private meeting." queen."

At this time, Yaur behind him shouted: "Your Highness, Your Highness, the Queen was killed by this man! I saw his hands with my own eyes."

Several people around the princess exclaimed and rushed to the queen's room.

"Who are you?" asked an impressive minister next to the princess.

"My name is Yaur, I am a knight of the Guards. I was deceived by this man. He also took out the decree and said that the princess asked me to come here to cooperate and help him do something. I didn't know until I got here that he actually He came to meet the queen. After entering this small building, I felt something was wrong and refused to go up with him. But then I was worried about what he would do to the queen, so I followed him secretly. However, I could go. Too late, I only saw him strangling the queen with a rope! "Yaur pointed to his pocket, you see that is the rope he used to strangle the queen! "

At this time, one of the people who rushed forward also came back and reported: "Your Highness the Princess, Your Excellency the Prime Minister, the Queen was really strangled to death by him."

Liu Pengfei saw that everyone was staring at him. Several people dressed as guards had already put their hands on their weapons. He knew that all of this was a trap and it was useless to say anything. He didn't want to defend at all and jumped in directly. He entered the room on the side, locked the door, took out the teleportation scroll and started casting spells.

But in panic, Liu Pengfei couldn't concentrate on the first spell, and the spell failed. Before he was halfway through the second spell, the door was slammed open, and in his peripheral vision, he saw a person waving his hand and hitting him on the back of the head. His vision went dark and he lost consciousness. Before he fell into coma, he heard Yaur's voice: "Your Highness, we caught him."

When Liu Pengfei woke up again, he felt that his face was covered with cold water. Water dripped from his hair and he could barely keep his eyes open.

He squeezed his eyes hard, trying to see clearly where he was. He spent a lot of energy, and finally opened his eyes and saw clearly that it was a dungeon, about the size of a living room. The lighting crystals on the walls were a little dim, but It still illuminated the two people in front of me. One is Yaur holding a bucket, and the other is Princess Laura herself.

Yaur woke up Liu Pengfei and walked out of the room, leaving Princess Laura alone in the cell.

The princess held her chin with her hand and watched Liu Pengfei wake up quietly. When he finally looked up at her, Princess Laura said in a helpless tone: "Pengfei, this is the last time I call you like this. In fact, I used to like you very much. You are completely different from those other stupid nobles. You are funny, knowledgeable, and can think of me in many places. You have also helped me do a lot of things. Although... with your identity, it is impossible for you to become my prince, but even being a lover is not bad. However, I didn't expect that at such a critical moment, you made a mistake that I can't tolerate, that is, betrayal!"

"Betrayal? No! I have always been sincere to you. When did I think of betraying you? This is unfair! I have won over many ministers for you, and I have cleared the obstacles of the queen for you. Now you have everything, but you throw me out like garbage! Who betrayed whom!" Liu Pengfei said excitedly.

"My people have already found out. It was because of your report that Luo Ling participated in the battle that night, causing a lot of chaos in the city. She also attacked the team that was trying to capture Javier, which gave Mei the opportunity to escape with Javier. Do you know how important my dear brother is to me?" The princess' tone gradually turned cold.

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