On the Seven Towers

Chapter 555: Blocking the Entrance

The group finally reached the third floor. At this time, the team had expanded to more than thirty people, including not only newly born ghost warriors, but also two intermediate ghost mages.

The enemies on the third level are already well prepared and have even prepared defensive barriers. The barrier blocked the beginning of the third-floor corridor, blocking all paths forward. There were at least twenty soldiers standing behind the barrier, holding various weapons against them.

Two mage-looking people stood in the middle of the barrier, surrounded by warriors holding shields. Judging from their mage robes, they were all high-level mage from the Ice Tower. One of them shouted: "Who are you! How dare you come to the palace dungeon to rob the prison!"

However, Xiao Chen had no intention of talking nonsense with them. He knew very well that this person's purpose was just to delay time and wait for the top experts to come to support. He waved his hand, and his ghost warriors launched a charge and began to attack the barrier frantically. Tasia and several other mages also began to bombard the barrier. Even the barrier supported by two high-level mages has its limits. During such an attack, the barrier only lasted less than half a minute before collapsing.

The ghost warriors crashed into the formation of the guards like waves hitting the rocks. The swords they waved exuded black air. This kind of energy unique to the ghost warriors, although not as powerful as real fighting spirit, has a powerful effect on living people. Has strong corrosive ability. In this kind of hand-to-hand combat, the undead warriors have shown a great advantage. People are crowded together, and two people can be killed with a single knife. However, the ghost warriors can continue fighting as long as they are not injured on the head. Human beings have so many weaknesses.

A ghost warrior and a human stabbed their weapons into each other's abdomen at the same time. The ghost warrior carried the opponent's spear without losing any strength, but the human warrior could only fall down and die unwillingly, and soon turned into a ball of light and entered " "Gathering Spirit List". After a while, under Glade's control, he stood up again, pulled out the spear from his belly, and killed his original comrades.

Only the freezing magic released by two high-level mages can truly delay and kill the ghost warriors. However, how could Xiao Chen give them the opportunity to continue output?

He held the thorn of the soul in his hand and fired a simple spiritual arrow. With the addition of the holy weapon, the invisible arrow broke through a mage's personal shield without any obstacles and pierced into his mind. After a second, his head turned red and then exploded, red and white. Things were splashed everywhere. The ice storm that was forming in his hand was completely out of control and broke out in the middle of his team. His companion mage and other warriors were severely injured by the sudden attack of ice and snow blades. They fell for a while, and then were overwhelmed by the ghost warriors. .

"Waste, the souls of these two high-level mages have been destroyed!" Glad complained.

"Stop talking nonsense and quickly block the passage from above." Xiao Chen continued to rush forward with the ghost warriors.

No matter how fast Xiao Chen and others are, it will take a lot of time to defeat these enemies. It has been more than ten minutes since they sent the warning signal from the enemy. Fortunately, the armies of this era were still very different from armies in the true modern sense. At least there's a huge difference in responsiveness. The alarm was transmitted to the top floor, and the duty officer reported it to the warden. The warden called on the masters to take action, and then the masters assembled the elite troops. It took too much time. Up to this moment, the support team had not yet been assembled. . Only two vanguard troops rushed down, but they had just fallen to the swords of the ghost warriors.

Xiao Chen first came to the entrance to the passage leading to the top floor. The spiraling upward passage was not too wide. It was dug directly from the mountain. It had an arch on the top and a stone staircase on the bottom. Only two people could pass through.

Xiao Chen couldn't see the exit above, but he could hear the roar of people on the other end. There must be many enemies gathering there. When he was about to take out the crystal bomb from the Traveler's Heart, he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps going down. , the footsteps were very heavy, reminding him of the movable armor in the underground palace.

Sure enough, two warriors wearing full body armor and holding tower shields appeared from the corner. When they saw Xiao Chen below, they immediately accelerated their pace and rushed down. Xiao Chen could tell from their movements that they were two high-level knights. He continued to block these two people with ice spears. While shouting: "A large group of enemies is coming, come here and help me block this passage!"

Tasia and others arrived in time, and continuous magic hit the two people, but their huge shields actually had a very good anti-magic effect. Although the magic bombardment made their movements slow, they actually used most of the magic. The energy is blocked out.

"Demon Breaker Knights!" Tasia shouted, "Their tower shields and armors are extremely resistant to magic. Fighting like this is ineffective!"

"They must be equipped to deal with those mages." Xiao Chen shouted to Glade, "Use the human sea tactic to resist them and give me some time to prepare the spar bomb."

With a thought, Glade led more low-level ghost warriors into the passage with four mid-level ghost warriors. If these warriors were in an open area, they would not be any match for the two high-level Demon-Breaking Knights.

But now these ghost warriors have completely given up attacking each other. Several warriors in the front rushed to the two demon-breaking knights, some hugged each other's calves, some pulled each other's arms, and some simply climbed onto the shield. They also released black negative energy, which corroded each other's fighting spirit. The two knights were obviously confused by such an enemy. It's not that they didn't try to knock away these weird things, but the ghost warriors who squeezed in from behind blocked all the space, and the warriors who were pushed away by them would be pushed back immediately. Moreover, these warriors entangled their hands and feet with each other, forming an unshakable net.

The spiral structure of the channel made it difficult for the enemy's subsequent warriors to exert their strength. They could only watch the warriors in front entangled with these undead but could not move forward.

Xiao Chen finally had the opportunity to take out a dozen crystal bombs from the Traveler's Heart. These bombs were not grenades, but things designed to demolish city walls and destroy city gates. They were much more powerful than grenades.

He handed the bombs to several ghost warriors and asked Glade to control them and send the bombs to several weak points in the passage. These ghost warriors were very "brave" and used their arms and even their bodies to fix the bombs. Let them stick to the position of the vault.

Tashia cast the most violent explosion fireball magic. Xiao Chen and Elena blocked the exit with layers of shields.

With a loud noise that shook the entire cell, Xiao Chen and his shields were shattered, and the scorching fire waves swept out of the passage, but the entire passage also collapsed completely.

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