On the Seven Towers

Chapter 56: Unexpected Events

These afternoons, Zhang Hong would go around the town. Ever since Li Jia and the others came, they have been busy, organizing the store's goods, investigating the local market, and preparing promotional activities.

In Zhang Hong's view, Li Jia was just a guy who was full and had nothing better to do. He was too lazy to pay attention to him, so he simply turned a blind eye and let them mess around in the store.

Although the people in Frollo Town were crude, they still respected Zhang Hong, who was called a wizard's family, from the bottom of their hearts. What's more, compared with the poor ghosts here, Zhang Hong, who was generous and well-dressed, undoubtedly belonged to the level of adults. Ordinary villagers felt that they could only salute him. If Zhang Hong was happy one day and gave him a few big copper coins when buying things, there would be people who bowed to him.

This was really a good feeling. Zhang Hong had never tasted this kind of feeling of being superior in his life. There was no such feeling on Earth, and there would be no such feeling in today's school.

After all, he was still isolated and excluded in his group. But what if he was excluded? Now he, the excluded, is the boss in the town, and those who excluded him are probably being treated as grandchildren in Suero, right?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing. He liked Luo Ling very much. What a beautiful woman she was. However, she was more poisonous than a scorpion. She colluded with Xiao Chen, that bastard, and only knew how to bully honest people. I hope they will meet a bandit this time, or be exposed as a fake.

Zhang Hong didn't expect the school to develop much. Anyway, it might not be good for him. His attention was recently focused on the little beauty named Catalina.

Her skin was as white as porcelain, her hair was as red as fire, and her figure was like a Coke bottle, bent and twisted just right. Zhang Hong missed her almost like he missed Coke.

The best thing was that her father was a middle-class businessman with some power in the surrounding area. If he can monopolize the sales of a certain product through the relationship with the school, it will be difficult for him not to become rich. Zhang Hong has been a guest at their house twice. The old man is very flattering to him, and the little beauty is also very fond of his profound conversation. Is it time to take a step further?

Zhang Hong was so distracted that he almost bumped into the black shadow in front of him. It was a beggar in tattered clothes, bent over, holding a broken bowl in his hand, and tremblingly handed it to him.

Zhang Hong actually didn't hate beggars, and of course he didn't like them too much. It's just that this kind of people can sometimes satisfy people's need to sympathize with others. Zhang Hong thinks that giving alms is no different from buying a cold drink to eat. Both are spending money to meet their needs, but one is pleasing to the mouth and the other is pleasing to the heart.

However, the beggar in front of him made him feel very uncomfortable. This guy rudely interrupted his daydream, and there was a strange energy. His eyes were a little too energetic, and his expression was a little too nervous. There was no sense of laziness like ordinary beggars. Zhang Hong felt something was wrong, so he turned sideways to an alley on the right, quickened his pace, and ran all the way.

As Zhang Hong ran, he looked back to see if the strange beggar had caught up with him. Unexpectedly, after running a few steps in the alley, a sack suddenly fell from the sky and covered him. The sack was very long and large, and it was immediately covered below his knees. Zhang Hong was frightened and lost his direction, and his feet began to turn around in a mess.

"Who is it? Who is teasing me? This... This is not fun. Let me go."

In response to him, there was a muffled sound, and someone hit his leg with a stick. Zhang Hong immediately hugged his calf and fell down screaming.

He fell to the ground and struggled, trying to take off the sack, but immediately two people grabbed his feet and the mouth of the sack, trapping him in the sack. Then, two more people rushed up and kicked him wildly in the body and head. Zhang Hong was just a translator, and to put it bluntly, he was a weak guy. He had never seen such a posture. He was beaten so hard that he cried and begged for mercy, but the people around him not only did not stop, but beat him even harder.

After a beating, Zhang Hong couldn't even shout. The person who kicked him seemed to walk away, but another person came up and stepped on his stomach, rolling it a few times, almost making him vomit the acid in his stomach.

At this time, the man said in a hoarse voice: "Stranger, let me teach you a lesson. Miss Catalina is favored by our boss. You actually had a crooked idea about her, you deserve to be beaten!"

Zhang Hong looked out from the mesh of the woven bag and vaguely saw a not very tall figure. Before he could answer, the man said again: "In the future, if we see you approaching Miss Catalina's house, we will beat you up every time we meet!"

"You, your boss, who are you? Do you know that I am a magician's man?" Zhang Hong asked stutteringly.

The people around laughed, "Do you think we are stupid? We know you are the magician's dog, and we still tell you our name? You don't need to know who we are, just remember to get out of here."

"You will regret it if you... insult the magician's family like this!"

The leader kicked him and rolled him over, laughing, "Why are you still talking tough? Keep beating him until I'm satisfied."

Zhang Hong gritted his teeth and was hesitating whether to give up Catalina and beg for mercy, when the fists and feet of two thugs came up and beat him so hard that he was in so much pain that he curled up into a ball.

