On the Seven Towers

Chapter 539: Chasing in the Alley

The opponent's mage couldn't help but be startled when he saw Catalina's actions. He didn't expect such a young girl to have such a determined side. He stopped several knights who were about to rush forward, fearing that their impulsiveness would ruin the scene. A perfect capture.

He bribed people from the Wild Bear Gang, kept an eye on the channels for purchasing healing potions, and stayed with those gangsters all day long. Finally, he caught this clue. If he could find the whereabouts of Gabriel through this girl, it would definitely be his guide in the war. He would never allow anyone to destroy the step to advance in the Ice Tower.

Therefore, when Catalina raised the dagger, he decided not to be impatient and take her time.

He said in a pitiful tone: "Children of your age don't know the preciousness of life. Do you think that if you die like this, the people you want to protect will care about your sacrifice? It's simply childish! Not only are they Instead of feeling grateful, I will think you are stupid. ”

"Mercenaries also have their own glory. This is my choice, and it has nothing to do with anyone else!" Catalina's hand was shaking slightly, and the fighting spirit at the tip of the dagger accidentally cut her forehead, and blood flowed down the bridge of her nose. Sliding down, her face became ferocious.

"Guys who only know how to use knives and guns are so stupid." The mage frowned, and he secretly speeded up the casting speed, trying to capture Katarina before she could make any move.

"Miss Bailing! Are you serious? They won't let us go. It's useless even if you poke a hole in your forehead." Stump looked at her with blood all over her face, and her whole face was wrinkled. Together.

Catalina said in a very slight voice: "Listen, we will rush in the direction of the mage in a moment. When I say let's go, you throw the dagger at the mage with all your strength. If there is an explosion on the ground, don't panic. Go directly through the flames of the explosion." Run forward."

"You still have a secret weapon?" Stump asked in surprise, "But I think if you run away, you will probably be hacked to death by them."

"Do you think you can live if you are caught by them because you have something to do with me? Instead of being tortured, why don't you give it a try and die happily?"

Stump looked stern and nodded slowly.

"Little girl, I'll give you one last chance to think about it again." The mage advised again.

Just as he finished speaking, Catalina shouted: "Let's go!"

At the same time, she mobilized all her strength and threw the dagger in her hand towards the mage. Upon hearing her order, Shudun made the same move, and he also had a halo of fighting spirit. This unemployed vagrant wandering around the market turned out to be a low-level warrior.

The two daggers flew straight towards the mage in the sky with a whistling sound. A pair of ice armor suddenly appeared on his body, blocking the attacks of the two daggers. However, he had no support in the air and flew out involuntarily under the impact of the impact.

After Catalina threw the dagger, she took out two crystal grenades from the basket as quickly as possible and threw them directly at the two warriors below the mage. The grenade exploded, blowing away the two warriors who were about to charge. Although it was not fatal, it temporarily incapacitated them.

"Come with me!" Katarina nimbly passed through the gap between the two knights, followed closely by Stump, following her through the blockade. The two of them rushed out of the alley, and Tree Stump shouted: "I know this place well, come with me."

He grabbed Catalina and slipped between the stalls in the market.

The mage finally righted his body in the air and saw that the two of them had run into the market. He quickly urged the knights to chase after him.

Stump is indeed the local snake here. He and Catalina rushed into the alley of the slum area. The roads here are chaotic, the population is large, and there are almost no city guards to guard it. Therefore, the pursuers behind them were never able to catch up, but the two of them were unable to shake them off.

Catalina walked through an alley, stepped on a stinky pond, ran through two bends, and followed a tree stump over a fence. She said, "I seem to feel that someone is haunting around us."

Stump glanced back and saw several knights still chasing each other in the alleyway in the distance, "I didn't see anyone else."

Catalina said: "No! It seems that there are people on the left and right running after us. Are they outflanking us?"

"Oops! The mage is missing!"

Catalina looked up and found a floating figure in front of her. The mage arrived in front of them at some point and intercepted them.

The mage gently raised his hand, and a long-prepared magic was cast. A swirling airflow suddenly appeared on the ground under Catalina's feet, rolling her up from the ground and hanging in mid-air. The airflow was centered on her body. , making her spin.

Seeing that she was restrained, Tree Stump originally wanted to escape, but after taking a step, he fell back and reached out to catch Catalina.

The mage smiled coldly, followed the same example, and cast the wind magic again. Stump felt the wind rising under his feet, and he and Catalina flew into the sky together.

Just as the mage was about to use ice magic to injure two people, he suddenly heard a voice ringing in his ears: "Stop!"

The two people in the air slowed down in response, then stopped, and were dropped to the ground unsteadily.

The mage turned around in fright, only to see a young man with stern eyes floating behind him. The young man had a pair of black eyes. The moment the mage looked at him, the young man's pupils suddenly dilated, like a monster opening its big black mouth and swallowing himself in one gulp.

His mind fell into darkness, as if he was locked in a windowless secret room. There was no sound, no image, no perception, and he even lost the concept of time. Chaotic thoughts surged into his head one by one, and then receded like a tide. Only extreme anxiety and panic were left.

For a while, he even felt that he was dead, his soul was extracted and thrown into the endless space. Just like that, it felt like many, many years had passed, and he finally found a little light in his black world, and then the whole world became bright again.

He found himself lying on the ground, with a person's shoes in front of him. Looking up along the shoes and trouser legs, it was the young man standing in front of him.

Looking out, he saw that the six knights who followed him had fallen to the ground, and the long street was stained with blood. Two warriors, a man and a woman, were wiping their weapons and sheathing their swords. The man looked a little familiar, as if he was the personal guard of an important person.

The mage looked back at the man in front of him in panic, and found that apart from the yellow hair, the man's face shape and eyes also overlapped with the impression of someone in his memory: "You are, you are Xiao Chen!"

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