On the Seven Towers

Chapter 537: Gathering Intelligence

Catalina dressed up as a common girl, wearing linen clothes, carrying a basket, and wandered around the city. She always had the ability to blend in naturally with the surrounding residents, and gained various insights from the discussions in the streets. Such information. To be honest, the nobles and mages in the royal capital rarely pay attention to such little people who lack "value", so although the city has been searching for Havel everywhere, Katarina is still able to move around the city.

Taverns and markets are always the places where news spreads fastest among civilians. However, these days, the taverns in the city are infested with a large number of Praetorian Guards, City Guards, and even knights from the Natural Temple, so they are not a good place to go. However, the atmosphere in the market is much more relaxed, and most people will say this when they meet acquaintances. The above few sentences may be true or false, or they may be just a few words, but valuable information may be hidden in them. Catalina has several spies who are vendors and gangsters in the market area. They don't know her identity. There are many people in the capital who like to inquire about information. Everyone follows a rule, handing over the money and delivering the goods. But never ask where the person is from.

And more importantly, Gabriel had severe burns on his body. None of them were good at healing magic, so they needed the help of herbal medicine to recover his injuries as quickly as possible.

"Have you heard? The king is dying. There was so much noise the night before, but he didn't show up." Catalina walked past a bacon stall and heard several men talking together.

"Her Royal Highness the Princess will soon be in charge of this country. I think this is a good thing." One of the young people said, "I once met the Princess. Although she was very young, she looked very calm."

Another middle-aged man sneered, "Have you ever seen the princess? I guess you just saw her from a distance at some ceremony? We have also seen such a princess."

"So what, I can feel this from far away." The young man emphasized.

"Regardless of whether she is calm or not, she is too young." The middle-aged man said.

"What's the matter? The king doesn't have a younger heir. She is better than Prince Javier. The prince is too young and the queen's tower of shining wings has collapsed. He can't sit on the throne..."

Catalina listened for a while and found that most people had a good impression of the princess. As for the attitude of the Natural Temple and the Royal Magic Tower, ordinary people did not know much about it and said very little.

She turned around for a while and saw a gangster squatting by the wall. The man had a grass stem in his mouth. As she was looking east and west, looking for prey in the market, Catalina quietly moved toward him, walked around in front of the gangster, made eye contact with him, and walked into an alley.

The gangster seemed very happy to see her. He stood up, patted the dust on his body, and walked into the alley.

"Ah, Miss Bai Ling, the God of Nature must have taken pity on me today and sent you here when I didn't have a copper shield in my trouser pocket." Bai Ling is Catalina's pseudonym, just like this gangster's pseudonym. It's called a tree stump.

Catalina said: "Of course I have a bronze shield, and I even have a silver spear, but it depends on what information you can bring in exchange for me."

"What do you want to know?" Stump looked greedily at the silver coins rolling in Catalina's hand, and bowed down to ask very respectfully.

"In the battle the night before yesterday, which strong men died? Who were seriously injured? Tell me one by one."

"So you care about these things." Stump licked his lips and said, "You are right to ask me about it. I have a very close brother who is a captain in the city guard army. He happened to be in charge of digging for Hui that day. He even dug out a crushed temple priest from the ruins of the Tower of Wings. Later, he also transported a seriously injured knight to the Tower of Healers. No one knew the situation better than him."

"Say what you know and don't brag. If you don't know, don't brag." Catalina said.

"Hehe. Miss Bailing, how can this be nonsense? He also has an apprentice who is in love with the Tower of Healers, and a lot of news comes from there." Stump smiled mischievously while staring intently. Holding the silver gun, "But before I say anything, you know the old rules."

Catalina grabbed the silver gun and put it away, took out two copper shields from her pocket, and threw them to the tree stump. The latter happily stuffed it into his pocket and began to talk about the information: "Many people thought that only one saint died that day. In fact, it was not true. Two saints died that day, except for Gibran in the Temple of Nature and the Tower of the Sky. The Sasso Saint has long been killed outside the city."

Catalina's eyes narrowed and she asked, "Are you sure?"

"Of course, my brother's woman heard what the high-level mage from the Tower of Healer said with her own ears. That high-level mage heard it from Venegas himself when he went to heal the Qianren Sword Master." Stump said.

"Is the news reliable?"

"You know in our industry, you just tell what you hear. Whether it is true or false, you have to find your own way to judge. But, I heard a piece of news from another person, even if it is given to you for free, I know Another person works as a excrement collector in the palace dungeon. He said that the person most hated by the newly imprisoned prisoners was Julian, the tower master of the Tower of Sky. They all called him a shameless traitor. people."

"It's actually like this." Luo Ling, Mei and the others analyzed the current situation with Katarina. They were all surprised that Saint Sasso of the Sky-Splitting Tower was absent from the battle that night. The worst guess is that he has surrendered to the princess, and the best guess is that he is temporarily traveling and may return to the capital later. But they didn't expect that the princess and her people would be so cruel and kill the saint of their own country. This is a self-destructive thing.

"It's really strange, don't they worry that the saints of the empire and the kingdom will lose balance?" Katarina said to herself.

Stump shrugged and said, "Who knows? But if you ask me, these big guys will definitely think about their own positions first, and they will kill anyone who opposes me taking the position. It's like I have to become the boss of the Giant Hammer Gang before I worry about whether the Giant Hammer Gang will be annexed by the Wild Bear Gang. If I can't become the boss, what does the life and death of this gang have to do with me?"

"Then who else lost their lives?"

"The worst is of course the Tower of Shining Wings. All the big guys in the tower died except for those who escaped. However, I heard that many insignificant people also escaped, and the guards are now searching for them. It is said that half of the people in the Tower of Refining Spirits died. Four or five high-level mages died alone. The tower master, Master Kona, was captured and taken to the dungeon under the palace."

"What? Master Kona is not dead?"

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