Suddenly, his hand touched something under his arm. That's a pistol! This pistol was assigned to him by the school security team after Zhang Hong tried his best to develop the colonial colony in Floro. However, since arriving here, it has never been used. But now...

Zhang Hong took out his gun while receiving punches and kicks, turned on the safety, and pointed it at the figure watching outside the bag. His body was shaking and his hands were trembling, partly from the beating and partly from the struggle in his heart.

Suddenly, the man came over again and asked coldly: "Are you convinced? Are you willing to get out of here?"

Zhang Hong's eyes flashed with crazy light, and he roared loudly, followed by a crisp sound.


Ji Yijunzheng, Li Jia and Hong Lifeng were sorting out the goods in the store. Li Jia decided to reclassify them and price them. This was a laborious and slow job. Ji Yijun had been working for more than two hours and was already starting to get impatient.

He was thinking about taking an excuse to go to the bathroom and take a walk outside. I heard Garcia's panicked and crying voice coming from outside the store: "Teacher, teacher, it's not good. Enrique was hit by a strange magic. He... he is about to die."

"What's going on?" Ji Yijun ran to the door and saw Enrique being placed on a door panel and carried over. The guy was shaking all over, his face turned pale, and his lips lost color. He covered his waist with his hands, And blood was constantly seeping out of his body, and then dripping from the door panel to the ground.

"We went to teach that guy a lesson today. We had already caught him and were beating him. But suddenly he used a strange magic, and with a bang, Enrique was punched through the waist. I, I... …We were all frightened. Didn’t you say he doesn’t know magic?”

"Is this?" Ji Yijun suddenly felt a cold feeling on his back, and big beads of sweat broke out from his head. He carefully stepped forward to uncover Enrique's hand... the gunshot wound! Enrique had a hole punched through the right side of his abdomen!

"Teacher, please save him quickly. There must be some healing magic, right?" Garcia and others begged loudly.

"This..." Ji Yijun originally just wanted to use the hands of these little gangsters to punish Zhang Hong, but he never expected that things would turn into this. For a moment, he didn't know what to do at all, he just stared blankly at Enrique's bleeding wound.

"What's going on here?" Li Jia and Hong Lifeng were also alerted by the noise outside and ran out together.

Only then did Ji Yijun react. He grabbed Hong Lifeng's arm and asked loudly: "Does Zhang Hong have a gun? Does he have a gun with him?"

"He...has a pistol. He is very afraid of death and carries it with him every day to save his life." Hong Lifeng glanced at Enrique and became nervous. "Did he shoot and hurt someone?" He also checked where he was. Putting aside the wound, he immediately said: "It's really a gunshot wound. It was caused by his pistol. Where are the others?"

"I..., I don't know..." Ji Yijun whispered. He turned to ask Garcia. Garcia shook his head and said, "He ran away long ago, but when the villagers found out about it, they all went to arrest... He did."

Li Jia's face was very ugly. He glanced at Garcia and the others who were asking Ji Yijun to plead for mercy. After listening to their nagging words, he understood more or less that this matter had nothing to do with Ji Yijun. He became decisive at this time, "Stop talking nonsense, first aid is required. Hong Lifeng, you are a soldier, you should have learned how to deal with gunshot wounds in an emergency, right?"

Hong Lifeng nodded, went into the room and took out a medical kit, and began to apply first-aid bandages to Enrique.

"Ji Yijun, go and prepare a carriage. Once Hong Lifeng is bandaged, you will send this young man to the school hospital. Tell the hospital people and school leaders that we must do our best to rescue him."

Li Jia told him twice, but Ji Yijun still didn't respond. He pulled Ji Yijun into the room, looked at him seriously and said, "Cheer up and tell me clearly what's going on?"

"I, I don't know anything." Ji Yijun looked around in panic, not daring to look directly into Li Jia's eyes.

With a snap, Li Jia slapped the other party hard. Even though Ji Yijun had been practicing martial arts all year round, he was staggered at this time. "I'm not blind, and I can understand what they are saying. Don't even think about escaping. Only Tell me honestly so that I can help you. Now, only I can help you."

Ji Yijun covered his face and completely forgot about his anger. He looked at the angry Li Jia and then at the dying Enrique, and could only say: "I just want to use those little hooligans as a hand to teach Zhang Hong a lesson. Who knew he had a gun and could do something like this."

"You actually instigated outsiders to beat up your colleagues?" Li Jia flushed with anger and slammed the table, knocking an earthen glass bottle to the ground and shattering into glass shards, "You idiot with only muscles in your head! Now listen, don’t mention this to anyone from now on, and let your accomplices shut up if this comes to light, you will be finished!”

"what do I do?"

Li Jia held his head in annoyance and shouted: "Get out and prepare the carriage. Let me be quiet and think about how to help you."

"Li Jia, Brother Li, you have to protect me." As he said that, Ji Yijun turned around and walked out of the door.

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